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Status Updates posted by UK_Fan

  1. this whole waiting game is killing me!!

  2. they recieved my responce for RFE!!! pray to God that everything goes smooth!!!

  3. impatiently waiting to hear from USCIS after i mailed the RFE responce.. praying for good news!! Pleaseeee

    1. Repaje


      All the same,I call them and they said that if nothing comes from them until 4/30/2012 to call them and go for faster process.You should do the same they're very polite.

  4. mailed the RFE... now to waiting, again. can you get an RFE for RFE??? lol

  5. RFE for taxes for 2010, just what i expected

  6. looks like i will be getting an RFE in the mail soon :(. wondering what it could be.

  7. God is good and my biometrics were complete!!! a little more waiting ahead, but its worth it!!

  8. well looks like no biometrics for me. they said they cant process me because my picture is not recognizable.. well what do they expect from me?? if they cant process overstays, why even bother asking them to come??? beyond mad right now

  9. getting ready, then off to my biometrics appointment!! so excited!!

  10. a quick question, not really worth taking forum space up. BUT/ which picture do they use for your green card? the one that you submitted in the AIS oacket or the one that they take at the biometrics appt.?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danilu


      The photo taken at the biometrics appt.

    3. Inky


      the ####### photo they take at the appointment is the one they use on the card every time.

    4. UK_Fan


      thank you Jesus!!! the one i sent off is beyond awful, thanks to cheap walmart "technology"

  11. How about them cats!!!!! Wohooo!!!

  12. WAY TO GO kentucky Wildcats!!! proud to bleed blue!!!

  13. got hardcopies of NOAs in the mail this morning!! though i already knew about them, getting mail from USCIS is exciting!!

  14. biometrics appointment scheduled!!!

  15. God is great!! recieved a text with a reciept number!!

  16. So we had to go to Columbus to pick a car up today and while going through Cincinnati, didn't see y'all haha

  17. welp, the AOS papers sent in, no way back now. Thank you God for all my blessings!!

  18. Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

  19. and i'm back! God is good!

  20. well God can give it and God can take it. And so he took it. Thank you all for everything, but it's time for me to leave.

  21. when all else fails, rely on your faith.

    1. sleepy in Seattle

      sleepy in Seattle

      What has happened to you, sorry I haven't been on here for a while, keep up the good faith.

  22. sheww what a morning, finally straightened out everything with my vaccinations! should have my medical completed on Wednesday! then it's time to send off!!

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