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Posts posted by TedM

  1. Hi all, just had our petition approved on 9th of this month and I am soo damn nervous about the next steps that I cant think of anything else but the medical exam and the interview... Anyways, im just a li'l confused so I have to do the asking myself, what's packet 3 and packet 4? As far as I know, packet 1 is the noa1 and packet 2 is the noa2... but what about the packet 3 and 4?? are these the notice from the NVC and the notice from the USEM? I know my question is easy, and I know i sound a bit stupid.. I have read posts from here but I still need to ask.. Sorry guys, being nervous makes half of my neurons slow.. :( Thanks in advance!

    Please, please, for you and all others on the thread. Ready Saylin's FAQ that is posted each month as a new thread under the NVC forums. It will save you time and get you through NVC faster than they can keep up with your documents.


  2. If you want to know the time frames for the Philippines, I suggest you use the timeline feature here and do some research: http://www.visajourney.com/timeline/k1list.php?cfl=0&op1=3&op2=d&op3=5&op4=1&op5=5,6,8,10,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,20,21,22,25,26,27,28,108,110,111,208,210,211&op6=All&op7=Philippines&dfile=No&adv= I used this exact timeline feature when I was at NVC to determine an average amount of time between case complete and interview date scheduled, as well as time between case complete and interview date. Good luck!


  3. How does the interview scheduling work? I've read the FAQ and heard what the operators keep saying (schedule 2nd week of month). My case was completed at NVC last week (6/26). My embassy is Manila. Anyone know is there some kind of guideline for how long to wait?

    It's been since mid December I sent I-130 in and now all of a sudden both of us are so impatient to receive the interview date. We just want to know -- a date to finally start looking forward to this process being over.

    P.S. The operators were especially grumpy Friday and today.

  4. hello..thanks for all the advice.. i hear all of you to where ur coming from..It's really been a tough road for us. It's just really been so complicated and i cannot tell you all in details. I have already been in that position where I ask my husband who his priorities are, i have even felt at some point in time that he loves his mom more than us, we even fought about that a few times, but that's just really not the case. It was horrible, i swear. I guess, she just leave him no choice..and right now if he's going to look for another which he could easily do..but that means I have to wait for another year again :(( and i don't know if i can really handle that, its really been too much time..It's killing us both. If we knew in the first place that this could happen, we would do things differently.

    For my husband's side, I know some of his reason...it's to honor his dad..because he knew that if his dad was still alive he would really be taking good care of his mom like he does now...and he was kinda hoping that she will change into a person that she used to be..and so that our daughter will have a grandma and we all have a brand new start when we're all together in USA. I know it's hard for all of you to understand..it's just really been so tough.

    thanks for all of your concern:-)

    Good luck. It's really on your husband now to take care of things. There's not much you can do, except stress to him how important to go back to work. You don't have to wait a year. Find work, apply for CR1. He can show pay stubs and letter of employment.

    And I do somewhat understand, I have a Filipino wife and have had some family medical issues. But the priority should be getting you all to U.S. Everything else can be wait until that is complete and your family is together.

    I wish you the best. :)

  5. I am sorry to say this without sounding abrupt, but your husband's priorities are with you and his daughter! I am sorry his mother is ill but he will have to find someone else to take care of her and start worrying about how he is going to reunite with his own family, whether that is in the Philippines or in the US. Where is his head??

    I entirely agree. He has his MD and chooses not to work at all? And now his mother won't agree to help you both?

    I hate to think I'm becoming one of those cynical VJer's, but it just sounds like there is something missing from this story. He has chosen to get married and have a child(!), and by simply getting a job again could fix all of this? Yet, he doesn't? With a job, he could get his mother in a rehabilitation facility, at the least.

    Follow the advice of those here: tell him he needs to get a job and put his wife and child first; then apply for CR1 visa. In the meantime, he should try to get co-sponsor help from whoever he can.

    You might want to ask your husband about his priorities....

  6. I really appreciate all the answers!! I def know about the spouse visa( like I mentioned in my question) I don't wanna start that now, as we all know it takes longer... ( Some mention about him been denied cause he got many reason to stay in US on tourist visa... How is he gonna stay illegal ,, when married to USC and we can always file for spouse visa) ok... Can I just invite my husnand without saying anything about the pregnancy? Its only for 1mth..... *some pple answer kinda confuse,, *

    "Invite" him? I'm not sure what you mean. He has to apply for a visitor visa on his own. There is no invitation or you keeping the pregnancy secret. This is a visa he needs to apply for on his own in Nigeria.

    And once it asks where/who he will be staying with and he says "my USC wife", it will be denied. Not trying to be mean or blunt, but there is no chance for visitor visa in this case. And if he misleads about the pregnancy, he could get in trouble.

    You keep saying you don't want to apply for CR1 right now, why not? It would allow him to travel back and forth (with limitations, of course), but that visa is your ONLY option. It is not confusing at all...that is the only avenue you have for him to come here.

    And you ask why he would be denied or suspected of staying illegally? You answer your own question...you already admit the CR1 visa "takes longer". So, this for all the world, would look like you're trying to circumvent the CR1 visa process, have him come on tourist visa, then try to readjust status. I'm sure you would tell me how could I dare accuse you of such a thing, and I'm not. I'm just telling you how USCIS and/or State Department would look at it. And that's why he would be denied.

  7. true..but you told her she had to wait for an RFE...and that is not true at all...trust me..been there, done that...even if they say no...at least she tried. For me it worked in my favor. It worth calling and not having to sit waiting and worrying

    I don't think it can hurt, but then again I think it just depends who you get reviewing your case.

  8. It's amazing that my vacation has been trashed by just merely doing the right thing and telling the truth and following protocol!

    It's not a right to be given a visa for tourist purposes. In fact, for most people, it's very difficult. You did the right thing by telling the truth (if you ever get caught lying for visa purposes, you'd see any even nastier side of the U.S. government), but you were denied. It happens, frequently, all around the world. Re-apply if you'd still like to try that vacation. :)

  9. The K-1 does not produce a green card nor go through a green card process like the CR-1 does before they enter the USA. The K-1 has to apply AFTER entry and marriage which adds another 4-5 month wait for LPR status.

    CR-1 does the process at the NVC which takes longer causing their longer processing/process and CR-1 entrants get a green card on entry to the USA auto LPR status.

    NVC processing times are not calculated for the USCIS processing update reports (https://egov.uscis.gov/cris/processingTimesDisplay.do). They only report on their portion.

    I-129f and I-130 processing times are about the same at USCIS (5 months).

  10. It's hard not to freak out when all other Decembers are pouring in and yours hasn't. :( I can't imagine how the remaining Nov stragglers feel!!

    Stay positive. For most of us, one day you look at your phone and the text message/email arrives that you've been approved (assuming you've set that up on the USCIS website).

    We got our NOA2 about a week under 5 months. Soon you'll be worrying about DS-230 and I-864. Prepare for that and know that you'll (hopefully) be together before the end of the year. :)

  11. Your lawyer isn't going to have to live with the consequences of what is sent/isn't sent, so go with what you feel is right.

    We had an attorney for our I-130 after our K1 was denied. If we listened to the attorney's advice and didn't go with our own instincts, we'd still be waiting for my husband to get here.

    Agreed, it is your application, your life, and the lawyer works for you. Do what you are comfortable with.

    And I'm sorry you've had to go through such a long process. I'm sure it has been difficult. Try to stay positive. :)

  12. Oh my god, what a strange day. My wife found out today she lost our baby; she was having a lot of difficulties and the doctor confirmed today. She was 7 weeks pregnant and has been ill the whole time. It was a hard morning to wake up to those YMs.

    Then I get to work and receive the text from USCIS, so I rush to check the website. Approved yesterday, NOA2 mailed out.

    How very, very strange sometimes.....

  13. As citizens we often feel that government agencies should acquiesce to our demands because we're citizens and taxpayers. The people adjudicating your CRBA application have to be certain that the criteria are met. It's that person's perception that matters, not the applicant's.

    It's not a personal thing. It's a career thing. They like their jobs and want to keep them. They have to make decisions that they can defend when scrutinized by their supervisors/superiors.

    I suggest you dial back the arrogance several notches and work harder to supply additional substantive evidence of your physical presence in the US. That will get you to the desired result.

    Well stated. OP, you come looking for advice, then argue with those trying to provide it. Your facts are incorrect regarding the statutes involved and you simply need to speak with an attorney to have him/her explain the situation to you.

    It does not sound like the consulate is being uncooperative, but rather did what they're supposed to -- review your case and render a decision. It is not the decision you wanted, but it is certainly not uncooperative. You pay a fee to have them review the case; the fee does not guarantee approval.

  14. Yes, you are right... but for now we are still waiting for an approval of our petition.. And my other friends advised me to proceed cr-1 , so I am planning once we can get an approval from 129f we will inform the agencies like usem, uscis, nvc that we wish to cancel the k3 and go for Cr-1 ..... we suite for Cr-1 since we are only 5 mos. married. So do you think my friends advised me well? to contact those 3 agencies and inform them that from k3 to cr-1? Thanks for the reply.

    Your question has been answered. In simplest terms, completely forget about the K3. You are on CR1 track now, plan accordingly. You don't have to contact anyone. USCIS has (or will) put you on CR1 and that's the information that will get passed to NVC. If you do have any concerns about the I-129f being a problem, contact USCIS customer service at 1-800-375-5283; they will help you.

    In hindsight, what others are trying to tell you, there is no reason anymore to file for K3. It is basically obsolete, as I-130s are processed just as fast as I-129f. In the old days, I-130 took years sometimes, so K3 visa was a nice, temporary way to allow married couples to be together during the wait. It wasn't necessarily bad advice to get, just unnecessary.

  15. I will just quit my job , as I need to to move overseas anyway. Slightly different for you , as you'll be staying in your job and my wife doesn't need to fly at all....

    Is that pessimistic of you to think the visa won't be ready by third trimester ? Maybe that's the best approach though !

    No, I think it's realistic. I think the absolute earliest we could get the visa interview is mid-August. That would give us a few week window before she hit the third trimester. We'll see though; I told her I'll plan for all contingencies. :) I don't want her worrying about anything right now, except staying healthy and not stressing.

  16. She's in America now, I'm back and forth.

    Due date is 7 July 2012. I was slightly optimistic that we might see the visa before then, when the process started in November last year , but now I don't think it's possible. Needed a speedy noa2 which still haven't seen.

    Likelihood is august so will have to jus go on visa waiver for the birth , taking the bar exam in July also... Going to be some month ..

    Ah, we're not due until December, so unless we get NOA2 really soon and NVC is really fast, we'll probably just wait until January. I would probably use Family Medical Leave to go over for 2 months for the birth though.

  17. We have supplied supporting evidence , doctors note.

    I think the cover letter is important, and I understand your point that it needs corroborating. Sorry, I perhaps should've mentioned the fact I send medical evidence.. The forms alone wouldn't paint enough a picture.

    Congrats on your baby btw. I take it you guys are in the same country? I hope so, we're not and it is miserable missing out on the pregnancy,

    No, we are not. She's in the Philippines. The last 2 week visit sped up our plans on a baby. ;) But, it is what it is.

    How far along is your wife? Have you thought about when the third trimester would factor into getting the visa? I guess from UK though she could take a boat. :)

    And congrats to both of you too!

    Sorry to be clear, have you spoken to Uscis about this or are you making an assumption?

    Yes, asked USCIS directly. The customer service reps have told me it doesn't affect processing times.

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