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  • Gender
  • City
    Atlanta, GA

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Atlanta GA
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I met my fiance in Jamaica while on vaccation with my friends. We hit it off right away. I wrote it off as a vaccation romance, but after I came back home the first night we talked 6 hours on the
    phone. We have been inseperable ever since. I have
    been back to Jamaica almost every 2 months. We got engaged April 30th. He took me Parasailing and asked me in the air.Now filing K1

    2/28/2011 Met In Jamaica
    3/5/2011 first date and kiss, fell in love
    5/29/2011 first trip back to JA
    7/10/2011 trip to JA
    9/6/2011 trip to JA
    2/5/2012 trip to JA
    4/29/2012 trip to JA
    4/30/2012 HE ASKED AND I SAID YES
    5/30/2012 filed for K1 visa
    6/6/2012 MY BIRTHDAY AND NOA1 Best bday present ever
    8/12/2012 trip to JA
    11/26/2012 NOA2
    12/30/2012 trip to JA
    1/24/2012 Medical appointment
    2/7/2013 INTERVIEW---APPROVED :))
    2/22/2013 Visa/Passport received
    2/23/2013 US entry :)
    4/26/2013 WEDDING
    9/29/2015 Update, hubby has been in the US almost 3 years now. we had a baby girl last year in october. all is well. waiting to remove conditions on green card

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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  1. where does my fiancee get his police record??? he lived in Negril. They are telling him Kingston but surely he would be able to get it in MoBay. Help!!

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    2. G&M


      just about the photos....Im good now

      thank you :)

    3. aaydrian


      Correction $1000 = 3 week and $2000 = 1 week

    4. Pinkrlion


      We went and got about 12 photos done. You need 2 - police cert, 4 - medical, and 6-at interview. Here is the issue with other locations. The worker in Kingston told us that they only mail to the offices whenthey have a group to mail, they are not going to just send yours. Also, if your fiance has ever been to court for anything, there is a seperate form to be completed by the courts before they will issue the cert.

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