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Posts posted by rasta

  1. You're welcome. Let us know what the Embassy comes back with. Like I said, it makes no sense that they won't allow him the visa to enter Kenya... :blink: Good luck with everything and hang in there ;)

    Ben and jill the us embassy has nothing to do with issuance of the entry visa into kenya,since he is an eritrean national he will have to apply for a visa to enter kenya via the kenya embassy in eritrea,. Also as you said contact the embassy and ask for direction if they need you for a 2nd interview or they need you to mail the docs and passport via dhl.

  2. My fiance just had his interview two weeks ago in Nairobi. He arrived an hour and a half early, but wasn't even allowed to line up for over an hour. Once in line, he still had to wait another hour before going inside. I was not allowed to go in with him. He was expected to fill out another form inside, with all kinds of information about himself, me, my family in the US. He filled in what he knew and left the rest blank and this wasn't a problem. He said the woman was very nice, and only asked a couple questions. All of them were pretty basic - asking about how we met and how long we have been together. He was asked where I work and what I do. And about the wedding - he just told them the date and location and that was enough. He was approved immediately

    Be warned, we still have not received the visa in hand. We live in Uganda, and I had to travel back alone after the interview. He is still waiting to receive the visa. We had no idea that we might have to wait this long


    Check the nairobi embassy thread alot of info...


    When did u meet any children how many times for how long any pictures?tough consulate

    I got an email today saying the visa is not ready,we are working on it,should pick up at dhl by friday.

    Still dont know if approved

  3. Damn, must be tough to have to depends on those cave people, no? How the might have fallen, from pyramid builders* to 3rd world citizens!


    To be fair, I am sure some of the common workers were black.

    dr hawas just wont accept like most people that we built such a civilization.


    Krishna is one of the most revered gods in india

    Neanderthal was found in europe, dna shows 1st Humans appeared in africa,at the same time there existed a race neanderthals or found in the caucaus mountain.this sub human race came into contact with albinos that were sent from africa to a colder climate to avoid sun burns and cancer,the cave and the cold was ideal. There they showed the neanderthal what fire was.after 1000 s of years the caucasian arrived a mixed breed, he moved south 1st stop india, strated the indo aryan race,..and i can go on and on

  4. Damn, must be tough to have to depends on those cave people, no? How the might have fallen, from pyramid builders* to 3rd world citizens!


    To be fair, I am sure some of the common workers were black.


    Look at aristotle giving knowledge to an arab that gave knowledge to cavemen.

    Blacks are painted all over the pyramids im sorry if you have never been there.my ancestors knew you would claim to have built it,thats why they built it to last forever...

    Difference is we live with nature not destroy it. Kind of reminds me of avatar

  5. Rasta, I do not follow the logic of your debate. I say this with the outmost respect.

    The problem that causes the US Embassy to treat us separately in Lagos, and they do (I heard that Nigerian males are placed in AP more than Britons as an example), is a by product of the larger probelms that were created by our Nigeria leadership.

    Mr. Briton lives in a country that has VWP, Mr. Nigeria does not have that. How did that occur? What are the standards for entrance into the VWP? What steps has the Nigerian government taken to maybe create a situation for reevaluation?

    By the way, Nigerians used to be able to enter UK without an advanced visa (so a sort of VWP) in the past but that priviledge has been abused. We created our own issues and it's unfair to blame it on the US.

    A lot of Nigerians are still being given visas in Nigeria, I know of quite a few families that have won the visa lottery.

    As an African, I cringe a little when the word racism is used, let's not dilute the word from the weight of it's real meaning.

    I now yield the floor to my esteem coforumers.


    And i respec u too my brodah, but oga u cannot deny dem have double standard,and racism might sound harsh and hurt alot of feelings but the truth hurts andand we need healing. Sorry for the typos im typing fast and using a tablet

  6. ^ Aren't you black?

    If so, 400 years ago your ancestors were still being lion meat in Africa. Then 200 years ago, their own black brothers sold them into slavery.


    Lolol lol that is exactly the mentality that so called whites or albus people beleive.

    Do you know who built the pyramid while albinos were mating with neanderthals in caves in the caucus mountains?

  7. Dude if you hate US so much, you hate ppl of US so much, you hate culture, you have mis-information about country (like having highest murder rate).

    Why do you want to come to US... your timeline says have applied for K1 - why not stay in your own country where you are happy.

    Because i have a right to live in america and enjoy what my ancestors built for free for 400years..built this economy europe stole our resources

    So i have a right to live anywhere at this time american company pays my bills.but that can chang this is a gloval economy

    Seriously, if you had any respect for the cruel history of apartheid in South Africa, you wouldn't use hyperbole here. There may be racism in America, but we do not live under apartheid. You may be angry with the system, but don't trivialize true horrors in this way.

    If u know ur history america supported apartheid. And this visa thing for via waiver countries is an apartheid global apartheid

  8. The same thing happens here in America on a daily basis in our inner cities, black on black crime...

    Unfortunately that fact doesn't fit to the predetermined opinion that it is the white man keeping them down.


    Read this

    The only reason there is war in africa genocide is becoz colonialist never left and they sponsor both sides of the conflict so they cn steal resources while people fight over western ideology and demon cracy. Its just a way for the albino race to survive google albino means white,lack of melanin lack of life.the one thing that lets planys and animals grow destroys your skin.you have to put sun block

    Probably why u live in alaska you came from the caucus mountains and cant stand sunlight


    A un diplomat was refused entry to a klm plane while his secretary a white guy a jr officer was let to paas by without inspection

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