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Status Updates posted by abner137

  1. Nice to finally see some fast noa2's.....

    1. Dear06


      i seen that too :))

  2. Thank you too...congrats on the approval!

  3. Wow..way mucho elder...:) You have been here such a long time..at least by your posts...and just filed recently??..I'll be sure to watch your timeline as we are a month or so behind you...Have a great day.

  4. July 29th sounds good........

  5. lol...love the avatar

  6. Congratulations...hope that ours is that quick...love ur interests...lol

  7. It's gonna be a long summer........

  8. np...look forward to knowing you.

  9. Congratulations...hope that ours moves so fast.

  10. yuh, just waiting.....78 days today since NOA1

  11. Hurry up and wait............

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