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    Mr&MrsMac reacted to sera77 in is my fiance a fraud?   
    Hold off on the personal attacks against me and the OP,lifejourney. Take it to pm if you need to.
    I repeat, all I've asked for is information that is verifiable. If you're going to bring up DNA tests etc that the father might pursue, then back it up with information that he can do so through Jamaican-U.S. courts... That would be useful. How would proving the child is his be useful to his immigrating? He can't use it to get to the U.S. anyways, the child would have to petition IF the child wanted to- after age 21 years. The father can't force the mother to bring it to him in Jamaica via courts.
    I truly am curious as to what legal rights he would have from another country, no sarcasm at all here, I think it's an interesting point that wasn't substantiated.
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    Mr&MrsMac reacted to Darnell in lost job, just got NOA2, but i do have a cosponser   
    remember - you have up to a year to file the I-864 into NVC.
    Even then, lets say your situation changes, from unemployed to working again, over the next few months.
    you have income tax data from prior years,
    and you have CURRENT INCOME for THIS year, from the prior job and the new job that you'll get next week (I am positive for you)
    then you should have no problems filing an I-864 on your own.
    However, assume you have a co-sponser for today .
    You file the I-864, the co-sponser files the I-864 and then...
    IF your situation changes for the better by the time of INTERVIEW DAY, you can get a new I-864 set (solely on you) to yer spouse, spouse brings it into interview, hands it over to VO, asks for the TWO I-864s sent in to NVC to be returned right then and there; a swap, if you will.
    Come back to VJ on a PC, a LAPTOP, or some other computer. HandPhones SUCK when yer trying to learn here, to do research. You really need to read the I-864 instructions and spend about 10 hours with your research time, using a PC.
    Good Luck !
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    Mr&MrsMac reacted to Penny Lane in Husband is missing   
    I'm sorry, but you give absolutely horrible advice. Your ONLY suggestion is to always "leave them be" ... the husband has said he no longer needs his wife for anything now that he can "disappear in the US" and the wife has no idea where he is. And this is a situation that should be ignored, in your opinion? Horrible.
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