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Posts posted by SHAZBOT&NUNO

  1. I am so happy i found this site. I filed a petition for my fiance for a k1 visa. Recently i have been having doubts about him being genuine. Now that his interview is coming up, he is acting very strange,he always starts argument with me for no reason. He even made a few comments about he doesn't need me bugging him anymore and he will soon get his visa so he doesn't have to deal with me bugging him. We met february of 2011 and I know that he has applied for about 7 tourists visa,all were denied, is this suspicious?. I don't know what to do, my sister told me i should end things before he commits fraud. What can i do at this stage? How do i know he is planning fraud? Thanks.


    My opinion is based on my experience....His intention is to take advantage of you to gain entry into the USA. Drop the petition ASAP!

  2. Hello I am new to this site. A friend recommend to me. Here's my story.

    I arrived in the US a couple of months ago on a K-1 visa. My intensions were to marry my wife and live happily ever after.

    Unfortunately this is not the case. My wife is abusive and has many tantrums that I was unaware of. She was normal when she came to visit me. She is very jealous and has low self esteem and does not want me to be without her. While she is working I have to wait for hours at a restaurant accross the street until she is off work.

    Our living conditions have changed since I arrived. We were living with family until her niece began to show me too much attention. My wife makes $6 an hour. Now we currently live in a roach motel where I am held hostage. I cannot leave the room without her. We often run out of food. We go to bed hungry. My wife cannot support me. She can barely afford to get a way to work. I realize she was able to afford the K-1 paperwork by living with her family. Life has seriously changed for me.

    My wife does not have money to adjust my status. She also does not have a cosponsor. I do not know what will happen to me. Will I get deported? I am unhappy because of the abuse and tantrums. I want out. I want to leave. I will live on the street. I would like to adjust my status and find a real job. I met some friends here from my country who are willing to assist me. Will I be able to leave my abuser and adjust my status? Please help!

    I think the best thing you can do is try to work and save for a flight home. That's what I would do.

  3. Here is something interesting regarding Vawa timeline. Vermont Service Center VAWA Unit Stakeholder Call (conference call) May 9, 2012.In May 2012 they were working on April 2011 cases.

    Vermont Service Center VAWA Unit Stakeholder Call, May 9, 2012

    ...VAWA I-360s: we’re in the process of moving additional resources to that work; will see

    increase in production in June and July; working on 4/2011 cases and have 11,278 filings pending..."



  4. Here's my take and I'm trying to learn.

    If it's anything other than BS then why all the cloak and dagger stuff.

    Why wouldn't she have you involved in the return back to the old country fi she had insurmountable culture shock?

    If you can please share if you found out that she really left, I'm beting she didn't but just trying to throw you off of her scent.

    Yeah, I'll post when I know for sure. Well, I don't have anything to contribute, other than after arriving here, she suddenly hated me...and I mean HATE!

  5. Hold on, so she contacted you? Called or emailed? Did she tell you what happened?

    I'm really sorry for this mess. I hope she indeed left and you're just ready to pick up the pieces and move on.

    Yeah, she sent me a text the day before yesterday. No departure/flight information...just that she was leaving. Nothing more than that.

    I'll find out for sure during the week.

    Everyone be careful. I don't know if it was sudden culture shock, or just all BS from the get-go. She ain't talking.

  6. NOBODY travels to a foreign country, the US or otherwise, to be with someone then up and bolts - immediately - without a support system in place.

    The chances are good she's been schooled. Protect yourself.

    Yes, I am aware of this. She informed me two days ago that she was departing the US and returning home yesterday....still in route to Siberia at this time.

    I will try to verify this with the Department of State ASAP....to see if the I-94 was processed at the port of departure. If it was not....I have an attorney on call over this matter.

    Learned a long time ago; Before you step in the mud, make sure your boots are laced....tightly :thumbs:

  7. If you have filled out an affidavit of support, and she becomes public charge, you may be responsible for her. I'd suggest you contact ICE and inform them.

    I intend to do that. That's also something I was wondering about...and I do not believe (if memory serves me correctly) that marriage is a prerequisite for action on her part there. Someone please help me out with this one?

    Of course I worry about her self-inflicted desposition. She's a stranger in a strange land....with little or no support that I can think of.

    I have a nice home, not perfect...but modern and clean. I was going to buy her a new car, set her up with school(English study), insure her with an excellent medical plan, ect, ect...but always only with her approval.

    We had lots of plans to further travel together....

    Peeps keep telling me to let her go. I have no choice in that matter! I'm not a 16 year old crying in my Ovaltine! Life dealt me a hand of cards in this....I played them. She had a card up her sleeve. So it goes. I want to make sure I wasn't dealt a stacked deck. :thumbs:

  8. As others have said sorry to hear about your situation. I remember my friend who was from Thailand telling me, that when she came to america via the K1 129F, after 5 days she had no choice but to leave him and return to Thailand. Reason being, he was not the same person she met online or in person, she felt he was a drunk and only wanted a maid. I am not saying that this is the case in the situation above, but I am sure she has her version as why she left so quickly.

    This was no overnight wam bam thankyou man, kinda deal. We have been vacationing together for over 3 years. All kinds of petty, ridiculous excuses, were thrown at me....and I do mean petty. I do not drink, or abuse people....and I do not hold people to any unreal expectations. You are who you are...live with it, or leave it. :thumbs:

  9. Pronto it is! I am really sorry this is happening to you. Have you identified any signs that something was going on behind your back? Maybe you could list them for everyone's benefit.

    Again, Sorry for this mess.

    No, nothing that I can think of....and believe me, I'm really intuitive when it comes to people. Always knew this was a risk...but never discussed it openly.

  10. Watch out! She'll be back once she finds out that she can't get a green card except through marriage to the K1 petitioner. This has happened numerous times here on VJ. Many scammers don't do their research before coming to the US. They have their eyes focused only on the visa. They come to the US, dump the petitioner and hit the road, and then find out that they cut the cord too quickly. They can't get a green card by marrying their secret boyfriend, and they can't file a VAWA claim. This is when they start trying to patch things up with the petitioner, saying they got scared and panicked. When that doesn't work she'll probably offer you some cash if you marry her and help her get a green card.

    Save any correspondence for your fraud evidence package.

    I hear you on that, especially the last sentence. We have an old saying around these parts...."Don't let the door hit you in the @ss on the way out!" :thumbs:

  11. For good measure, I would also consider taking extra precautions placing a 'fraud alert' with the credit reporting companies. If this person scammed once, there is no reason she might not consider stealing his identity or selling his information to someone else. All that she needs to do that is in the docs provided during her visa process.

    She did have access to my desk, and files, while here. I'll take care of that, pronto! Thank you for the heads up.

  12. That's exactly what's been bothering me. Up to now, I had a really good rapport with her entire family back in the old country (and met all of them there)...now they won't speak to me....period. Makes me wonder what kinda Sh_t slinging has been going on...and if it could have an impact with USCIS. I understand all legal aspects...but how to cover my backside against any false accusations, that would justify her leaving so quickly? That doesn't bother me...it scares the hell out of me! All she has to do is file a complaint....and in this country, I'm cooked without cause.

    Yes; no physical contact, no voice, no text, no nothing, from here on out!

    I'll report her...then let it roll.

    Thank's everyone...I appreciate all the helpful advice!

    By the way; all of my Russian American friends here, are very...very upset about this for me. I'm fortunate to have them.

  13. How can a human being put someone through all the I-129F petition, the expenses, the wait, NVC, etc whilst they have ulterior motive?

    The deepest depths of hell are reserved for certain axis of evil.

    "Man to Man is so unjust" Bob Marley

    That's exactly what's been bothering me. Up to now, I had a really good rapport with her entire family back in the old country (and met all of them there)...now they won't speak to me....period. Makes me wonder what kinda Sh_t slinging has been going on...and if it could have an impact with USCIS. I understand all legal aspects...but how to cover my backside against any false accusations, that would justify her leaving so quickly? That doesn't bother me...it scares the hell out of me! All she has to do is file a complaint....and in this country, I'm cooked without cause.

    Yes; no physical contact, no voice, no text, no nothing, from here on out!

    I'll report her...then let it roll.

    Thank's everyone...I appreciate all the helpful advice!

  14. what happened? You don't need to worry. Be careful if she wants to come back to you. She might try to get a green card by VAWA. Ok just be careful :thumbs:

    Nothing happened other than she came...she went. Still in country as far as I know...but I don't know for sure. Will not respond to any attempts at contact...just ridicules me with hateful rhetoric. Total 180 after after entry into the US. I'm aware of the legal situation regarding her. Just don't need the USCIS coming after me for any reason. My intent was true...her's was not.

  15. Thanks to everyone for your helpful advice, and good karma! We decided to just let the process work itself out for the last few weeks. She suddenly received the approved visa/packet via courier service.

    By the way, I would put up a darn timeline if I could get it figured out. Overall for us, the K-1 process has been within the official time window. For everyone waiting through the petition process, hang in there! USCIS will eventually put down the pipe, and get you through. :thumbs:

  16. I actually understand the reasons behind it and that's why, while I was disappointed, I kinda shrugged it off and said "It's normal", and when I go back to it, the interview wasn't as bad, he asked things I would've asked if I'd been him. It's their job. Heck I want to be a consular officer one day so I should take all of this as a preview. Of course having a job where people lie to you every single day to scam your country will make you more cynical and suspicious of others. I'm just really curious as to why the OP is so hellbent on getting everyone to despise this consulate, because in general I've heard they're not bad, and even with my difficult interview, they've been very polite to me, answer my questions quickly, and have been understanding.

    The only problem I have with them; is that I the petitioner, was not allowed to attend my fiancees interview. You know, to provide support for her and address any possible questions or concerns. Still waiting in limbo two weeks later, after submitting requested information on the 221g.

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