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Status Updates posted by suganspyce42

  1. Anxious and excited about seeing my husband soon.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Your timeline dates are moving up! Make sure to get those forms togeter for NVC and have your hubby sign them while you are with him if you're going to make this trip! Looks like God is getting you together just in time! So happy for you!!! Come on NOA2

    3. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Your timeline dates are moving up! Make sure to get those forms togeter for NVC and have your hubby sign them while you are with him if you're going to make this trip! Looks like God is getting you together just in time! So happy for you!!! Come on NOA2

    4. suganspyce42


      Thank you Dana and yes I am very excited and can't wait to see him again.

  2. Don't give up or give in because if you do, you will never know the outcome of your victory! Stay encouraged guys!

  3. Encourage yourself in the Lord...The Lord's will for my life is better than what I would've chosen for myself. I will continue to exalt Him!

    1. Shiya&Maxwell


      Praise him sis, through everything!!!!

  4. Enjoying a very interesting nollywood movie again...lol

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    2. suganspyce42


      Of course, that's what I like about it...lol! Mama G is my favorite nollywood actress, especially in the village movies.

    3. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      LOL...I actually purchase them here sometimes. They are like soap opera's. Especially the sequel's.

    4. suganspyce42


      Well Dana, save your money and watch them on irokotv.com because they are free to watch. I was addicted to them at one time...lol

  5. Feeling kind of bland today...this is harder than I thought it would be. Nothing conceals the loneliness I am feeling right now.

  6. Getting excited about visiting my husband! Only days away! Can't wait to see that gorgeous man God has blessed me with. So happy I have been shown favor. There is no favor like the favor of God! Now I will say Amen to that!!!!

  7. Girl you look good and he is definitely the fool here. He is going to lose at playing his game. Your king is coming, this fool is just an animal, preferably a gorilla and there's nothing cute about a gorilla. You're beautiful and stay that way. Do not let this coward break you down, stay strong.

  8. God brought us this far and he will definitely see us through to the very end!

  9. God has a way for us to be free of troubled feelings, even in troubled times. Have FAITH and operate in the will of God and look the devil straight in the eye!!!!!!!! I have no fear in this new year! Bless God and watch him work!!!!!

  10. God unite my heart with yours.

  11. God's love cannot be defined! His love benefits, penetrate, saturate, glorify, magnify, satisfy, beautify, and encourage the discouraged!

  12. Hallelujah Anyhow!!!!!!! Thank you God for the power of prayer and being my refuge!!! Now praise HIM and watch what happens!

  13. Hubby has made it all better now! He's one of my many blessings....

  14. I am counting the days down!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. suganspyce42


      @ Iyawo, I should have clarified my comment above a little better but what I meant is he will be here by first week of March if not sooner.

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Wow, that is coming up fast, and with so much to do! I know you will be settled in by the time he arrives :)

    4. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      My husband didn't think a rural area would be a good idea either, but guess what, I'm not moving! I love the quiet atmosphere away from the city. He knew that when he married me. Now he likes it.

  15. I am getting slightly perturbed because I am ready to be with the man I love. If anyone asks me if the stress of this long process worth all the stress then I will say "yes and yes"...Yes to the stress and yes to the process!!! HE is definitely worth it all and absolutely worth the wait!!!! We have come too far to get tired now!

  16. I am trusting God, believing it before I receive it! Jesus is a way maker!!!!

  17. I enjoyed Sunday service today and I can still hear that sister in the choir singing Tamela Mann's "Take Me To The King", one of my favorites and oh yes, girlfriend showed out!

  18. I enjoyed Sunday service today and I can still hear that sister in the choir singing Tamela Mann's "Take Me To The King", one of my favorites and oh yes, girlfriend showed out!

  19. I guess I am too excited to sleep, my mind is in over-drive.

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Thats normal! Try to stay relaxed and not overtire yourself during these last remaining days :)

    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Drink some hot tea, turn on your favorite music (you like to sing too) and take a hot bath. God is in control and you are not to worry about anything. He is taking care of the situation, you take care of you.

    3. suganspyce42


      Thank you ladies, you are truly wonderful and thoughtful, once again you have made me feel so much better and Dana, there is something truly unique about you, you have a special and divine gift and yes I like to sing. Love you Ladies!

  20. I know what God has for me and my hubby is for us only and the devil can't do anything about it!

    1. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      That's right sista'! Tell the devil again!

    2. dwheels76


      Girl yes. The devil is straight up attacking marriages and our husbands. I stand in agreement with you.

      What God said we will have we will. The devil is a big fat liar.

    3. suganspyce42


      Yes indeed ladies. I am shouting it from the mountain top!!! I can't wait for this journey to be over and then on to something bigger and better! The Lord is gracious!

  21. I love the FACT that my husband prays each day and has a relationship with God. I love my God and I get so bubbly on the inside when he says "Honey, I am on my way to church or prayer service. This is the perfect solid foundation to continue to build on!

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    2. Shiya&Maxwell


      Girl, you said a mouth full. My husband and I pray together every day. It hasn't stopped since the beginning of our relationship and it hasn't stopped now. God is the true foundation of our faith. We wouldn't be married if it wasn't for him and him alone. :)

    3. suganspyce42


      @ Shiya, yes oh. A relationship that has God FIRST and centered, is a lasting one. I thank God for being so merciful and I thank him for the person he used as a link for bringing me and my husband together. To sum it all up Shiya....I feel exactly what you're saying!

    4. Shiya&Maxwell


      of course, its God!! :)

  22. I read this today and was glad at how much of a blessing this is to me and hopefully to others to because being married, whether they are of a different culture or not, takes a lot of effort and hardwork. The inspiration goes something like this: COMPROMISING doesn't mean you are wrong and someone is right, it only means you value your RELATIONSHIP much more than your ego.

    1. suganspyce42


      Let me further say...whether you are married or in a committed relationship or planning to marry...this would apply to all.

    2. Shiya&Maxwell


      All who are committed say Amen!!!

    3. suganspyce42


      Amen! Amen! and Amen again!

  23. I serve a God who is able to do all things above and beyond the impossible! Be encouraged, for he has not failed us yet.

  24. I serve a limitless God...so therefore, my supply is never on empty!

  25. If my God can bring to it! He can certainly bring me through it!!!!

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