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Posts posted by Zabka

  1. Been trying to figure this out too. Also a bit muddled with tax forms as mine were filed but with 0 and hoping that since I have bank account/credit card/ driver's license in the US that it will prove domicile.


    Take a look at the instructions for the form they say ways you can prove domicile. But as PP said, you cannot do anything your wife has to do it. As for the tax forms, sorry no idea also had no idea I was supposed to file taxes in the US if I'm not working there.

  2. This is my situation:

    I live with my husband in Belgium where we both have jobs. My dad is a co-sponsor as he lives in the US and that is also my domicile. As I understand it both me and my dad fill out the I-864, correct?

    The form asks me about my income, since this is not in America, I'm not sure if this is necessary to include since when we move I'll have to quit this job. So should I say that I do not have an income instead?

    Thank you.

  3. Hopefully these are simple. I have two questions regarding the G-325. I just don't want to make a silly error.

    It asks: Applicant's residence in the last 5 years.

    Does this mean only where I held residency as I was studying and traveling abroad during a few of these years but was never a resident of the country, or are they asking where I was living regardless if I was a resident of the country or not.

    Second question:

    What exactly is the correct way to add more info if the space provided is not enough? I have run out of room for employment in last 5 years as they need full name and addresses and the space allocated is not too much.

    Thanks a lot!

  4. Hello!

    I am trying to fill out the I-130 and am confused about which address to use where. We are currently living together in Belgium but are thinking about moving in the near future to another location in Belgium. I wouldn't have this issue if we were not planning on moving. Since we are, I figured I'd use his parents' address in Belgium, but then I wanted to use documents as proof that we've been living together and that's another address on those documents. There is no option to select an address for correspondence and where we live, basically that is what we need.

    What should we do, I am worried that if we apply with where we live and then move we will loose correspondence material. Or is it easy to change your address once you have applied.

    please help

    Thank you!


  5. Hello All,

    My first post since I'm completely overwhelmed and not sure what we even need to start applying for.

    I am a US citizen but my Husband is Belgian.

    I would like him to get a green card to be able to go to the US for a longer period than 3 months on a tourist visa if something were to happen. We are not looking to immigrate at this time but would like to step over a hurdle already in case we do later.

    So what is step # 1? Can he maintain a green card without residing in the US? (I heard that he has to go at least once a year to maintain it).

    Thanks a lot!

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