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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Nebraska Service Center
  • Local Office
    Philadelphia PA
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  • Our Story
    We have been married for 3 years. We started our visa journey on May 3, 2013. Finally after all the time apart, and all the patiently waiting, tons of paperwork, and countless hours of stress, Visa Approved Nov 7, 2014!! My husband is finally home!!

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  1. 12 days left of the 60 day backlog. Think I am calling in the morning to "check" on things. The anxiety is driving me crazy!

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    2. HettyandSaid


      yea, that is when the fees go up. I am still trying to understand how much the new fees are.. and where would i pay them.. etc. I am nervous too.. trying to keep the hope that he will be here for christmas!

    3. Happytobe


      From what I've seen... The difference is paid at the interview... But, like I said, we're hoping it's before.... You keep yourself composed better than I did! You are an amazing woman!

    4. HettyandSaid


      I am hoping it is before they go up too... and lol.. it is very hard to keep myself composed... the woman on the phone was with me on why it should not take 60 days to verify a black ink signature!! I want to yell scream and demand action now, but .. I do not want it to be harder on Said at the interview... so.. I keep a lot of my thoughts in my head! hahhahaha!

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