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Status Updates posted by Alex&Manny

  1. Yes, ma'am. Esa es el "packet three", pero yo le digo Invitation letter porque 'paquet' se escucha como muchos papeles - y siempre me confundian!

  2. Merry Christmas everyone! (new pics up*)

  3. Yeah, we did Jose. :( Unfotunately at the moment - we're in the same rut as you guys. It's very expensive to do dream wedding and AOS. We wed on Nov 16th at the county clerk's. :) And have plans for our big wedding to be within the next year and a half or so. We are doing AOS in two weeks.

  4. After days of pulling my hair out over doctors who wanted to rip us off - I finally found the one to do my husbands medical that won't charge us an arm and a leg! :D

    1. jose_leti


      did you guys get married at the civil court only?

    2. Alex&Manny


      Yeah, we did Jose. :( Unfortunately at the moment - we're in the same rut as you guys. It's very expensive to do dream wedding and AOS at the same time. We married on Nov 16th at the county clerk's. :) And have plans for our big wedding to be within the next year and a half or so. We are doing his AOS in two weeks.

    3. jose_leti


      Thanks. we also got married this saturday at the county clerk.

  5. WHOOPS. forget the ds 160****** Hehe.

  6. No it's just the ds 260. Forget the ds 260 that doesn't apply to you. Later when you get a chance print copies of the ds 156 and ds 156k (two copies of each) but that's not very important right now. Right now get the ds 260 finished so you can move on to the next step.

  7. No te me desesperes mujer! :) It's stressful because you're so close but there is still so much to do. Trust me, I understand!

    https://www.facebook.com/MrMrsEnriquez9293 Add me and I'll be available 24/7. Aveces no me conecto a VJ.

  8. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner! :( Yes, for his permanent address put yours! Ya que piensan vivir juntos no? And for his job out there, it depends what he did. My husbands job era ordeñar vacas! Hehe. Pero en ingles se diria Ranch hand. No se que haga tu prometido?

  9. Ahi si no sabria que decirte. I didn't meet poverty level income, so my uncle signed as co-sponsor for us. He had to present bank statements, 2012 taxes, last 3 paycheck stubs, and proof that he was a resident/citizen.

  10. You can schedule as soon as you'd like. :) Go on the website it says and begin scheduling. Sometimes there are appointments as soon as a week or two, sometimes the wait is a month. It really depends. So I would schedule now.

  11. Go on to FORUMS at the top right. Then scroll all the way down to the box that say GENERAL DISCUSSION AREA, under REGIONAL DISCUSSION click on Mexico, Latin & South America. :)

  12. And finally, now that you have packet 3 - schedule her interview! :) Follow the instructions that are on the letter. Go to the weblinks and you should be good to go from there. Here on Visajourney there are plenty of examples of what other things you'll need to print out for her interview. Will you be going with her?

  13. "Packet 3" is actually just a letter from the Juarez consulate with various web links telling you to schedule your appointment. If for whatever reason you can't email/scan it to her - DON'T WORRY. When she goes to Juarez first thing she should do is go to the consulate and ask for a copy, she should tell them she never got it. And they have no problem providing that for her.

  14. Honestly, don't count on it getting to her. The mexican mail system is terrible. As long as YOU have it, that's what matters. My husband never got his but I did. So what I did was scan/email the letter to him and that's how he had his copy.

  15. Come here, we'll help you with all your questions - but if the question isn't in English or the replies, forget it! >.

  16. That is interesting! Y sabias que el 28 de cada mes es el dia de San Judas Tadeo? El santo de los imposibles. ;) No se si eres Catolica pero si lo eres, rezale que todo les vaya bien con sus tramites y que puedan estar juntos pronto y para siempre. Saludos!

  17. Got my last name changed and his SSN today. Have an apt for his AOS with our advisor until January 8th.

    1. aguileralupita30


      que bueno!! felicidades! seems like the process never ends.lol

    2. Alex&Manny


      RIGHT? Haha. Thanks!

  18. and email it to him.

  19. * So no, haha. I realized I didn't answer your question - you don't need copies of those. Since Mexico's mail system is so bad your fiance might not get the invitation letter (packet 3). DON'T WORRY. When he gets to Juarez, very first thing he should do is go to the consulate and tell them that and they'll give him one. If you get it in the US once you're back - scan it ...

  20. They just want to SEE that you have the documents. At the medical and ASC (CAS in spanish) they won't take them from you. At the interview they will.

  21. No hay de que. :) Agonzer92. Just let me know when you'll be on. I think I might have to re download Skype in my laptop.

  22. You can actually pay online if you'd like. If you're paying with a VISA. My husband did it over there so he had to pay at a Banamex. Any other questions you can msg me or I've got Skype so that it's easier.

  23. Yes, ma'am. :) After filling out the Ds260, you will get a confirmation number at the very end with a barcode. Print it out. If your fiance is paying, have him print it (email it to him if you'd like) and he needs to take it to the bank (banamex) so that he can pay the US 240$.They will give him a recepit. KEEP THE RECEIPT. You need it for the interview.

  24. Thanks! And so far so good.

  25. Hola Kathy! Mi marido dice que aparte de que el nunca obtuvo su carta militar, cuando estuvo en Juarez no se la pidieron. Cualquier otra pregunta, para eso estamos! Saludos.

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