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Posts posted by Adnan&Liane

  1. If you are under name/background checks it is the FBI...( http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/name-checks & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI_Name_Check )...

    Although I wouldn't say the FBI has "control"...they are performing the checks...but there is likely a backlog of cases they have to get through...after which if you have a very common name they might get a 'hit' and have to wait on physical files to be sent from one of their 200+ locations to clear you and be sure you are not the same person as on their list. And who knows how many other agents are waiting on that same physical file to clear another case... The embassy does have "control" to ask to prioritize files...but they won't unless it is an extreme circumstance...at least this is what I have gathered from my reading...

    If they are reviewing your case for other reasons such as the validity of your relationship then the embassy would have "control"....

    Sadly there is no control...I suspect there is a huge backlog of cases...we are all just waiting in a really really long line for our cases to finally be complete....

    Stay strong!

  2. As you are currently legally married in the eyes of the US govt as well as in the queue for a CR1 visa, there should be no ramifications from an additional marriage ceremony.

    AP is miserable and this may be a nice little distraction for awhile! From what I can gather from your other posts, it appears that you may have slipped into a name check quagmire.

    From a personal standpoint, here is a very fair and balanced marriage contract I stumbled upon that is a bit more western-lifestyle friendly [heck, it even has listed a check for STDs]. It's a good starting point to discuss the Islamic side of your marriage. It is in your best interest to be as well informed about anyone's [his, his family's, his community's - even if he was born/raised in the UK] expectations.


    Thanks for the link...that is a really great marriage contract :) I did mention this when I called DOS today and they recommended that I contact the embassy to double check as well...I would think that if it was not through the government and simply for religious purposes we should be okay...but I just want to be sure...the idea of signing a form is throwing me off and I just don't want to take any chances w/this visa stuff...there is too much at stake...

    Also, I was under the impression that to have a muslim ceremony, both husband and wife must be muslim...but my husband said this is not necessary....I am not muslim and I have no intention of converting...both him and his family are totally fine w/that...I am interested in learning about islam and have no problem w/having this ceremony for him :)

  3. Hi VJ'ers...I'm in need of some expert advice...

    We are currently in AP for our CR-1 (have been since Oct 2011)...I am about to travel to meet my husband in Morocco - he is a UK citizen and lives in UK but grew up in Morocco and his family is there...we decided to meet in Morocco so I can meet his family...but now he also wants to do a Muslim wedding ceremony there - (first time we got married in NYC at city hall)...he said it would be a small ceremony - we would have an Imam come to the house...say a few things...and sign a paper...so here's the question...

    Would having a muslim wedding ceremony and signing this document have any bearing on our visa situation?

    I am not sure what exactly this document is or if it is a legally binding document of marriage. Can anyone out there provide me w/more info about it...he said it is not through the morocccan government but only through the mosque...he said if hypothetically we got divorced one day here in the USA we would still be married through the mosque until we sent them documentation of a divorce (not that we are - I love this man and he's mine for life!) I am only worried about signing another legal marriage document....I just want to make sure that we don't get accused of not submitting all marriage documents to the embassy or something like that before our AP clears...

    What do you think? Is it a good idea to start signing other marriage documents while our AP is still pending? Or should we wait until another time after we get our visa just to be safe...

    I have no problem w/it personally - I want to do it for him if it is what he wants - I just want to make sure it will not cause problems for us...and since I know nothing about this I could really use some advice...

    Please share your thoughts...any and all advice is welcome! Thanks in advance! :)


  4. Great example of the grocery store! Thanks! I guess I just needed you all to share your advices so I can take the right decision. And NO I will not get married while K1 is active cuz that will ruin the whole purpose of K1. My fiance does have a common name, we are Muslim, and he has visited many other counties and lived in the UK for 8 years. I guess that those factors adds in to his AP...ugggghhhh!!!! I wish it wasn't so difficult but it is....Thanks again for your support

    I understand...it is so frustrating...my husband is also muslim, very common name, and travels a lot...he was born in UK and lives there now but grew up in Morocco which is a MENA country...another strike against us for the AP...stay strong! praying we all get out soon! Good Luck!

  5. I REALLY REALLY REALLY advise against cancelling the K1 and trying for a CR1 - (don't get married either cuz that could screw things up for you too since the purpose of the K1 is so you CAN get married) - from everything I've read on this site you would be in for another year or two of waiting (seems like the visa process is taking longer and longer due to backlogs) and it does not sound like you are eligible to expedite...you would most likely get AP again too since you never gave your first AP a chance to finish... It's kind of like waiting in a super long line at the grocery store, getting fed up, and going to wait in another super long line that takes even longer... I know it's hard but just try to be patient...Bangladesh seems to get out of AP quicker than others like Pakistan...does your fiance have a really common name? That could be the hold-up - I'm pretty sure that's why we have been waiting for so long... I know that it stinks...but try to wait it out - you already know how hard this process is and you don't want to do anything to compromise it....

  6. Hey All,

    Just wanted to follow up...after I called Senator Gillibrand's office on 04/16 and slightly freaked out because they hadn't made the inquiry yet, I finally got a letter in the mail a few weeks later saying that they were finally making the inquiry...about another week or so later I got another letter (no phone call) which said the following:

    Thank you for contacting my office with your matter. I have contacted the US Embassy in London, UK on your behalf. Please find their response to my inquiry below:

    Thank you for your correstpondence on behalf of Ms ... regarding Mr ...'s application for an immigrant visa. Embassy records show that Mr ...'s application is subject to additional administrative processing at this time.

    We realize that these extended time periods cause frustration to applicants and their loved ones. However, the Consular Officer must adjudicate visa applications in accordance with the provisions of the law, and, in some cases, this involves extensive administrative processing. As processing varies in each case, there is no set period of time that it may take. Whilst we cannot predict when the processing of Mr ...'s application will be completed, we can assure you that he will be notified as soon as it is."

    I hope this information will be of help to you. If I can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact my office again.

    I also contacted Senator Charles Schumer and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney on 04/17 and have not heard a SINGLE thing back from either of them...not even an acknowledgement of receipt...my faith in our public officials is not so great right now...

    I'm glad we finally got a response from Gillibrand's office, but it was practically the same response I got when I emailed the embassy myself. No helpful info at all...it does make me super scared that they haven't even touched our case yet since there is nothing to report...I am happy that they know a senator is (mildly) interested in our case...so maybe that will help? Who knows...this process is exhausting... I also feel like just another number they checked off their list since they didn't even bother to call me to tell me what's going on...I get it...it's a busy office with "more important" things to do...but this is our only avenue to try to help our case in this totally broken immigration system...and that should be important...

    Thanks for the support everyone...just wanted to share in case this info is helpful to anyone else...

  7. I think more than a cultural thing it is a generational thing. I am 27, but I was raised well and taught to be professional. I find that many of my peers and those younger than me do not have the same attitude. We've been interviewing at my company and many applicants do not even show up for their interview and don't even send an email of explanation! So sad. Just be proud that you were raised to be professional and that is why you will most likely get the job above all of the other applicants. :)

  8. Well we're just plain stuck and I'm dying nothing updates since march 30 I guess we will be here far longer just feel to cry

    Well we're just plain stuck and I'm dying nothing updates since march 30 I guess we will be here far longer just feel to cry

    Hang in there! It is so frusterating...I also call DOS and never hear any updates...I've had someone say there was one update in our case, but they could not see the date or what it was... It does make me nervous that nothing is happening, but I also spoke to one DOS employee who was very kind and told me that often they do not make any updates until the case is finished. Try to stay strong...your time is coming soon...the bulk of the waiting is behind you... :thumbs:

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