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2 N 1 for life

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Status Updates posted by 2 N 1 for life

  1. Summer pregnancy is so rough 3 more months to go:( Thank God for A/C

  2. Summer pregnancy is so rough 3 more months to go:( Thank God for A/C

    1. namaste38


      Bless...regarding your Noir letter how long did it take for you to get it post interview? Mandatorily its 6 months how long did yours take??

    2. namaste38


      Did you had a lot of visits...what did you submit as evidence??

  3. AP finally over visa mailed out 1-10-2012... Thank u Lord our journey through this crazy , frustrating, long process has finally come to the ending of a new begining

    1. olumides_wife


      whoo hoo congratulations! May the road ahead be so great you forget about the journey you went through!

    2. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Thank u so much... I'm still in awe has been a very long journey, wishing u the best in ur journey, keep in touch!

    3. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Thank u so much... I'm still in awe has been a very long journey, wishing u the best in ur journey, keep in touch!

  4. AP finally over visa mailed out 1-10-2012... Thank u Lord our journey through this crazy , frustrating, long process has finally come to the ending of a new begining

    1. Eyitemi


      Congratulations !!! That is wonderful news!!

    2. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Thank u so much!

    3. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Thank u so much!

  5. Everybody got an answer & solution for ur life... but can't even sort out their own life...SMDH!!!

    1. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Thanks but no thanks... I'll let the Lord be my guide...thats sufficent for me! 2012 and beyond

    2. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Thanks but no thanks... I'll let the Lord be my guide...thats sufficent for me! 2012 and beyond

  6. 2011 has bestowed me with many blessings as we approach 2012 I ask the Lord to increase my faith!!!

    1. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Help me to respond to life with a postive outlook, help me to withstand the bitter, along with the sweet... its easy to have faith and belief when all is going well... strengthen my faith so that I can walk in faith through out my personal journey, I asked that you continue to bless my marriage and help me not to react out of emotion but through understanding... bless my children, family and friends and those that are in distress... AMEN I look forward to entering into 2012 I'm truly humb...

    2. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Help me to respond to life with a postive outlook, help me to withstand the bitter, along with the sweet... its easy to have faith and belief when all is going well... strengthen my faith so that I can walk in faith through out my personal journey, I asked that you continue to bless my marriage and help me not to react out of emotion but through understanding... bless my children, family and friends and those that are in distress... AMEN I look forward to entering into 2012 I'm truly humb...

    3. Eyitemi
  7. *Note to self* Don't waste too much time trying to explain yourself @ the end of the day all that really matters is that you remained true to yourself, Never apologize for how you feel its like saying sorry for being real... Hmmm ...Life Lessons*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. olumides_wife



    3. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Thanks for accepting my friendship....

    4. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Thanks for accepting my friendship....

  8. *Note to self* Don't waste too much time trying to explain yourself @ the end of the day all that really matters is that you remained true to yourself, Never apologize for how you feel its like saying sorry for being real... Hmmm ...Life Lessons*

  9. While this has been intresting and a little entertaining... Real Life awaits me* blessings to all and remember *you get what you got what when you choose to settle for less*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chadobrian


      sunshine plz email me or tell me how u bothgot second interview thanks

    3. 2 N 1 for life
    4. 2 N 1 for life
  10. People who choose to participate in fraudulent marriages knowingly really make it hard for those who genuinely marry out of pure love... Some of us have been seperated from our spouses for many years unecessarily causing alot of emotional distress...I have no sympathy for anyone who gets caught participating in fraudulent marriages especially when you know from the start its a sham marriage....

  11. People who choose to participate in fraudulent marriages knowingly really make it hard for those who genuinely marry out of pure love... Some of us have been seperated from our spouses for many years unecessarily causing alot of emotional distress...I have no sympathy for anyone who gets caught participating in fraudulent marriages especially when you know from the start its a sham marriage....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Not here yet waiting on visa arrival... was hoping for christmas but too book a flight while visa is still in transition would be a big risk... InshALLAH soon... I thank you for ur sentiments I think (could be wrong) only a woman can really understand what it feels like to be pregnant and deliver w/o ur spouse there to support you emotionally... I was such an emotional wreck! I love ur beautiful spirit it vibrates such positive frequency through out my soul... thank you so much my sister...

    3. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Not here yet waiting on visa arrival... was hoping for christmas but too book a flight while visa is still in transition would be a big risk... InshALLAH soon... I thank you for ur sentiments I think (could be wrong) only a woman can really understand what it feels like to be pregnant and deliver w/o ur spouse there to support you emotionally... I was such an emotional wreck! I love ur beautiful spirit it vibrates such positive frequency through out my soul... thank you so much my sister...



      You are right. Only a woman who has been thru it can understand it. I'm here if you ever need to talk.. Just email me privately. That visa is comming NOW! I will believe with you.

  12. No matter how far God takes me... I will never forget where I came from ... :) To God I Give All The Praises !

  13. No matter how far God takes me... I will never forget where I came from ... :) To God I Give All The Praises !

  14. Ur welcome jm14 for ur well wishes... vey kind

  15. you have to be very careful with whom you share your joy with... some people aren't mature enough to handle others happiness if their own happiness has been temporarily delayed... God is the best knower ... May God watch over my husband and keep him safe...

  16. you have to be very careful with whom you share your joy with... some people aren't mature enough to handle others happiness if their own happiness has been temporarily delayed... God is the best knower ... May God watch over my husband and keep him safe...

  17. Thank you lord for sending me someone who truly loves me Im thankful for the day you brought my husband into my life ...I never thought our relationship would have evolved into marriage and having our daughter... life is really good... women who say they don't need or want a man..only say that because they have not yet been blessed with the one who connects with heart and soul... There are very few noble, responsible, educated, dedicated men left.... I'm so thankful to be blessed wit...

  18. Thank you lord for sending me someone who truly loves me Im thankful for the day you brought my husband into my life ...I never thought our relationship would have evolved into marriage and having our daughter... life is really good... women who say they don't need or want a man..only say that because they have not yet been blessed with the one who connects with heart and soul... There are very few noble, responsible, educated, dedicated men left.... I'm so thankful to be blessed wit...

  19. G-nite / G-morning .... May the new day bring many more couples closer to their loved one... May u all get the approval you've been waiting on... God Bless!

  20. G-nite / G-morning .... May the new day bring many more couples closer to their loved one... May u all get the approval you've been waiting on... God Bless!

  21. For those who have been apporved on K1's are really fortunate... jus from what I have read on others journeys seems like K1 is a hard visa to get...

  22. For those who have been apporved on K1's are really fortunate... jus from what I have read on others journeys seems like K1 is a hard visa to get...

  23. My hubby's visa has been approved... I'm so happy finally... Thank God.... 3 years of marriage 3 represents trial and we have surely been tested bt our love has sustained... throughout our journey!!!

    1. together4evr


      Congrats! That was a long journey. Please update your timeline

    2. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      thx so much! YESSSS it was a very long rough road... will update

    3. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      thx so much! YESSSS it was a very long rough road... will update

  24. My hubby's visa has been approved... I'm so happy finally... Thank God.... 3 years of marriage 3 represents trial and we have surely been tested bt our love has sustained... throughout our journey!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shaka


      congratulations!you waited too long!enjoy being all together now!

    3. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Thanx so much!!! Anything worth waiting for is truly worth having, believing in, investing in and trusting tht ur day will come... I am truly grateful and will definitely enjoy my hubby:) our daughter has not seen her daddy in 7 months she will be 2 in four months...

    4. 2 N 1 for life

      2 N 1 for life

      Thanx so much!!! Anything worth waiting for is truly worth having, believing in, investing in and trusting tht ur day will come... I am truly grateful and will definitely enjoy my hubby:) our daughter has not seen her daddy in 7 months she will be 2 in four months...

  25. Could it still be pending cos letter may say submit passport. My hubby said DOS usually can tell u if visa approved so were anxious to get letter. I hope its an approval

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