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Status Updates posted by Paula&Anthony

  1. Eu fiz um pedido pra entrar no grupo.. mas nada ainda.. Vou mandar uma mensagem pra a moderadora pra ver se ela responde! Beijocas!

  2. If there is one thing right about this whole visa thing is the name of this website. It really is a journey! And what a journey!

  3. OMG... It's been almost 3 months since i came back from the US.. It feells like forever! I want my K1..

    1. AnandBrian


      Be patient...my k1 took 7 months...things are doing pretty faster now than 1 year ago...

    2. Paula&Anthony


      Thanks! I'm trying to be patient... but some days it's just harder. I dont know.

    3. AnandBrian


      Belive me...I know!!!!

  4. Reading good news of other members make me even more anxious! Doesn't it? O=}

  5. Congratulatiooons! OMG! So happy for you! You're so lucky! Wish you guys the best!

  6. Ai que bom, claudia! Eu vou tar a 30 min da gwb Então é super pertinho mesmo! Vou conferir seu blog agora mesmo!


  7. Muito obrigada Ana e Brian! Valeu mesmo pela dica! Eu vou tirar meu passaporte novo quando tiver faltando pouco pra o NOA2 eu acho. Que alívio.. E parabéns pela entrevista! iupii!

  8. I think that i've just entered that phase where all you can think of is when our visa will be granted. Oh well.. eternal waiting!

  9. Leaving him at the airport is always sad O={ I miss him already!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Paula&Anthony


      Right? I'm so anxious and i can't stop looking at JFK's flight tracker. And just to think that it's gonna take a while to NOA2.. OMG..

    3. VisaJourney2011


      Yes yes.... i know this feeling.

      I hope you get NOA2 soon ! and don't have to wait like me :-(

      fortunately K1 seems to be processing faster than K3 or CR1 so best wishes to you guys :-)

    4. Paula&Anthony


      Thanks O=} Its been only 1 month since NOA1.. It feels like forever, though!

  10. OMG! Just a few more hours! O=}}}

  11. Packing bags to Brazil!

  12. Reading all these beautiful stories of so many couples like us, makes me feel so happy and even more anxious for the day we'll finally be married! He is going to visit me in a week and we'll spend Carnaval together! How wonderful is that? I'm so excited!

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      Awww so good you two well see each other very soon!!! :) Have fun!!

  13. Getting our profile started! So exciting!

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