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    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Name Display in denied petition   
    I do not mean to offend, but you really need to improve your English. You've been here for years now (according to your short, repetitive answers) and you can barely make yourself understandable.
    There's a lot in this process that you would understand if you had learnt enough of the English language.
    If you answered the interview questions in a similar way that you did here, I can see why they would be suspicious.
  2. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Cody and Daisy in denied petition   
    I'm going to ignore the fact it does sound like all you want is a green card and focus on your marriage.How have you been surviving?
    Where have you been living?
    If you and your husband have not been together for three years but are trying to be, then I don't understand what you've been doing all this time.
    Things to remember.
    - you are officially out of status and illegal in america.
    - a green card for you is based on a bonafied marriage that is real and works, yours isn't working so high chance for denial again.
  3. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Transborderwife in denied petition   
    Sounds like you're more about the green card rather than the marriage. Marriage first, than worry about the green card. Where are you living? How are you surviving? Are you certain that you're still married? Is he in contact with you?
  4. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to YouAndMeForever in Confusion regarding my K-1 wife's name change.   
    In some states (mine too) immigrants are only allowed to obtain a state ID after they got EAD. So obviously it doesn't work for everybody.
    However, getting a certified copy of the marriage certificate is an easy and fast process. And it is the best proof for name change.
  5. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to YouAndMeForever in Confusion regarding my K-1 wife's name change.   
    It might work for them, yeah. BUT the official proof of name change IS a certified copy of the marriage certificate. Like I said that is what most people use and it makes sense. I obtained 4 copies on the day my husband and I got married (they were $10 each). I used 2 for the AOS and EAD applications, and I brought one with me to my biometrics appointment and I have another just in case.
    At the biometrics appointment when I had to show my ID, I showed my foreign passport and the copy of the marriage certificate. The guy who checked my ID was pleased that I brought both. He said that alot of women (who also file for AOS with their married name and have a passport with their maiden name) don't bring the copy of the marriage certificate with them and then they are surprised why they are not being let in.
  6. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Pasquel in March 2015 Filing for AOS   
    USCIS accepted my AOS on March 02, 2015. Although I sent my package late Feb. it did not get accepted until March due to bad weather.
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    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Limey in Cold Feet and Second Thoughts   
    Yes I use my full name on other parts of the internet too.
    But not on an immigration forum, and especially not if I was parading my supposed naivety and gullibility in public and talking about personal relationships. I've looked through many posts on here, and this poster is the only one who registered with firstname + surname (though when challenged now says its just a partial name).
    I wonder what happens when Basim comes across this thread? Might have been better to use a completely made up name, considering the content of the posts, the doubts raised about the relationship etc.
    The clues are there. And the story is ridiculous. This isn't even a good troll, or particularly amusing, other than the balcony thing of course which I have to admit was pretty good (I lived in the middle east for quite a while).
  8. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Limey in Cold Feet and Second Thoughts   
    What surname too? Is Maria or Seve your surname?
    A lot of us use our (real) first names. Don't know many who are using firstname and surname.
    Of course if I was, I could always later claim it was just part of my name, to keep the trolling going a little longer.
    In all honesty I find threads like this do us all a disservice - the make it look like the US visa system is open to blatant fraud, which among other things makes the public less upset when they read about us having to wait months and months at Texas Service Center to be with our real loved ones.
    Doesn't anyone else find this fishy?
    1) turns up to forum with ridiculous story about a meeting 2 storeys apart on a balcony.
    2) introduces other obvious red flags
    3) has registered on forum to seek advice about a situation that obviously looks like fraud (why else raise it on here)
    4) having asked for advice, attacks anyone who gives it
    Why do that - unless you're either trying to get a rise from people (trolling) or attempting to cast the US immigration system in a bad light (some kind of anti-immigrant political motive).
    I can't wait for the next installment, I'm expecting the story to go up a notch or two. Does anyone else expect the proposed trip to go swimmingly and it all to end happily ever after?
  9. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Limey in Cold Feet and Second Thoughts   
    Check out the posting names on this forum, eg just on this page... you're "BrittWitt", I'm "Limey". People use nicknames, not real names, even though we don't have these embarrassing stories to tell of falling in love with someone and meeting them 2 stories apart on a hotel balcony LOL it sounded like a sketch from a comedy show. Yet OP has used a name that is supposed to appear real... that is classic trolling.
    I didn't find any of it convincing, but after reading the bit where OP says "who says he's a muslim" when she'd previously said "he's a muslim" - I'm surprised anyone took any more bait from her/him (real OP could be either but my money is on a him). There is also the bit where she/he claimed to be a pentacostal christian, and then exclaimed "Jesus Christ" at the beginning of one of the posts. As a troll I'd have to give a 3 out of ten (and that is mainly for effort)
  10. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Limey in Cold Feet and Second Thoughts   
    Having read through this thread I have to say that much of OP's story doesn't make sense. I'm smelling a pretty poor troll.
    1) the picture taken from elsewhere
    2) the use of an apparently real name - unlikely when you're posting such personal stuff (same goes for the pic)
    3) the rather extraordinary story (a meeting in Morocco where they weren't allowed to meet in person so spoke on the phone from a balcony, etc)
    I lived in the Middle East. Even in the Gulf men can meet women - they just need a chaperone... and Egypt is generally more liberal than the Gulf States.
    I'm sure OP gets some kind of satisfaction from this game in some way. The posts seem deliberately crafted to elicit a response (making "Basim" out to be a pretty obvious fraud, and OP taking the role of gullible victim).
  11. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Elle&Kev in Red flag over religious differences?   
    BUT, there was a dirty towel and a white rose thrown down to her on the sidewalk. Don't exclude that part of this "tale"!
  12. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Cody and Daisy in Red flag over religious differences?   
    That wasn't an attack.That was a "you never answer anyone so I don't care anymore" response.
    I asked you three times about the pictures in your other thread and you ignored me and then finally answered with a post that wasn't even specific.
    Other people have asked you very legit questions in this thread and you've ignored them.
    No on is attacking you because no one knows you.
    Your relationship to you is perfect and to anyone it would be before they get scammed or was the subject of fraud.
    People actually try to make you understand that because they don't want someone else to go through that.
    No one knows who a person is until they live with them. And you've not even met yours face to face.
    Two stories high does not count.
    You've never been face to face with your fiancé, you've never spent any real time with him.
    And you need to because the Internet and phone calls are not the same.
    I knew mine online 7 years before we actually met, and we are both very different in person.
    But anything I say here trying to convince you that you need more evidence and you need to actually meet the guy and spend time with him and the fact that religion preventing you from doing this means he is very religious, he will not change his religion for you, and it is a huge red flag.
    But I know you will take all this as "mean" and that's very childish of you.
    I am not attacking you, I am giving you advice and information that is relevant to a case like yours.
    Take it like an adult or don't respond to me.
    Because frankly trying to help someone who does not care is not worth the time.
  13. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Cody and Daisy in Red flag over religious differences?   
    You could say that all about yourself with the lack of information and ironic things you say.You're very backwards and your story changes a lot.
    You don't listen to what people say if you don't like it.
    You ignore their questions.
    I honestly don't care anymore if you get approved or denied because you shoot down all advice and ignore everything anyone says.
    So good luck with your "marriage"
  14. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Vette in Red flag over religious differences?   
    *thinking to myself: I'll just pretend I don't know the back story on this one*
    Hello - I think it's safe to say some serious questioning will arise regarding the extreme religious differences between the two of you. Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best is what I always say.
  15. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Babyface1 in Need advice on Egyptian Fiance   
    How is it possible that you had photos taken together but you didn't stand next to each other??
  16. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Babyface1 in Need advice on Egyptian Fiance   
    She asked whether you plan to meet him again BEFORE the K1 visa interview. In order to get married you need the K1 visa to be approved first.
  17. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Babyface1 in Need advice on Egyptian Fiance   
    Because the photos and how you met in person DOES matter to USCIS... more than his uncle. USCIS does not care AT ALL whether those photos were taken by a professional photographer or not. Your photos and other evidence of having met should show genuine love, period. Your whole story just doesn't seem to add up and is very very odd.
  18. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Babyface1 in Need advice on Egyptian Fiance   
    Calm down. Nobody is a naysayer here. If you don't want to hear honest answers, why did you open this thread? You are babbling.
  19. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Babyface1 in Need advice on Egyptian Fiance   
    Egypt is also a HIGH fraud country, so the same rules apply.
    Why are you so sure after "one brief meeting" when you "didn't stand next to each other" (you said these things) that he is not a fraudster like his brother is? FYI the rose and the towel and other fishy things are typical when fraudsters from third world countries try to make American women fall in love with them.
    This whole story is surreal.
  20. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Babyface1 in Need advice on Egyptian Fiance   
    I meant to say his uncle.
  21. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Babyface1 in Need advice on Egyptian Fiance   
    We tried to help you, so stop being arrogant. Your case is FULL of red flags (being engaged shortly after having met, meeting breefly in person and only one time, cultural differences, different religion, fraudster relative, etc).
    You have been told a bunch of useful answers. IF you have solid evidence of bonafide relationship, his uncle shouldn't matter but he is definitely a huge red flag either way. MORE TIME SPENT IN PERSON TOGETHER is needed if you want to get approved. Egypt is a high fraud country and the US Consulate in Egypt won't be impressed that he has met you only once in person. It's not being negative and pessimistic, these are FACTS.
    It is still beyond my understanding why after seeing your sister heartbroken you jumped in a relationship with a relative of the fraudster.
  22. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Babyface1 in Red flag over religious differences?   
    Nobody is attacking you. You just don't like people calling you what you are: a troll. It is ridiculous how badly you try to make yourself sound like a victim who gets attacked here. Your story is not even coherent. Next time try to memorize it before you start your show.
  23. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Babyface1 in Red flag over religious differences?   
    I have pointed out at the very beginning of the other thread that this user cannot be for real. He/She is obviously trolling and enjoys getting the attention. I have yet to understand why some of my comments got deleted in the other thread. I was pointing out the obvious. Calling a spade a spade.
    IF this story is real, then the OP knows NOTHING about how immigration works. And IF this case is real, it will get denied most likely at the USCIS stage, but definitely at the embassy interview. But again, this can't be real. There is too much bs.
  24. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to Babyface1 in Red flag over religious differences?   
    These things are all off topic and way too personal. I hope you don't consider these statements evidence of bonafide relationship because the USCIS sure as hell won't.
  25. Like
    ThisSiteSucks reacted to YouAndMeForever in Marriage certificate Name and Aos Filing   
    This is normal. My marriage certificate has my maiden last name on it too. She does NOT need to change her name in court. The marriage certificate is the official proof that both last name belongs to her. File for AOS with the name she wants to use in the future (as you stated, her married last name).
    After you file for AOS, they will schedule a biometrics appointment for her at the local USCIS office and she will need to present a valid ID. If she files for AOS with her married name and she takes her passport as an ID to that appointment, make sure she has a copy of the marriage certificate with her as proof of name change.
    Also, it is up to her whether she wants to get a new passport with her married name in it or let the old one expire and then renew it using her married name. Even after she gets her green card she can travel with her old valid passport in case she carries a copy of the marriage certificate with her.
    Good luck!
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