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Posts posted by Adnan&Liane

  1. Please help me collect some data about those currently waiting in AP...

    Please post how long you've been waiting in AP and why you think you were put in AP or if there are any red flags in your case that are making it take so long (common muslim name, age differences, etc.)or anything else that is special or unique or happened in your case....

  2. 16 months was the longest me and my husband were apart without seeing each other in person. It was right after we were married and the visa process was taking way longer than we ever expected. The timing/money/vacation time was never in our favor until then. Before that our 3 visits were spaced apart every 4-5 months. This has been the hardest thing I've ever gone through in my life. You have to have a lot of trust and find ways to keep the connection alive. We try to share as much of our lives as we can through skype, and sharing pictures, videos, music, etc. The one good thing about this process is that it forces you to have a deep emotional connection - I wish you the best of luck on your journey and hope it's a quick one! :thumbs:

  3. Hi Soccer.Player,

    I've seen your posts and I'm so sorry to see you are waiting for over 2 years now in AP...it's just not right... Do you have any red flags in your case or any reason you can see that it might be taking so much longer than other cases? What have you tried so far to get your case finished (in terms of contacting senator, embassy, ambassador, have you written any other government officials? or tried to take any legal action: lawyers/considered writ of mandamus?) or have you just waited patiently? I am concerned because I see under your profile your petitioner name is Muhammed....I am very worried myself that because it is such a common name that these cases are the ones that take the longest...My husband's last name is Mohamedy and his middle is Ahmed....I fear that due to his name we could be waiting years as well...

    I hope your case is resolved soon...2 years is far too long to wait in this process....

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