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Status Updates posted by Nathalie2007

  1. It's finally here!!!! NOA 2 may 24!!!! what a great feeling!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. vivianforest


      WU JUUUUUUUU!!!!!....CONGRATULATION Nataly!!!...so glad for you girl!!

    3. VenAmerican


      We will need good luck :-/ We are sooo nervous now. Emily's aunt was suppose to pick up her birth certificate and police certificate from the place where they get certified and she didn't! They called her last week twice and she said she got them, but then tonight when emily was on the bus to her aunts house where they will stay for the night she texted her and said she didn't have them. So now we are soo worried because she won't have them to items for the interview....

    4. VenAmerican


      We will need good luck :-/ We are sooo nervous now. Emily's aunt was suppose to pick up her birth certificate and police certificate from the place where they get certified and she didn't! They called her last week twice and she said she got them, but then tonight when emily was on the bus to her aunts house where they will stay for the night she texted her and said she didn't have them. So now we are soo worried because she won't have them to items for the interview....

  2. APPROVED!!!!!! Thank you all for being there for us!!! xoxo!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Juan y Sandra

      Juan y Sandra

      hola gracias,, okiss cualquier duda te escribo besitos

    3. Juan y Sandra

      Juan y Sandra

      listo nati, ya el paquete esta via a caracas ya tenemos el crs number!!!!!!!!!!!! ya estamos mas cerca

    4. vivianforest


      Sorry nathaly for my late CONGRATULATION!!!...Things here has been crazy but now ready for continue...Hope you are doing fine...A big Kiss

  3. WOOHOOO!!! the date is set!! 8/8/12!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. vivianforest


      Nathalyyyyyyy!!!!...OMG!!! just saw it...Congratulations!!!...so glas for you...

    3. vivianforest


      Nathalyyyyyyy!!!!...OMG!!! just saw it...Congratulations!!!...so glas for you...

    4. Roniel&Ashley


      Today is the bid day! Can't wait to hear from you guys! Keep us posted!

  4. 60 days since NOA1!!!!! and 10 days till I see my Honey!! Woot Woot!!

    1. vivianforest


      days goes fast and fast...soon will be your turn for your approval...take care

    2. vivianforest


      days goes fast and fast...soon will be your turn for your approval...take care

  5. 120 Days since NOA 1!!! we are getting closer!!!!!

    1. vivianforest


      Go Nathalie Go!!!!!...just a little more waiting!!!

    2. vivianforest


      Go Nathalie Go!!!!!...just a little more waiting!!!

  6. 11 approvals for CSC posted here yesterday!!! I love days like this!!! we are SO close!!!

    1. MSM


      Good luck ... it looks like CSC are processing it faster :)

    2. RnS


      Really?? I thought its only me who is obsessed with this.

  7. We are back!!! finally Married and stating the AOS process!!!

    1. JensJrny2Ray



    2. Renee and G

      Renee and G

      Awwwww congrats!!! So happy for you 2!

  8. the email has been sent!! now we wait for the interview date!!

    1. GandK


      Great! you are getting so close!

  9. So many interviews in Vzla in April!! I am so excited for you guys!! best of luck!

  10. omg!! just a few more days!!! what an amazing feeling!! best of luck and keep us posted!!

  11. Praying for you guys!!! espero que les vaya super bien!!!

  12. espero que Abril sea nuestro mes!! Saludos y paciencia mientras seguimos esperando! Vale la pena esperar! :)

  13. Hola!!! bueno veo mucho movimiento en VSC asi que por ahi debe venir tu NOA 2!! que Emoción!!! que tengan un super fin de semana largo :D besos!!

  14. jaja te entiendo mas de lo que te imaginas!! creo que cuando llegue ese dia vamos a tener un ritual para quemar los blackberrys!!! xq mientras han sido una bendicion.. enough is enough!! jaja bueno que tengan un bonito fin de semana!! besos!

  15. jajaja me encanto el post!!!! que exito!!! por ahi vi que siguen aprobando en Vermont!! y ya estan por tu fecha!! DIOSSS!! en cualquier momento te llega el text! que emocion!!!

  16. Hola!!! como van los preparativos?

  17. Buena suerte hoy!!! estare pendiente de la noticia!!!

  18. YAYYY!! que bueno!! estoy muy feliz por uds!!!

  19. Hola!! Gracias!! de verdad estoy super emocionada! y mas porque voy a pasar unos dias en vzla :) por ahora creo que ya tenemos todo listo lo unico que no tengo muy claro es como entro yo a la embajada el dia de la entrevista? me dijeron que hay otra entrada para los ciudadanos pero no se como es ese asunto.. tu como estas? cuando se muda Miguel?

  20. jaja te entiendo yo tenia 10 años son ir!! estaba super nerviosa.. pero al final la pase de maravilla :)!! Mañana es el gran dia!!! que emocion!!! Disfruta mucho ese momento! :D y gracias por la info

  21. Thank you!!! same to you guys!! :)

  22. Buena suerte!!! voy a estar pendiente de ustedes en estos dias!!! pero estoy segura que todo va a salir bien :)

  23. Claro!!!! me da mucha emocion pensar que pronto estare en el mismo lugar que uds! God bless!! estamos en contacto!!

  24. I decided I am going to go! there was something Andrea said that really clicked with me and made me realize that regardless of the expense or if its even for a few days it is something we have to do together! and I can't imagine how great it will be being together once we get approved! what about you? did you get your tix?

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