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Posts posted by Chocnut

  1. Hi Chocnut

    People feel lost when they don't have an action plan. You've identified several things that caused you to lose important parts of your personality. Depending on him for driving is one, so right there is something you can plan. Write down a plan for attaining the license - the written exam and the driving skills exam. If you are studying the drivers' manual instead of stressing out about not having a license you are going to feel better. If he doesn't have money to pay for lessons then sell something. Your mental health is more important than some stupid posession.

    If you miss kids and being around school then if you can't apply for work then look for where you can volunteer. Or have kids with your husband. The part about having friends - you have to be careful with that. We had a lot of morons telling us how important it was to have my wife go out and make friends with other people instead of relying on each other so much. One common suggestion was running out and finding other Filipinos to associate with. But friends are never to be chosen lightly and most especially not chosen simply because they are Filipino, or white, or in the same religion. It does indeed take time to find true friends.

    We do videochat with her family and it's amazing.

    One thing about a fear you expressed - feeling like you depend on your husband too much emotionally. The last thing you ever want to to is hide your feelings from him. You absolutely must communicate fully and openly with him. You will start to live a separate life inside your head and grow apart if you don't. He can't help fix a problem he doesn't know about. Men are pretty stupid and don't understand anything except being told directly, clearly, and forcefully. It's great to hear how highly you spoke of him. Many times on this forum we hear people talk about how much they gave up, without a single nice thing to say about their husband. You must really love him.

    Thanks for this reply. You're right about action plans. I am a big believer of balance, that while it is important to allow ourselves to experience all sorts of emotions, we have to do something about the causes of our grief. However, in spite of the plans we had, it's the process of "getting there", the waiting, the daily-ness of things, is I think what seems to highlight the pains that changes bring. Sometimes, knowing is not the same thing as feeling. My head may know that things are temporary, that this too shall pass, but it doesn't follow that the heart would instantly feel how it is supposed to feel. It needs time. I guess the best I can do now is to make the most of each day while working on the action plan. On the other hand, I've given up on rushing things and trying to get the solution right here right now. I am just learning to accept things as they are and trusting that everything is beautiful in GOD's time. No, this doesn't shield me from feeling lost from time to time, but it helps me appreciate what I have and make the "getting there" a delight.

    One thing about a fear you expressed - feeling like you depend on your husband too much emotionally. The last thing you ever want to to is hide your feelings from him. You absolutely must communicate fully and openly with him. You will start to live a separate life inside your head and grow apart if you don't. He can't help fix a problem he doesn't know about. Men are pretty stupid and don't understand anything except being told directly, clearly, and forcefully. It's great to hear how highly you spoke of him. Many times on this forum we hear people talk about how much they gave up, without a single nice thing to say about their husband. You must really love him.

    This is SUCH A RELIEF! Thank you for mentioning this. I worry day in and day out if I give him too much information than he can handle and it's hard to believe that he can take it because he's more of the logical-type. I just take his word for it. Lol, he's like my therapist :)) THe interesting parts is, all he says is "What's bothering you?", listens, and just hugs me. That's it. It works wonders. Seems to be helping our marriage, too. When I tell him everything, we seem to develop the friendship part better.

    And if I love him so much and speak highly of him, as Alanis Morissette put it, "I couldn't help it, it's all his fault."

    I definitely suggest to learn how to drive and get your driver's license as soon as possible. Being free and conveniently go wherever you want without depending to anyone to drive you is a huge plus for overcoming the feeling of being stagnant in a new environment and it's easy to find job too.

    Indeed:) That's what my mom and mother-in-law have been saying. Just need to brace the rainy days for practice:/

  2. Chocnut,

    It is something to read someone else writing your own story..

    I hope it is not gone, that who i was is somewhere..just sleeping.

    As u mentioned the leaves of the fall..yes, but after, spring comes, and it s back to shiny.

    Hope it gets better soon, and meanwhile, try to enjoy life:)

    Thanks Oceanbreeze. Kind words like that are precious especially in times like this.

    I'm missing my old self. It's different when you can speak your native tongue and express the way you are with people who will totally get it.That alone seems to be a barrier in expressing myself because culture limits the language. On the other hand, I'm seeing this as an opportunity to develop self-expression through this new culture. How to do it, I don't know yet. I'm just glad my husband understands me and that's enough for me.

    I think you're right. Maybe it's not gone. Maybe it's just asleep, waiting to learn how to express herself in ways that people of different culture will understand.

    Appreciate the insight. God bless you:)

  3. I never expected to be in my situation...2 years ago we were waiting for our K1 visa and now we're married and I've moved my whole life from the States to Croatia. You said it perfectly. This is exactly how someone in our situation feels. It's hard because you want to adapt to your new life but it's so hard to give up on the old life. Luckily, there are more good days than bad days (for me now) and i've been here for a year and 4 months and it's honestly getting better and better. You will eventually make friends, get your license, and a job and as difficult as it is to follow this advice - truly try to enjoy this "free" time you have now. I know it feels depressing...I have been there! I even made a few friends that I thought would be great and things ended badly. But now I'm finally making friends that I can relate to! I have a new friend who is Canadian and married to a Croatian guy too and I'm so happy to know her. I love my husband so much, he's the best thing to ever happen to me and I'm a better person for it but it is not easy to move your whole life, feel so distant from your friends and family, like you'll never be close again. Most importantly, just know you're not alone and what you're feeling is completely normal and it will get better. Hang in there! Try to keep yourself as busy as possible, talk to your neighbors, even if they are super boring or strange, and turn to VJ if you need some more support! I'm really happy that I finally logged back on here and read your post. It's nice for me to know I'm not alone in my feelings!

    You're a proof that things get better in time. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. This would help keep me going... and at least enjoy the journey somehow...

    talk to your neighbors, even if they are super boring or strange, This is funny:)) I was thinking that I might be the one super boring or strange to them :P

  4. i TOTALLY feel youp sister!!!! I cried while I was reading your post. You are the only who expressed the way I feel right now WOW. Is like been in a nice and beautiful prison. I love my husband with all my soul, since I got here 6 month ago he turned my life in a living paradise. But sometimes I can hlp feeling like a tourist in my home. I have everything I can wish for, a beautiful married life with the most amazing husband, a beautiful home, a career, health, youth, my husband just gave me the car of my dreams as gift for my upcoming bday, but most impotant: I have love, and everything that comes with it, respect, support, joy etc etc. but it seems that is not enough for me. My husband gets very frustated cause he feels he give everything i need and wish fir, in terms of material and sentimental stuff but he cant help me when I get depress. I feel guilty for that, I shouldnt be sad, but I cant help it sometimes. I miss my freedom, miss my friends and family, miss my independance, i miss the feeling of being helpful and productive. I feel like everythingI accomplished in life is gone, cause now that I live in a new country i need to start from zero. Thanked God for my husband, he is being my rock but i dont want to feel either, that Im totally dependant on him. Im not like that. I guess everything will be fine once I get all my paperwork done and find a job, and finally started my own life. It is hard watching the days goes by and its always the same, is like you are watching your own life crossing in front of you, without you in it. God bless sweety. I know we are gonna be ok

    "Beautiful prison". Very well-described. :)

    And someday, this beautiful prison will turn into our garden... when our hearts already sees beyond the hurts.... when the heart finally understands what the head has been saying. :)

  5. I know how you feel,

    for me it was moving to the PH and missing the US...

    and all I can say, what got me through, was opening my eyes to another world.

    We are lucky. You know why? We get to see beyond the four walls of what God initially given us. And we are lucky enough to experience it.

    What I learned from living in the PH for about 5 years is this:

    1. The culture I grew in (in my case the city of NEW YORK) isn't the only culture that exist to man. There are beauties and wonders of the Philippine culture that i came to love. and there are aspects of it that i came to be annoyed with. I was able to understand, God gave me a chance to understand, that even if there are differences that we may never accept, there are moments when you feel alive with the enviornment around you, simply because you allowed yourself feel it.

    2. I can adapt. I know that I'm stronger, stronger than most people. why? because I was able to adapt and live with a whole different culture. I was able to speak tagalog, eat from banana leaves, and prepared a bbq by sticking the fire to the uling.... hehe... But nonetheless, I become a stronger woman. If you felt like you can't control anything, know that you can control that. The strength that God gave you. Because each and everyday you have to build an once of that strength in order to be more than what you thought you could be.

    3. I am more than what I appear to be. There were many aspects of myself that I lost when I moved to the PH. And i felt lost, insecure, unsure, weak, and vulnerable. And I was NEVER that person back in New York. I know how it feels to lose a part of yourself, and it scares up until now. But you know what? I learned so much about who I am. I fought that feeling to being scared. I stopped giving other people and fear the permission to make me feel inferior. I learned that I'm more that what NY has brought me up to be. And I'm sure where ever you are, it'll show you you're more than just the person reading this on VJ. You have the opportunity to redefine yourself. Make the wrong choices, right. Not that many people get that chance.

    4. I learned how to breathe! Finally! I learned that no matter how bad or worse or sucky or shitty I'm feeling.... I learned how to STOP! and smell the roses. I learned how to look outside the box, have the most open mind, and accept the moments as they come. I learned that I can't control everything, and that it is always in God's hands.

    5. Lastly, I learned that I GET TO CHOOSE HOW I FEEL. If I wanna be happy, okay. If I wanna be pissed off, okay. But I GET TO CHOOSE. and with that I saw that every moment that I pass by by being pissed and mad at the world, I lose another moment that can I can be happy. And I CHOOSE to make more memories of happiness than those of being pissed off...

    So there you have it. I hope this helped you. I feel for you. And I'm sorry you have to feel that way. As for friends, what I learned is that the most genuine are the ones who are always there when you come back. You may not talk everyday, or hang out like you used to, but they are there. Same with family...

    "Always together, and never apart. Maybe in distance but never in heart."


    Now this brought me tears. I'm speechless. Thank you for sharing the lessons you learned. I find it to be very valuable... And I think I'll be coming back to this post quite often.

    very poetic you should look into writing a book. go to your library and start there.

    Thanks for that esteem boosting reply. :) I still have to work on my grammar and vocab, though. :) Cheers!

    It is imposible not feeling relate to you, i showed your post to my hubby and looked at me, like finally I understand you.

    Awww:) Thank you for the response. That was so kind.

    Hehe, I must say, you are such a beautiful couple:)

    The best post I read so far girl. You made my day. I think you speak for all of us...for all the beneficiaries who left everything we knew and know for love. I just printed to remain myself Im not alone and Im not the only one...is just a transition and there will always be a new spring

    And this made me smile:) Thank you :)

  6. That's usually the case when you moved and decided to give up the life you have before you moved.

    Just enjoy being not so busy, once your life started to get busy, you'll miss it. I never get homesick since I make myself busy on rebuilding my life with my husband and possible new career. I spent my time studying life here in US until I get busy being a wife, career woman and soon to be mom.

    Haha!!! That's sooo true! Enjoy being not so busy! This morning, I was thinking that I can now try all the recipes I've bookmarked back when I was single that I never had the time to try. Also, dieting is convenient:)

    Yeah, it's good to study too. That's what my mom was telling me. I just don't feel like dealing with schoolwork, but maybe hobby classes would be a good idea. If only I could drive...;)

    What if spring never comes?

    Then it wouldn't matter anymore... Spring will stop coming when the world ends. But for as long as the world exists, seasons will come and go. That's nature. I think.:)

  7. Oh, damn. I miss my fiance's family, They were so nice and loving and friendly. I can't imagine how my fiance would miss them, and I didn't really realize how it might be for her to be away from her only family for the first time! I hope I can prepare her somehow by showing her this post. I'm crying now. I can't imagine how my asawa ko will feel away from home for the first time.

    Awww :) The fact that you are thinking about this shows promise that when the time comes your future wife goes through this (if ever she does), you'd be an ace of a husband for her. She will make it. And the best part is, as you go through this together, you'll be an integral part of her new self.

    I know... because I feel that when I'm through with this, I can never separate the new me without thinking about how I came to be. And it was GOD and hubby all along.

    GOD bless you on your journey :)

  8. First to Chocnut;

    Your words deeply express so much more than your current difficult situation, they speak volumes about who you are as a person, the obvious true love you share in your marriage, and so much more. Without doubt, you have touched the hearts of many, including myself. I sincerely thank you for posting this here today, not only for your own needs, but also for the great benifit of all who read it. I am rarely moved to such intense emotion and deep introspection, you have innocently opened my eyes in a way that I dare say no-one else could have. I'm sure many others share my view. I sincerely thank you.

    May you find comfort in the knowledge that you are really not alone, you are deeply loved and respected by all who know you, and your beautiful new life is just beginning. I have no doubt that you will soon have many close and dear friends in your new home, I'm confident those new bonds have already begun, your new friends and family are drawn to you simply because you are who you are. That is inevitable. And much like your dear friends and family back home, your new friends and family will be with you forever.

    As painful as it may be right now, your future is very bright indeed, and a whole new, wonderful world is now at your feet. This is a Beginning, not an end.

    It's Important To Remember Where You Come From.

    It's Important To Know Where You Are Going.


    It's Important To Always Have Something To Look Forward To.

    Much wisdom is expressed in this entire thread, I thank one and all for your contributions.

    I for one, now have a much greater and more valuable understanding of the needs of my own fiancee'.

    Thank you so much for this inspiring reply.

    Indeed, It's Important To Always Have Something To Look Forward To. I look forward to finally finding myself here... But for now, all I can do is to create something to look forward to a day at a time. In my case, it's playing video games with my husband and baking.

  9. That could have been written by my wife. Although now she has a job, drivers license and a car. Still the feeling of lose comes out on a regular basis. At first she was happy just to be working and making money, now she's not so happy with the job because she's temp and its a low end job. Now she's on the search for a better job. Once she gets it, hopefully she will feel more fulfilled with work. I never understood how hard it was going to be for her to adjust to a new country, she didn't either. Leaving your family, country, and career behind isn't easy. Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to just send her home. But I know that might make her happy for a little while, us being apart would become the new pain again. But then again I watch her as each little piece of her new life fills a little bit of the big holes made when she came here. I know eventually those big holes will be just small ones. I do my best to try to make her smile again when the loss gets too feeling too big. I accept and wait out her moodiness that can pop up because of it to.

    Just the other day I watched her trying to help a friend who may be loosing her husband. She gave such good advice to her fellow countrywomen. It was funny how some of her advice were things I had told my wife before when she has struggling here to, as well as many things that were her own wisdom. It made me very proud to hear some of the things my wife was saying. Gave me a lot of hope about how she feels about our live's together to. Later when we were alone I mentioned, in a joking way, about taking her own advice. Her reply is its easier to give advice than take you own often times. Gave us both a good laugh, because we both know how very true it is.

    I can't say those feelings of loss will go away any time soon. If I had a magic solution, I'd have used it on my own wife already. But from an outsiders view of another's feelings, I do think the amount of pain these homesickness bouts is much less now. She used to just break down and cry horribly when they hit. Now she'll still have tears when it hits, but its usually not the full blown crying fit. BTW my wife has been in the USA about 13 months now. I think homesickness started coming up about 3 months into being here. When she started working, it went away for a couple months then started popping up again. But at least I see it doesn't last as long or as hard as it used to be. And each little piece she adds to her life here helps to make it better. You didn't build your life in your home country in a day. And just coming and getting married doesn't make a full life again when you come here. Only time and determination can build that back for you. Lean on your spouse when you need him to get through those times of homesickness. Sounds like he's truly there for you when you need him.

    You are a treasure to your wife. And I could honestly say that when the time comes that you're seeing her soar and completely find her home here, you would know that your gentleness and patience were never in vain. I pray to GOD that all husbands would be as perceptive and loving as you are to your wife.

    For some reason, I was comforted to know that your wife "used to break down and cry horribly." My husband and I had recently have a taste of that. Yet, one thing I find amazing is what his embrace can do during that time. It's magical. It seems to bring healing.

    You are so right about the 3rd month... especially my spouse.

    My favourite part is this, which has been playing in my head since I've read your post: You didn't build your life in your home country in a day. And just coming and getting married doesn't make a full life again when you come here. Only time and determination can build that back for you. Lean on your spouse when you need him to get through those times of homesickness. Sounds like he's truly there for you when you need him.

    Time, determination, and spouse.

    Thanks for the wisdom.

  10. Hmmm you speak to my heart there girl! I moved here and was so excited and happy to be with my husband, but now all the excitement as soon turn to loneliness as my husband is away on military orders an I dont want to be the 'nagging wife" so I tend to try and be positive but moments of missing my family and my friends plagued my mind.

    I too was full of life and have an outgoing spirit but that has dwindle to sadness, I sometime feel so desolate that going home becomes apparent, then I remember how, kind, loving, patient and wonderful this man is and how he was so happy to have me here that I too become hopeful.

    He will be in Afghan for 6 months,I have a lot of support from friends and family but its not the same with without him here,so I do know how you feel and do empathize with you, but keep strong God didnt you this far to leave you now, you will in fact find yourself again. :thumbs:

    This is beautiful. I'd love to highlight everything you said, especially the Afghan part. Wow. If there's one thing I'm thankful for all these sorrow, that is the character being built when we stay positive and hopeful. Thank you so much for sharing your heart.

  11. I oft wondered why my old flames never came back for me. I oft wonder what my man sees in me what no other has been able to.

    "The All-American Girl, the Girl Next Door, the Homecoming Queen who sits home on Friday nights, Always a bridesmaid and never a bride." - fits me.

    I, too, had titles, which, I couldn't seem to find at this moment... and like you, ever wonder if it will come back... or morph into something else. Maybe, something better.

    It's a comfort to know that someone relates to how I feel. And no, your words weren't senseless at all.

  12. I didn't expect I'd feel this way. It was all bright and sunny and blissful five months ago when I have my I do.

    I left everything I loved for someone I love most. To build a life with him is worth letting go of the life I knew. To be his wife, to bring him good all the days of my life... That is now my calling. His wonderful-ness as a husband makes it a delight. The cost, on the other hand, is unexpectedly painful: death. Loss. Grief.

    I used to have friends... Lots of them. Genuine friends. Now, they're miles away. Hardly any contact. Thoughts and feelings bottled up inside. I have only my husband to share my joys, tears, fears, disappointments, and victories... I feel like I'm depending on him too much for emotional support.. It's frustrating because I was very independent; I never felt like I needed anyone that much. Not anymore. At least for now.

    I used to earn my own money, doing the job I enjoy. While I love being at home and obsessing on recipes and housekeeping and keeping myself pretty for my husband,I miss school. I miss being around kids. I miss talking to parents. I miss being a teacher... And being known to be excellent in such a field.

    I used to go places whenever I want. On my own. Now, I can only go as far as my feet could take me. Got no driver's license yet. Public transport not an option. I'm limited to my husband's availability, which is whenever he has no work.

    I feel like I lost myself. Many of the things I knew about myself seem to be gone. Try as I may to hold on to them, I could not. They're gone. Maybe they'll come back someday, but there's no point in waiting for something you're not sure will still return. The only thing I can do is to let go.

    And embrace.

    Embrace the new me. Whatever that would turn out to be.

    Embrace my new life. I'm now the wife of the most wonderful, loving, patient man I know. I'm blessed to be called his girl.

    Hurts for now. Dying dying. Dying to my old self. Like autumn leaves falling.

    Spring will come. New beginnings. Soon.

    After all that emo, I wonder... How many of you could relate to such?

  13. hello! i was interviewed may 8th and i just called up the courier a few hours ago, they told me they already have my visa and passport and its going to be delivered to our province tomorrow soooooo which means your fiance's papers is prolly on its way too! call them up!

    Thank you :) Called them up a few hours ago, and mine's not with them yet :P Might be different for everyone. I'm in between hoping and accepting :) Regardless... we're getting married still! Weee!!!

    Congratulations too :)

  14. Also you will need to complete your CFO seminar. This will allow you to leave the country. Without the CFO certificate, stamp and sticker. You won't be able to leave. Good thing CFO is a one day process.

    Average wait time to receive your passport w/ visa in hand is 5 - 10 business days.

    I agree with everybody else never book your ticket until you have visa in hand. The reason why they tell you not to book your flight until you have completed the Visa process. That includes delivery of the Visa and passport. The consulate may approve your Visa Application but they may need to review the documents further before printing the actual visa. Then there is the delivery time from USEM to 2GO. Then 2GO need to process and deliver to the address.

    As for rescheduling the flight, no one can give a definite day to re-schedule.

    Personally speaking, I would re-schedule for next week Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Give some room just in case. Also to say your good byes, hug and kisses last Halo Halo drink etc....

    Wally G! OMG! You're the same person who gave me the best step-by-step advice on what to do after getting Case Number. Super thank you! :) Glad to see your post here. Really really helpful info. :) Yeah, shouldn't have booked, but, oh well. Blame it on my poor attention to details: you mentioned 5-10 business days, too, on your excellent post and I overlooked that :P

    Still win-win however things turn out. Like you said, I could use the time to say my goodbye. :)Thanks for replying :)

    Oh, and thanks to you, I've done my CFO seminar.

  15. I only have advice of what I did. My Fiancée is leaving for the USA one day after you. If they have not process the Passport and VISA I would call them every couple of hours. I called the Embassy directly. They wanted her date of birth and Case Number. Once the documents were given to the currier the embassy will give you the Curriers direct Number. I talked to the currier and they told me when the documents would be delivered. If you are in a bind, I think you can go to the Curriers office and pick up the Passport, Visa, and Brown envelope. Jean had her interview on March 27th. It took 9 business days to get the documents. If our calculations are the same, it looks like you will get your documents on the 18th. In closing, I was a little persistent but the US Embassy was very helpful.

    Thank you :)That makes sense. :)

  16. hi!...i had my interview last May 8,i got approved...on the last window 71 they told us to NOT book the ticket

    until we have the passport with visa,i did not call the US embassy yet to inquire i will wait til tuesday.

    i hope we will received our visa soon...God bless...

    Goodie. I wasn't told anything but "Your visa has been approved and will be delivered."

  17. I'm afraid that no one here can tell you when your visa will be delivered. It was a bold move to have purchased the plane ticket before having the visa in your hands, because, after your passport arrives, you'll need to make sure all the information on the visa is correct... if it isn't...... you'll have to contact the Embassy and have it fixed (it happens more often that you would think).

    I would continue trying to contact someone at the Embassy, if I were you... or the courier that they use to send the passports with.


    Thank you for a practical response. :)

  18. Oh my. Was too enthusiastic. Wasn't aware, wasn't warned, or maybe, wasn't reading enough. Was under the impression that visa is delivered in 3 days.

    Oh well. That's life. Some lessons are learned the hard way. :P

    Thanks, everyone, for responding :)

  19. Hi everyone,

    I had my k1 visa interview last Monday, May 7. My fiance and I was so excited, we booked my flight on May 17. However, my visa hasn't been delivered ever since. I am nervous. I sent an e-mail to US Embassy Manila last May 10 to inquire about my passport and I got a one-sentence reply saying that my visa is still at the post. I checked at to 2Go but the CSR my visa is not yet with them. I tried tracking my visa at 2Go website, typing either my passport or case number, but it both appear to be invalid.

    Is there any way I would know for sure when my visa would be delivered? Or at least expedite the delivery of my passport/visa? If ever we're rebooking my flight, what would be an ideal date? My wedding is on the 26th of this month.



  20. Now that you have the MNL#. Your approved I-129f petition will be sent to US Embassy Manila.

    You can look at my K-1 Visa Application process for Manila as a guide or reference.

    At this point you should start preparing your fiancé’s Packet 3.


    Download the K1/K2 Interview Preparation Instructions. Make sure to have all the requirements in the instructions. Review and go over it 3 or 4 times to make sure all is filled correct.

    Now your fiancé will pay and schedule the USEM appointment.


    Click on the apply button (Green Button " Apply Now ". Fill out the registration information. It is straight forward.

    Click Schedule Appointment

    Select Immigrant Visa

    Click continue

    Select K Visas ( Visa for Fiancée , Visa For Spouse )

    Select K1 - Fiancé or Fiancée of U.S. Citizen

    Click continue

    Fill out all information

    Click continue

    You will receive a confirmation email of you appointment.

    If your are not comfortable with the online appointment system. You can always call and set appointment via phone.

    To schedule a visa appointment for IV or K petitions, please contact the Embassy’s Visa Information and Appointment Service at (632) 982-5555 or (632) 902-8930.


    You will now pay for you the fiancé visa application fee there in Philippines. Fee is U.S. $240 / P10,243. Send a little extra as it is bases on current exchange rate. Cash payment at any Bank of the Philippine Island (BPI) branch. Just go into the branch nearest to her and tell them you are paying for K-1 Visa application fee. They will know what to give her to fill out. If she is unsure on what to fill out ask the staff there to help her fill it out.

    BPI Branch Locator:


    Require documents at BPI:

    Passport and MNL number

    When filling out the online applicant or speaking to the USEM agent. You will need the receipt number on the receipt from BPI.

    USEM will give her some dates to choose from. Once she selects a date. Appointment is set!! You can reschedule but they will push you further in the month or next month.

    Your fiancé will need to prepare for her Medical at St. Luke's Medical Center Extension Clinic (SLEC)

    Required Documents:


    Pre-register online and have her print out this letter. This is the appointment letter she needs to present at SLMEC.


    Medical fees are: 15 years and older USD 213.35 / PhP 9,387.50. This is paid at SLMEC.


    1177 J. Bocobo St. Ermita, Manila 1000 PHILIPPINES

    If your fiancé passes her Medical They will give her a date to come back to SLEC and get her results and medical will CD of chest X-ray

    On the interview date she will have a time most likely 6:00 - 6:30 AM to be at the Manila USEM. She needs to have all her required documents in hand, appointment letter, and passport. Again refer to K1/K2 Interview Preparation Instructions as for what is needed. Make sure she has all papers organized. It makes for a easier processing at the embassy and shows seriousness. Buy a organizer with tabs. Label the tabs for each requirement.

    Once at the embassy, she will fall in line. They will take her appointment letter, check passport and assign her a number. At the embassy they don't allow any electronic devices.

    You are not allowed to enter the U.S. Embassy/Consulate while carrying any of the following items:

    battery-operated or electronic devices such as mobile phones, digital diaries, digital watches, pagers, cameras, audio/video cassettes, compact discs, MP3s, floppy disks, laptops, or portable music players

    large shoulder bags/purses - only bags that can be carried by hand will be permitted

    bags such as travel bags, backpacks, briefcases, suitcases, leather, cloth bags, and zip folders - you can only carry plastic bags containing application-related papers

    food items (refreshments are available for purchase in the waiting area)

    sealed envelopes or packages

    cigarettes, cigars, match boxes, lighters

    sharp objects such as scissors, pen knives or nail files

    weapons or explosive materials of any kind

    If she needs her cell phone they will ask her to check it in at the security section. They will give her a card so she can retrieve at the end of interview.

    They will give her a form to fill out on how to deliver the passport with visa. Either it's deliver to her home address or she can go pick it up at a 2GO location.

    Once inside, she will need to look on the board for her number to be called. She will go to the window and ask for her paperwork. Then she will be finger printed. They will tell her to wait again. Once her number flashes again, she will have her first interview with Filipino consulate. They will ask her a few questions and check and process her documents. (MAKE SURE SHE HAS ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS). If all is in order she answered all questions to satisfaction. She will then wait again for her number to flash again on the board. Then she will have her final interviewer US consulate. Consulate will process her paperwork and ask a few questions. If all is in order she will be told to wait again for her number to flash. Then she will go to the 2GO window where they will take her passport. They will give her a receipt (make sure to ask if they do not give one).

    That's it for the USEM interview. You can now breathe a little easier.

    Now if there is a problem. They will give a 221g form and state what the issue is. Now you will need to get them whatever they want in order to proceed. Now this is pull a long process when your in Admin Review. Look on VJ for Admin Review stories.

    It will take 5 - 10 days for 2GO to receive visa and passport from USEM.

    2GO locator:


    2GO Tracking (enter MNL number):


    Once you have received your passport with visa. Now its time for CFO (Commission on Filipinos Overseas). Now CFO seminar can be done in the beginning before obtaining the visa and passport. You will need to return to get the CFO sticker and Stamp in the passport after receiving the visa passport upon approval and delivery.

    St. Mary Euphrasia Foundation - Center for Overseas Workers.

    CFO (Commission on Filipinos Overseas) Information.

    CFO Seminar is a 1 day seminar and process.

    She will need to register for her seminar.


    CFO is to inform fipinos about the country they are traveling to. The Good, Bad and Ugly. They will ask her some questions and issue her CFO sticker and seminar certificate.

    Requirements for Registration:

    Original and photocopy of Passport;

    Original and photocopy of visa;

    Original and photocopy of Immigrant Data Summary for US bound/ Confirmation of Permanent Residence for Canada bound/ Certification of Eligibility (for Japan-bound);

    Original CFO guidance and counseling certificate;

    Duly completed emigrant registration form; and

    Payment of the authorized registration fee.

    Requirements for Attendance to Guidance and Counseling Program


    Two (2) valid identification cards (IDs) with photograph; (Postal ID, NBI Clearance, Passport w/ Visa)

    Duly completed guidance and counseling form;


    If married, certified true copy and photocopy of marriage contract on security paper from the National Statistics Office, or Local Civil Registry Offices; or original and photocopy of marriage contract duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/ Consulate (if married abroad)

    Other documents as may be required by the counselors; and

    You will pay a fee totaling PhP 650.00. The PhP 250.00 is paid as counseling fee at SMEF-COW or PRISM while the PhP 400.00 is for registration at the CFO.

    If you fiancee is under 25 yrs. She will need a written consent letter from her parents or a parent will need to be there with her to give consent of there child's marriage.

    > If you are between the ages of 21-24, CFO may require you to submit a letter of parental advice to marry.

    > If you are between the ages of 18-20, CFO may require you to submit a letter of parental consent to marry.

    Here's why you didn't see anything on the CFO website about those requirements:

    The following is from the CFO website:

    Requirements for Attendance to Guidance and Counseling Program

    Two (2) valid identification cards (IDs) with photograph;

    Duly completed guidance and counseling form;

    If married, certified true copy and photocopy of marriage contract on security paper from the National Statistics Office, or Local Civil Registry Offices; or original and photocopy of marriage contract duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/ Consulate (if married abroad)

    Other documents as may be required by the counselors <-----------------------------

    Payment of P250.00 counseling fee.

    CFO link.

    The following forms may come in handy:

    Sworn statement that advice of parents or guardian has been asked. (for those who are 21-24 years old)

    Consent to marriage of a person under age. (for those who are 18-20 years old)

    Marriage applicants who are age 18 to 21 must have parental consent in writing, those age 21 to 25 must have written parental advice (a written indication that the parents are aware of the couple's intent to marry). The revised Family Code of the Philippines, which took effect on August 4, 1988, prohibits marriage for individuals below the age of 18.

    U.S. Department of State link.

    The quote above is from the section where they are talking about getting married in the Philippines. However, the CFO has been known to require parental advice or parental consent from K-1ers.

    It's all on the Consular's discretion whether they require consent from a parent or guardian.

    SMEF-Center for Overseas Workers

    Good Shepherd Convent

    1043 Aurora Boulevard

    Quezon City 1108



    Once CFO seminar, certificate, Sticker and stamp is completed, you’re done. Book the Flight!! :dance:

    You will need to pay a NAIA International Departure Fee: PHP 550 mandatory at NAIA.

    Good Luck and God bless!!!

    Wow! This is soooo extensive, so helpful! Thank you so much! :) Huge help! :)

    Very well done. I believe they should be able to carry in a handheld divider with all of the paperwork in it. I attended and interview back in 2010 and we had a cloth binder and we were never denied entry with it into the Embassy. Thanks for all of the information. Unfortunately I had a bad one and I am getting ready to have my new fiancee go to her interview hopefully sometime in May/June 2012.

    One other thing that needs to be paid is the travel tax of around 1,640PHP if you purchase the airline ticket from abroad instead of from the Philippines. Thanks.

    Thank you RickJovi! Will write it down on my list:) Grateful! :)

  21. Hi everyone!

    Never thought I'd be one of the people writing in forums... But, as it turns out, here I am. Wee! I mean, help!

    I just called the NVC and I was given my case number. I have read in other forums that once the case number is available, I could already pay to schedule for an interview--at least, that's how I understood it. But then, the NVC personnel I talked to said that I cannot do anything yet until my packet arrives. I'm now confused :)Would appreciate an advice.

    Thank you!

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