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Status Replies posted by chadobrian

  1. I miss you so damn much 24 more days til I see you again ...

  2. Felt good to shop tonight. I bought bunch of stuff for new place. I know I should be getting toney someone warm clothes but I couldnt help myself.

  3. So it's Sunday and thanksgiving is over SOOOOOOO this week Toney's visa will b printed!! I know it.

  4. The wait is about to end....hope to hear the interview date in the 1st week of Dec!!!

  5. Visa Approved!! verrrry Happy, thanks for the support!

  6. It's been a little over 5 months now. I MISS MY FIANCEE!

  7. Im so depressed :-/

  8. Visa Approved!! verrrry Happy, thanks for the support!

  9. After going off on everyone, emailing the embassy 10+ times, and having my attorney to email the embassy, we FINALLY received our interview date! (33 days later) Thank you God!

  10. After going off on everyone, emailing the embassy 10+ times, and having my attorney to email the embassy, we FINALLY received our interview date! (33 days later) Thank you God!

  11. Has anyone emailed the embassy in Kingston since the beginning of November? Have they replied yet?

  12. The holidays are gonna delaying us getting his visa even more :-((

  13. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that my baby and I receive our interview date this week

  14. hmmmm, sigh....is it true that the jamaica embassy has changed it's email addresses?

  15. I give up. I'm so mad.

  16. Still no interview date..getting a little worried :'(

  17. Miss my baby so much..lose sleep wondering when will I see him again :( Hope our interview date comes soon.

  18. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6-7

  19. Miss my baby so much..lose sleep wondering when will I see him again :( Hope our interview date comes soon.

  20. uh oh! just about my time!! i"m on the count down

  21. My baby was approved... Just getting back still waiting on connecting flight

  22. Back home... My trip to Jamaica was beautiful!!! We decided to get married.. He is now my husband.. Embassy you think you can stop Us.. A special thank you to R_N_M she had my back in JM and was a witness to marriage.. Your an angel

  23. My baby was approved... Just getting back still waiting on connecting flight

  24. My baby was approved... Just getting back still waiting on connecting flight

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