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Posts posted by Romeo&Analet

  1. yes... I got my green card ...thank you so much!

    The OP has indicated she came to the US on a CR-1/IR-1 spousal visa, and that she has a green card. This is not a K-1.

    Romeo: If your visa says "Immigrant visa" and CR-1 or IR-1, and you have received a "permanent resident card" aka green card, then you can travel freely, no worries. Just bring your green card and your passport. There is no waiting, you have a green card, you are a legal permanent resident and have been from the day you entered the US on your immigrant visa. Technically, you could have traveled the day after you entered if you wanted to.

    Be careful not to spend too much time outside the US (6 months +) or the USCIS may consider your LPR status abandoned.

  2. This is my 4th week here in the United States, I have a job opportunity, but no social sec card (eather number) yet!

    I have heard that people gets it in two weeks.

    When I have called to their offices it seems they are not familiar with the fact that it was requested already in my Visa paperwork (DS-230)

    (I already have my green card but it is not enough for working.)

    ...your comments will be of great help!...THANKS!

  3. thanks for your answer...

    actually that's what was told by my husband,

    but I was a little confused because, when I made the medicals in my country,

    the Doctor told me I was going to need the X-Rays and copy of the vaccines record to get my work permit;

    he gave me that in another envelope to bring that here to the USA

    thanks again!

  4. thank you so much for your reply...

    you've been very helpful! :)

    blessings to you !

    Hi there,

    They told me the same about the Green Card, however, after 2 weeks, I got it in the mail. Regarding your SSN, if you don't get within 21 days you can go to a Social Security Office and they will start processing it for you. After 1 or 2 days, you can go to the office and they can give you the number while you wait for the card. It takes around 10 days to get it in the mail.

    You can work without your Green Card, the stamp that you have in your passport works as a G.C. However, you need to get your SSN before you start working.. Thus, you will probably have your GC by that time..

  5. hi! ... I am already at USA, since last week, when I asked the Immigration Official @ Houston, about the time to get my green card, he said it takes 6 months...

    what about the Social Secc card?...how long does it takes?

    ...and on the other hand I would like to know if while I get the green card, can I work (using my passport only)?

    ...is the stamp on my passport like a validation that I am here legally to be able to work? or do I need to wait to get my green card?

    all your comments will be appreciated...thanks!

  6. Don't wait the time they told you to avoid any delay

    you should send an e-mail here: NVCResearch@state.gov

    and keep sending them e-mails until you get your case #

    Beneficiary's #

    and your invoice identification #

    you need always do this:

    on the subject line your WAC #


    and on your e-mail:

    Petitioner's Name:

    Petitioner's Date of Birth:

    Beneficiary's Name:

    Beneficiary's Date of Birth:

    Once you get that info you can continue in touch with them sending emails to:

    but this time on the subject line your case #


  7. thank you so much Dave,

    yes, I read something like you are telling me. They said it must be authorized by the County Court. I sent the DS-230 and there was requested the GC, and it would be like this:

    CASTILLO DE SMITH, Blanqui. So, it seems no way, I have to wait about two years :S then... thanks again!

    If you have already filed the paper work using the "Castillo de" then the GC will have that on it. When you file for ROC in about 2 years change your name then. You can file the I90 and pay the fee to change the name on the GC, but it will still take time and cost I think $485 or so. I would recommend you do the change the next time you have dealing with USCIS which will be for ROC to get the 10 year GC. Just put the name you want on the form and do not forget to list your current name as others used. Once the GC has been changed you can then change the name in the passport or you can change the name in the passport now that you are married. If that is too much of a PITA then wait after naturalization and apply for a US passport with the name like your GC.

    Hope this helps,


  8. thanks everyone for your comments!

    I appreciate your time reading my post. My question is a little confuse, so I would like to give you more details.

    ...I filed out all forms and docs for USCIS /NVC as "Blanqui Castillo de Smith" as shown in my passport.

    And I will travel using those names. (airline tickets CASTILLO DE SMITH, Blanqui).

    But it has given issues to my husband. Let's say for credit card's forms, (they issue my credit card as BLANQUI SMITH);

    insurances forms, etc. Because Americans seems to be confuse

    Taking "Castillo" as my middle name.

    Now, my question is if I can use at the US only a short way like this:


    (in my country it would be Blanqui de Smith)

    I google my question, looking for some information and someone said that's possible, but must be authorized by the Court .

    It seems I need to pay about $400 and present my marriage certificade.

    But that was all I found :S so I would like to know what you have done according to your experience.

    Everything from USCIS and NVC has been like this:

    Last name: CASTILLO DE SMITH (Always both of them, not only one ).

  9. thank you so much!

    If you have already filed the paper work using the "Castillo de" then the GC will have that on it. When you file for ROC in about 2 years change your name then. You can file the I90 and pay the fee to change the name on the GC, but it will still take time and cost I think $485 or so. I would recommend you do the change the next time you have dealing with USCIS which will be for ROC to get the 10 year GC. Just put the name you want on the form and do not forget to list your current name as others used. Once the GC has been changed you can then change the name in the passport or you can change the name in the passport now that you are married. If that is too much of a PITA then wait after naturalization and apply for a US passport with the name like your GC.

    Hope this helps,


  10. You may know that in Central and South America we use the word "de"

    before our husband's last name

    1. Americans use only this way:

    Blanqui Smith

    2.But in our countries it would be:

    Blanqui de Smith (short form)

    I was married in my country so my name in passport, and all the legal documents have my father´s last name, the the word "de"

    and then my husband's last name

    So, my long name seems to be very complicated and for some other paperwork we have done, it seems to be confussed at the US

    My question: I will travel with my passport (loooong name)... once I get to the US, is there one way to use simple as Blanqui Smith?

    I will appreciate your help! thanks

  11. that's right...but

    on the subject must be the WAC # (that's the receipt number given to you by the USCIS

    on the body of your email:

    beneficiary's name

    beneficiery's date of birth

    petitioner's name

    petitioner's date of birth

    then you can ask your question

    good luck!

    if you don't have case number yet:

    NVCResearch: NVCResearch@state.gov

    for further questions:


  12. my suggestion is to list all her entries to the US as they requested

    if space is not enough you can attach a continuation sheet for that item.

    good luck

    Hello all,

    My wife resided in the USA for several years with an F-1 visa, and then 2 years with a CR-1 Visa. After that we moved to Japan and we are now applying for another visa to return to the US. She has had some trouble answering a few questions on the DS-230 form.

    Question 35 asks her to list previous visits to or residence in the United States. During the years she lived in the US she made regular visits back to Japan to see her family. Should we list the dates she returned to the US from these visits? Of course each of these visits is reflected with stamps in her passport and I am just worried about any confusion that may occur.

    Question 32/employment history - Should she leave no gaps in a ten year time frame and include all of the dates she was unemployed or just list each job and not worry about listing dates of unemployment?

    Thanks for all the help!

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