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Trojans Fan

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Posts posted by Trojans Fan

  1. Hello,

    It is about time for me to file the I-751 for removal of conditions for my family but I have a question that I would like answered about the price. I know the fee is $505 and the biometrics is $85. I need to remove conditions for my wife and two kids. My question is, are the kids included in my wifes I-751 form which costs $505 or do I need to send a seperate I-751 and $505 for each person?


  2. If she wants to study medicine here she will need to apply for the college(s) of her choice and upon acceptance & enrollment she will have to ask the school to send her form I-20. The I-20 is her proof of enrollment and the basis for her to begin her student visa application process. She will also need to take TOEFL in order to comply with proficiency requirements.

    Good luck!

    Thank you, that's what I needed to know.

  3. Hi,

    I brought my wife and two kids to the US on CR-1/CR-2 visas from Brazil. We have been in the US for one month now and both of our kids recieved their SSN cards in the mail on the same day three weeks after arriving. A few days later, they received their welcome notices. My wife just received her welcome notice, 4 weeks after arriving but no word of her SSN card. Has this happened to anyone else? Can I go down to the Social Security office and get another copy? What can I do at this point?

  4. OP i don't understand what your thesis is and what kind of answers you're looking for. will the essay be in english or vietnamese? imo you don't have enough grasp of the english language to communicate your thoughts clearly or transcribe the experiences of other viet wives you come across if it's done in english. also do we differentiate the "american citizen men" between caucasians and viet kieu? the experience for the wives will be markedly different. what about being buddhist or catholic/christian? if you belong to a church group the support there will be quite stronger? etc etc.

    this is a fallacy imo, maybe for the petitioner but not beneficiary. i'm confident most beneficiaries don't "fall in love" in the traditional sense. i mean how could you? you talk to this person once a day, at most 2-3 hours? you see them in person 20-25 days in a good year? sometimes you talk to them for a few months, see them once...and get married. it's not a normal courtship, so kinda hard to fall in love. i see it more as an arranged marriage, and at best the couple will learn to love each other through the years.

    there are exceptions, but most viet beneficiaries agree to this deal because they want a better opportunity elsewhere than the one they're currently in. you don't voluntarily agree to leave your home, your family, your friends, your life, the familiar surroundings to go to a strange land with a man you barely know. and i'm not even talking about the good ole USA. hundreds of women are being picked for marriage everyday to china, korea, japan in HCM.

    I feel sorry for the meal ticket husband. I know my wife is in love with me and would live with me in any country. There is no minimum time frame one must meet before it is possible to fall in love. Was your marriage a business transaction "deal" for you?

    It is those types of people (that marry to better their standards of living alone and not for love) that create the stereotype that exists today about marrying foreign women. I believe that if those are the true underlying intentions, it is considered fraud.

  5. I don't think you are in the right state of mind. The only reason you should be doing this is because you want to spend the rest of your life with your husband/wife and not for an adventure in your dream country. Did you marry your husband so he could pay your way into your dream country? I don't think you should leave your family in your native country simply in hope for a better life (standard of living) but you should leave your homeland/family IF you want to live with your husband, whether or not the standard of living will be 1000% better or not.

  6. My cases (3) have all completed at the NVC but I am afraid that the interview will be scheduled in late July at the earliest. I have petitions for my wife and two kids (5 and 10 years old) Can I expedite my cases and hope to get an earlier interview date based on getting the kids enrolled in school before the start of the school year?

  7. I was given the "no openings" line by an operator one night, I called again the very next day and low and behold, and interview had been scheduled for the following month. I would say call again tomorrow or in a few days and see what happens.

    Thanks, I already called and they were like "Your case just completed YESTERDAY, you can call back in the third week of June to see IF it is scheduled for July". I guess it just depends on the mood of the rep you talk to at the moment.

  8. My case finally closed at the NVC today!! :dance:

    What happens next? I understand that the NVC only schedules the next months interviews during the first two weeks of the current month. So I guess since the case closed in the beginning of the third week, my case will sit at the NVC and then be scheduled during the first two weeks of next month for July? When I spoke with a rep at the NVC, she said that there were no more openings in June for the Consulate in Rio.

    About how long does it take to get the interview scheduled after closing the case? What happens next?

  9. I used rapidvisa.com for my wife and kids (CR-1 and CR-2) and I can say that in the beginning it DID help me a lot. Since I was a total noob at the beginning, having rapidvisa prepare my documents for the initial submission to USCIS was very helpful. HOWEVER, after that, the site was of little help to me, in fact, it even caused me to get a RFE and delayed my case once at the NVC. I will explain.

    Since I have a wife and two kids to petition for, rapidvisa does not handle children gracefully. I mean, the initial submission to USCIS accounts for Wife and kids but the second stage of the processes to prepare documents to submit to the NVC only gives you the opportunity to automatically fill out your spouses documents. I was stuck filling out forms for the kids myself. Now onto the RFE.....rapidvisa is nice because it asks you questions and then automatically fills out the necessary forms for you, which can take out some of the headache. I got burned due to a programming error in rapidvisas processes. During the initial information gathering when you list where your spouse has lived since she turned 16, they provide you with adaptive fields to fill out. As I filled out my wifes previous addresses, the form stopped allowing me to input data once I had gone 5 years back from the present day, which at the time I thought nothing of. I then sent my ds-230s to the NVC only to have my wifes kicked back to me because there was a gap in the living section. Since rapidvisa had only allowed me to input where she had lived for the previous 5 years, I was missing data that I needed to list. So I downoaded the ds-230 and filled out the form again and listed the one missing line of information and submitted the document. This little error cost me at least two weeks of wait time that could have been avoided.

    If you use a service like rapidvisa, DO NOT ASSUME that they will fill in the forms correctly. I will be sure to tell rapidvisa about the shortcomings of their system.

    Overall, I do like how easy they make the processes. They just need to refine their programming to adhere to all of the rules on the forms you have to submit.

  10. Hey guy,

    did you call from Brazil right? Which time can I talk to an operator if I call from Brazil?

    cos I got wrong timezone time over the internet I guess, Is it normal call around 3:00 pm in Brazil and they keep you in line to talk to an operator?

    Or the automatic messages keep you in line too?

    They asked me to wait around 5 min. to get an operator talking to me


    I didnt wait, should've I?

    The NVC hours of operation are from Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 12:00 AM (Eastern Time)

    Depending on where you live in Brazil, the time may be off by an hour or two. You should wait until you are able to talk to someone. I have been on hold (waiting) for more than 15 minutes at times. It is best to call later at night. That is when they don't have as many calls coming in and you won't have to wait so long. You could try calling at 19:00 your time and see if they answer any quicker.

  11. I wish it were as simple as just changing realms. I personally have many RL friends on my server(realm) as well as in my guild. Changing servers will mean she not only separates from her husband, but also potentially friends which is what she will really need at this time. Which is why I vote for kicking him and the mistress out of the guild instead (unlikely to be her call but maybe the GM's like her more :D) ... OR changing guilds and having her friends go with her :)

    You have a point. At any rate, she will need to remove him from her real life getaway.

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