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Status Updates posted by mrsbinns

  1. Hey Carrie saw Ur update go girl Aug will be here b4 u know it!!

  2. hope everyone is doing good, just another day my way just know every day is a process!!!

  3. Hubbys flight was delayed in Miami because of the weather so still waiting lol but I know he will arrive soon and again to GOD be the glory !!!!!!!!!!

    1. R_N_M


      Congrats!!! I am truly happy for you!!!

    2. mrsbinns


      Thx so much!!!!

    3. tweety&irv


      wow that is so awesome...you go girl!!!!!!!!!

  4. Only a day away before I see my hubby wow loving this surreal moment lol

    1. Jamaicancricket


      WOW!!! I'm not sure you're not going to sleep tonight. I know I wouldnt be able too!

    2. mrsbinns


      Nope still up waiting his flight was delayed so he has to catch a later flight :( because of the weather but at least I know hes in Miami a few hours closer lol

  5. Hubby picked up his Visa today yessssssss #allsmiles

    1. Jamaicancricket


      Fabulous news!! Congrats!

    2. mrsbinns


      Yes it is thanks and it only took three days yessssss flights booked for Friday !!!

    3. Mr&MrsMac


      Congrats! That's so exciting!

  6. Hello and Congrats also have u called DHL to see if it has left the Embassy yet?

  7. Thanks so much glad I could help had a few mispelled words dje to this smart phone I wrote it on lol but good luck on Ur journey as well!!!

  8. Approved yeaaaaaaa I will do a review tonight hubby said it was easy 1 2 lol thanks to all!

  9. Well today is the day and I cant describe this feeling just know were asking God to show us favor on this day (to be continued )#Blessed!!!!!!!!

  10. can u say two more days yesssssssssss#allsmiles

    1. GoingCrazy2012


      Today is over!!! So just Tomorrow!!! Which is ONE DAY!!! Weee! LOL!

    2. mrsbinns


      Yessssssss :)

  11. Thx so much I cant wait to inform everyone of our approval Gods willing !!

  12. Three more days nervous and excited is how were both feeling still praising God in advance for a victorious ending

    1. heather343


      Amen to that me and hubby prayed and fast that whole wk leading up to his interview except the day of

    2. heather343


      were in cali u at? and where in Ja ur husband stay at ?

    3. mrsbinns


      Oh wow that was a great idea to fast and pray

  13. my hubby picked up his medical results today an the staff told him that he could take the x rays to the US with him made him super excited sorta like a confirmation of his approval lol #5 more dayz

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CarrieC


      r u going down for the interview? Good luck. Another lady I know had husband's interview today and made it. One more!! So happy for her.

    3. CarrieC


      r u going down for the interview? Good luck. Another lady I know had husband's interview today and made it. One more!! So happy for her.

    4. mrsbinns


      Thx to u both,and no im not going to the interview ill just b there in spirit lol but he knows that I will be standing and waiting for the phone call of his approval

  14. Hey Carrie, just saw ur message. I will update you soon with details & good news his interview is on the 30th in five more days so you know im super anxious and nervous. Hope ur getting all ur items in :, talk to u soon !!

  15. Hey Carrie, just saw ur message. I will update you soon with details & good news his interview is on the 30th in five more days so you know im super anxious and nervous. Hope ur getting all ur items in :, talk to u soon !!

  16. Wow so we are now down to one week before the interview I cant believe how time has flew and its almost over praise God!

  17. Twelve more days but whos counting lol!!!!!!!#overlyexcited

  18. Hubby said the medical was (easy 1,2 ) in his Jamaican voice lol, also he only had to pay 10,000 Jamaican dollars so folks make sure u have ur shots correct were glad that part is over confident and asking for favor that the interview will be easy 1, 2 as well thanks all!

  19. Hubbys Medical today all smilez Interview two more weeks !

  20. Congrats Carrie, everything else will come back to back!

  21. 3 more days until my hubbys medical yahhhhhhhhh!

  22. Congrats on ur approval and kudos to u for a great review it was very detailed have a blessed life together! Contn down to mine!!

  23. Wow Congrats and thanks for posting the good news so quickly Congrats again!

  24. Alright its now May 2 all smilez#countndown

  25. Hello friend nice to meet you hope all is well with your journey :)

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