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Posts posted by crewoff

  1. Coleman21

    I see that this is an active thread so let me share my experience, which is excatly the same as yours.

    I had my new hire orientation on Friday....brought my expired Green Card, my extention letter, in the meantime also got approved for a Green Card( it took 5 months) so I had a letter congratulating me, and that my new card will be arriving soon, and my SSN card with a restriction on it, since I got that first, before my GC was even approved over 2 years ago...

    Unfortunatelly, I was pulled out from the orientation meeting, they took my badge away they just created, and made me call USCIS to find out where my new GC is, and told me to resolve this with immigration myself, as they will not accept any of my forms and papers, untill they see a new GC. They cancelled my first day at work which is on Monday, and since I have to go through 6 weeks of training to work for this company, I am going to miss this training and the next one will start sometime in the next 6 months!

    So, I could not get a hold of anyone at USCIS to check on my GC process then but I will try and find out for sure, so I was sent back home to wait for my mailman, missing the training and probably missing out a chance to work for them after going through lenghty process of 2 months to get hired, as I need to move on as well...

    But, I think this is a problem with HR personnel that does not understand the immigration process nor do they understand anything about immigration laws....I noticed that cause the HR person kept telling me how I have lost my rights to get an employment, and that my extention letter probably is for instances where I was already employed....I realized she had no clue what she was reading or telling me....so I decided to investigate....

    what they are doing is discriminatory towards this small group of us, that are in these situations, and who are trying to seek lawful employment in US, while in this status...

    it says so in the HANDBOOK for EMPLOYERS that can be found here: http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/files/form/m-274.pdf

    Read through it, and try to convice the HR person to read it as well, because if they do not comply with these rules, we are allowed to file a complaint, which I plan to file on Monday, if they still refuse to accept my lawfully issued documents...

    hey, maybe it was my fault that I believed that all people that have such responsible jobs like hiring someone would be more considerate, and if seeing some unknown form, to at least educate themselves, and maybe it was my fault not checking with them before hand, that now I am faced with such a dissapointment and resentment towards the company, their hr department, this goverment and office people, i simply don't know whom to blame here...

    but good luck to ya!

  2. I don't know if this will apply to your case, but I was questioned at the border by CBP, and was denied entry to US 5 months ago.

    CBP told me that they looked at my Facebook profile, my LinkedIn account, my Google account....and all that stuff...

    there was nothing there, and that wasn't the reason I was denied, but they do use that nowadays...it is easy and convenient for them too...

    anyway, do a simple Google search of your own name, and you'll get an idea of what might come up...remember that government officials probably have higher clearance, so they can dig even deeper...

  3. Maria2012,

    I am also a crew member, had multiple entries into US, as a tourist and on C1/D, and was denied entry to US on B1/B2 visa 5 months ago, when I tried to go visit my boyfriend. We did not even talk marriage back then, but trust me, that immigration officer did not believe a word I was saying, and I have doubts that my C1/D visa had something to do with it, as well..

    He had my file in hand, with over 60 entries in their system, and all he saw was an intending immigrant...

    Be aware, they do not like C1/D visa holders with B1/B2 very much, they consider you an intending immigrant, and they will sniff till they find something suspicious...

    That is just my experience, I hope yours is different...

    And I doubt working on the ship while waiting to adjust status is going to be easy, you will probably have to choose ships that are in Europe or Asia...

    I suggest doing K-1 visa, I know you might suffer cause of separation, but at least your bf can come visit you, and after you go through this process, you can find job anywhere, ships included...you just have to start paying taxes...:)

    good luck, whatever you decide!

  4. We are fillers from June 4th, and they "jumped" over our case too...

    I have traveled to US a lot, and spent many hours at their secondary inspection little booth, and I have seen officers come in, and pick through a pile of files, not at all paying attention at who came in first...they would make faces while going through the pile, like, oh i don't like this name, or this passport, or this picture...they were ignorant at the fact that we are seeing our passports, and that we know they are picking other cases before, but that did not bother them, all they would do is give us dirty looks like, hey, just say a word, and you'll be on a plane back home..

    so...they might be working on our current cases like that too...

    I just read your post in another topic...and I think that is terrible how they are treating your case.

    Im a february filer with no NOA2 if that helps any. I will hit 8 months of waiting tomorrow.

  5. This is good info. Thanks dwheels76. I will see if I can get tier 2 on the phone.

    Anyone else have first-hand experience getting status updates from a live person?


    Our NOA1 date is June 4th, so we did call them too, when we saw that all other applications are getting approved.

    My fiance talked to the first person that answers the phone on that USCIS line, who just gave him information that you can see on USCIS web site, that says initial review.

    Then he called again, and got to speak to Tier 2 officer, but the same thing was said to him, this petition is in the regular time frame, which is 5 months, and that its status is initial review, and that no officer has been assigned to the case. They also said, to wait another 2 months before calling them again, because they will not be able to do anything for us, meaning, initiate any kind of service request, to find out what exactly is going on with the case.

    Hope this info helps.

  6. AandD, nismo pozivom nista novog otkrili :(

    Doduse, bili su jako ljubazni i susretljivi, ali smo dobili onako opcenite odgovore, koje vjerovatno govore svima koji nazovu...

    Rekli su nam da nitko nas file trentuno ne obradjuje, da je status pending, i da bi ga u roku slijedeca dva mjeseca jedan od officera trebao pogledati i procesuirati....

    Ako, nakon sto prodje 5 mjeseci, nista ne bude, da ih nazovemo, te da ce se onda napraviti service request...

    Nista novo...

  7. Pozdrav Galla! :) Pozdrav AandD! :)

    Ovo sto se dogadja sa Vermontom i cekanjem, je katastrofalno, i cisto izivljavanje... stvarno koma!

    Mi smo odlucili da necemo vise cekati...

    Moj dragi ce u Ponedjeljak zvati USIS da vidimo dal se moze nesto provjeriti tim putem. Shvacam da smo mi "sretnici", jer smo u California centru, ali svi koji su ovdje na VJ timelineu predali u isto vrijeme sa nama, su odobreni, osim nas, prema tome...nazvat cemo da vidimo.

    Sigurna sam da ima i tisuce drugih, koji nisu ovdje na VJ-u, ali pretpostavljamo da je trend odobravanja slican i sa njima. Iskustva po forumu ovdje kazu da se nece nista lose dogoditi slucaju, ako nazovemo i pitamo...

    Makar, citala sam da je sve to zvanje nis koristi...al probat cemo...

    Pretpostavljamo da nase steka jer je malo kompliciranije od ostalih, zbog mog odbijenog ulaska, a i s obzirom da sam prije toga imala preko 60 ulazaka u Ameriku( zbog posla), pa je moj immigration file malo podeblji...

    No, citala sam ovdje, a i po drugim forumima, da razlog za odugovlacenje jednog postupka, dok se svi ostali rjesavaju, izmedju ostalog moze biti taj da je slucaj stavljen na stranu, tj. onaj tko procesuira je zbog komplikacija kod slucaja, ili iz bilo kog drugog razloga, stavio file na stranu (na neku drugu hrpu) pa sad ceka da ga netko opet pocne rjesavati...

    Posto sam tako puno prolazila kroz immigration, i bila na secondary inspectionu svaki put, :wacko: vidjela sam kako oni hendlaju svu tu papirologiju, uzmu dvije razlicite hrpe papira pa spoje u jednu, bez ama bas ikakvog reda...kako onda prebiru po tim papirima, i uzimaju si one koji im se vise svidjaju a ne po redu i redosljedu, pa pretpostavljam da ni s ovim nije nista drugacije...

    Isto tako, ako ne saznamo nista od USCIS customer servica, mislimo se obratiti i Congressmenu, jer je puno ljudi i tim putem dobilo nekakav odgovor. Ili su im odobrili aplikacije, ili su barem od Congressmena saznali sto i zasto steka...

    Javit cu vam, ukoliko dobijemo neke informacije...

    Do tad, sretno svima koji cekaju!

  8. Pozdrav svima na ovoj temi!

    Ja sam isto jedna od aplikanata za K1 vizu i mi smo podnijeli zahtjev 4.6.2012,u California centru. Ponadala sam se, kad sam vidjela, kako svi koji su podnijeli zahtjeve u isto vrijeme kao i mi, vec dobili NOA2, ali mi je uskoro uzbudjenje splasnulo, kad sam uvidjela da ih je vecina dobila NOA2 prije 20tak dana, a mi i dalje nista...To vjerovatno znaci da cemo i mi biti u onoj drugoj skupini, koja je na cekanju.

    Uostalom, ja sam imala i taj problem sto sam u 18.5.2012, pokusala uci u USA na turisticku vizu, koju imam od 2008,godine, i nisu mi dozvolili ulazak, nego su me poslali prvim avionom nazad za Hrvatsku. :crying:

    Moj "grijeh" je bio taj sto sam provodila previse vremena u Americi, te sam time prekrsila prava turisticke vize. Naime, prije toga sam provela godinu dana u Los Angelesu, 6 mjeseci od prvog ulaska, a nakon 6 mjeseci sam zatrazila produzenje od jos 6 mjeseci koje mi je bilo odobreno. Znaci, sveukupno sam provela cijelu godinu tamo. Pokusala sam ponovo uci nakon samo 2 mjeseca.

    Turisticku vizu su mi na licu mjesta otkazali, ali mi nisu stavili zabranu ulaska. Samo mi je onaj odvratni oficir tamo rekao, da mi bolje ne pada na pamet da se vracam, a ako hocu prolazit kroz mucenje i maltretiranje da onda samo naprijed!

    Pridruzujem se tako svima koji trenutno cekaju, te se nadam da mi moj denied entry, nece jos dodatno zakomplicirati proces, a mogao bi, jer kao sto citam, ovi u USCIS-u bas vole ljudima davat "hard time".

    Galla-svaka cast na strpljenju.

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