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Priscila e Lance

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Status Updates posted by Priscila e Lance

  1. GC approved!!!! Finally :)

  2. yayyyy my visa was approved!!!!!!! thank you all for supporting me :)))))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cherdave



    3. cherdave


      Sis can u share some of the questions they asked from u?..thanks

    4. Priscila e Lance

      Priscila e Lance

      well, was very simple and fast, how did you met your fiance,when, engagement date etc

  3. Tomorrow is my interview, God please be with me.

    1. winnie george

      winnie george

      good luck to u tommorrow........ Gods grace all the way.

    2. Jamaicancricket


      Good luck tomorrow!

  4. someone knows how is POE in Atlanta ???

    1. stronger


      There are many reviews on here. But my husbands POE took about 10 minutes. Depends on the day.

    2. stronger


      There are many reviews on here. But my husbands POE took about 10 minutes. Depends on the day.

  5. Thank you all, for supporting me , i got my RDJ# last days, i'm very anxious to know my interview date soon :)))

    1. Rebeca&David


      Pri! I'm happy for you! :D

  6. Oi querida,tudo bem? so passando pra dizer ola. Tenha um otimo inicio de semana :)

  7. YAYYY! We got our NOA2!!!!!!! THANK YOU LORD!

    1. tweety&irv



    2. Ayman___
  8. Going to 5 months of NOA1, sooooo difficult :(

  9. Missing my prince so much, sooo sad :(

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      Be patient and have faith :) you both will be together! it's only a matter of time :)

    2. Priscila e Lance
    3. Rebeca&David


      NOA2 is coming soon, Priscila!

  10. ow amiga desculpa pela demora é que estou sem pc, vou add vc ao nosso grupo, bjs :D

  11. pois é, vc tem facebook?? se tiver nós temos o grupo das kazetes do k1 CR1 etc, se vc quiser posso te add lá , as meninas podem te ajudar com qualquer coisa :)

  12. ow Erica q bom q voce gostou,é um tormento pra mim ficar longe do meu amor por tanto tempo

  13. where is my noa2? ? going crazy!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. C-ma'am


      Don't go crazy dear! I just looked at your timeline and it says "Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between April 26, 2012 and April 30, 2012*. "

      So, don't drive yourself crazy! Be patient! Hopefully it'll be sooner!

    3. Rebeca&David


      So, ur NOA 2 will be granted in April, then they will schedule your interview. Probably it will happen in the 1st week on June. Be ready!

      U will be able to enjoy the summer in California! How cool is that???

    4. Priscila e Lance

      Priscila e Lance

      I hope so, its sooo difficult to stay here away from my fiancee :(

  14. amiga até agora tudo bem, ja tirei meu passport agora é estocar algumas coisas e esperar pelo NOA2

  15. hello, how is your process? good luck :)

  16. Hi,how is your k1 process? good luck

  17. olá, nossa timeline está parecida :)

  18. Rebeca amore, vou tirar meu passaporte em breve, aí eu queria saber onde paga a tal da GRU do formulario que a gente preenche pelo site da PF

  19. Hi, how is going your proccess? hope good, good luck

  20. ehehe entendo.... amei as fotinhos do seu casamento ;), ainda nao conheço a familia do meu noivo, so vi a mae dele pelo skype,ahh se todos forem prestativos :)

  21. ain, pq creme de cabelo e remedio? amore ja vou fazer meu estoque rsrs BJ

  22. mulher, vou morar em Novato CA , vou add seu msn taa? Bjao

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