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M + H Hawkins

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Status Updates posted by M + H Hawkins

  1. Long time no see...how is everyone

  2. Long time no see...how is everyone

  3. How is everyone doing? Hopefully everything is going well.

  4. Sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying life. Nothing like having your loved one home...

    1. Tayri n Tudert

      Tayri n Tudert

      Hey dude, am I allowed to envy you ?! *Joke*

      A long time no talk. How are you guys doing ?

    2. mounir412


      i wish you happy life :)

  5. I love hearing peoples stories and lending assistance. Leave a private message and we can talk about them :).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M + H Hawkins

      M + H Hawkins

      Congrats :). My wife and I are working on preparing her resume and cover letter, and then she will be applying all over the area here.

    3. M + H Hawkins

      M + H Hawkins

      Congrats :). My wife and I are working on preparing her resume and cover letter, and then she will be applying all over the area here.

    4. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      That's wonderful! Keep us posted! My hubby is working at the local University. Landed a construction job. A very good job with good pay. He only applied for two jobs before finding one. I pray the same for your wife as well. Quick turnaround!

  6. whats the status? Hoping for good news

  7. whats the status? Hoping for good news

  8. How are all of my friends doing?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. M + H Hawkins

      M + H Hawkins

      hhhhh sounds very familiar. So far my wife has only eaten a couple of American things, and insists on cooking her own food (which I don't mind cuz she is a good cook)

    3. M + H Hawkins

      M + H Hawkins

      hhhhh sounds very familiar. So far my wife has only eaten a couple of American things, and insists on cooking her own food (which I don't mind cuz she is a good cook)

    4. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      See that's the key! I think if he was cooking his own dishes, I'd be eating that, cause I really love Nigerian food. I guess I'm more afraid of messing the dish up. But, he is beginning to eat a few things here...slowly but surely. If it has tomatoes, onion and hot pepper, he's good to go! lol

  9. Relaxing at home with my wife. So happy, and will be here off and on for the next 21 months.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. dwheels76


      Oh sure just leave me M + H. So not fair. I am tryin to hold it down. No one does the interview charts as good as you. ;-)

      I am so jealous u and Dana, Winnie. Too many to name but I know my turn will come.

    3. M + H Hawkins

      M + H Hawkins

      Your turn and happiness will come soon Dw :)

    4. M + H Hawkins

      M + H Hawkins

      Your turn and happiness will come soon Dw :)

  10. took my wife 3 months to hear, and 7 months before visa approval.

  11. took my wife 3 months to hear, and 7 months before visa approval.

  12. yes she can. It may not be needed, but she can take whatever evidence is needed.

  13. yes she can. It may not be needed, but she can take whatever evidence is needed.

  14. any updates my friend?

  15. Inshallah your day will come soon my friend.

  16. We Finally have reached the top of the mountain. More details to follow as soon as I know more :).

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. divanater530


      Congratulations!!!! i am soooo happy for you both!!!..

    3. divanater530


      Congratulations!!!! i am soooo happy for you both!!!..

    4. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Hey brother...you're wife home yet or coming in January? Wishing you many blessings!

  17. Its the final Countdown... less then 11 hours

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. M + H Hawkins

      M + H Hawkins

      She seems to be very confident, while i am a nervous wreck. She will be calling me as soon as she gets back home following the interview, and I am hoping for the best wake up call ever.

    3. destiny64


      congratulations, I see you were approved! I can imagine how excited you are, now enjoy your life together!

    4. divanater530


      CONGRATULATIONS!!!.. I am soo happy for you!!

  18. Oops....Miscalculated....32 hours until she is scheduled for her interview.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Okay brother. I'm waiting on your wife's results. Got internet connection....lets get this party started!

    3. basstof and robi

      basstof and robi

      the best of luck to you guys!!!

    4. littoral1


      approved inshaalah we all pray for u both

  19. 49.5 hours left till her interview....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zinebjalil


      My dua are with you and all who are trying to get their love ones home inshallah all will be good for you :)

    3. M + H Hawkins

      M + H Hawkins

      Thank you for your prayers

    4. M + H Hawkins

      M + H Hawkins

      Thank you for your prayers

  20. So Nervous...We are in the final week....Wednesday...8:30 AM Moroccan standard time....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. zinebjalil


      Inshallah all will be good

    3. kouky


      allah iwfe9 ! insha allah , your interview will be good!

    4. Shoot Em Straight

      Shoot Em Straight

      My husaband's is the same time...we are taking the train down to Casa tomorrow a day ahead.

  21. I am a little confused now. We sent our marriage certificate and translation into NVC as well as two passport photos. Does she need to get more photos and bring a copy of the certificate and translation?

  22. Of course photo album, she has already packed that in her bag to take with her. What about passport photos? or are the two that were previously sent the NVC good enough?

  23. did you have to take any additional photos with your to your CR interview?

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