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Status Updates posted by Chii

  1. Hi Dana! I am glad to hear from you! My husband still waiting for biometric letter since December 2014. We haven't visit home either.By God grace we will visit this year with our baby girl who arrived September 2014.

  2. waiting on biometric letter for ROC since December 2014. Is this normal?

  3. Time for us to remove condition!

  4. Hi Dana! longtime! How are you doing? Have you guys start working on removing condition?

    1. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Hi Chii, Yes, we've went through the process and have completed the biometrics again. I've talked to a couple of people and they are extending the 2 years for one year while waiting on the biometrics. So basically, we're just waiting on the actual 10 year card. There is nothing else to do, unless he decides to apply for citizenship. Everything is going well. He's had a steady job since a month after he got here with no lapses and he is loving it. We have not went back home yet...

  5. Hi Sister! Longtime. How are u doing?

  6. How are you doing sister? Happy holiday to you and your husband!

  7. ha

    1. Chii


      Hi! Happy holiday! how are you and your husband doing?

  8. Hi Sister! How are you and hubby doing? God bless.

  9. Sister what was the outcome?

  10. Sister what was the outcome?

  11. Chii

    Just stopping by to say Hi!

  12. Chii

    Just stopping by to say Hi!

  13. How is everybody? I hope things are moving well for all. Hubby still looking for job since January POE.

    1. Olomi_811


      Hi, have him try a temp agency. Start small and expand.

    2. Ada&Neme


      What state r u in? Wish I could help

  14. How is everybody? I hope things are moving well for all. Hubby still looking for job since January POE.

  15. Just stopping by to say Hi! I hope all is well with you.God bless!

  16. Just stopping by to say Hi! I hope all is well with you.God bless!

  17. Getting close!God is at work.

  18. Getting close!God is at work.

  19. Praiseeeeeeeeeeeeee God! God has done it for us!

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. jaycali



    3. BimnKay
    4. RosyG


      Congrats Chii, God works in ways we cannot understand.Did u two frontload at the NVC stage?

  20. Interview is tomorrow! God help us pls!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Oh, I'm just seeing this Winnie! So sorry! Divine got out of the embassy till 3. (How do you like that Nigerian answer? Hahahahah Till 3 is any time from 2:31 until 2:59! Crazies damned thing I heard the entire time I was there!)

    3. winnie george

      winnie george

      Lol, okay I got out by 2, had a 10 am schedule

    4. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      That was still an extremely long time! Not enough snacks in the world for all those nerves and energy being expended while waiting!

  21. God all power belongs to you! One more day before my husband's interview.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Alright love, we are waiting on you today and praying over you and your husband!

    3. Chii


      Hi Dana! the interview is tomorrow!Oh God help us!

    4. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      We are going to get great news! No worrying, only praying allowed!

  22. Goodluck on your interview!

  23. Goodluck on your interview!

  24. Chii

    Goodluck on your interview!!! Waiting to hear the good news!

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