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Nigerian Queen

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Status Updates posted by Nigerian Queen

  1. LOL I MAKE THEM MAD WITH ME because I am real straight up!!!

  2. at what time in the month does NVC starts scheduling interviews for I130s

  3. Good day friends I am glad to say that our case is in the second stage of being processed. have a blessed day everyone

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      I pray it all goes smoothly and quickly from this point on!

    2. kamson


      You go Girl --- God is Able. I'm praying for you to get a September interview if not late August. Just keep calling NVC until they tell u case closed or you keep getting the sign in failed on NVC on payment portal. And sync your email to your cell phone so you will see immediately when they send the interview letter with date. ~Blessings~

  4. Congratulation sis

  5. Enjoy your trip. Income tax sure comes in handy lol!I just came back from seeing my hubby as well

  6. good morning everyone!! my case is a Nbc and I am hoping to hear something real soon!!! does anyone have some advice for me ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nigerian Queen
    3. sherryandyashpal


      hey girl.. I also faxed my info to my senator's office and maybe they can at least get a straight answer!! I hope you find out something also!!!

    4. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Thanks sis. I hope so too!! You and me both We got this! IJN

  7. Good Morning friends!! i have finally completed my I 130 petition and mailed it off last Wednesday. whew I am glad thats over!! i will be contacting y'all for questions. have a blessed day friends

    1. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Have a blessed day also and congratulations on getting that sent off!

    2. Nigerian Queen
  8. Good Morning friends!! i have finally completed my I 130 petition and mailed it off last Wednesday. whew I am glad thats over!! i will be contacting y'all for questions. have a blessed day friends

  9. Good day all!! I'm working on my cr1 visa and whew am I. swamped with work. trying to put together evidence. I have tons of proof, but I'm trying to narrow it down a notch. lol irs so much. but o well i got to get my boo with me in the states!! be blessed y'all

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Thanks for the encouraging words. It was hard lol. I just completed it and sent it off yesterday

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      You are on your way :). Feels good to have sent it off, doesn't it?

    4. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Congrats on getting it completed and sent off! Glory be to God!

  10. I'm not always on here, but i want to encourage everyone on this journey. for we all need strength. be blessed everyone

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. suganspyce42


      So true and thank God for visa journey and it's a blessing to have someone who understands and enduring the process as well.

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Yes indeed! We all need encouragement, no matter where we are in the process! Many blessings to you!

    4. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      That's it my friends we are in this Together God got our back!!! Keep holding on

  11. merry Christmas everyone!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      It was great during the day, but around 1am I Started to miss my husband so much. It was so bad until I started crying..it was crazy

    3. suganspyce42


      I definitely understand what you were facing at the time because I missed my husband terribly on Christmas day and watching all of the couples enjoying each other, did not make it any easier but soon this too shall pass!

    4. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Thanks sis for that.. girl it sure has been hard. I will be soooo ready for this process is over

  12. it is so hard leaving your husband behind... but had a dream that i was packing my bags on my way to see him again.. i hope that will be very soon bcz im missing sweet daddy

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      We all know that pain, but soon there will be no more leaving him behind, he will be home with you for good! :)

    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Once your husband is home and you look back on this process...you will say, "WOW, that was very quick!" It only seems hard because you are apart. Once he is with you, it will seem that he has always been with you.

  13. 5more days for my trip to nigeria!! thats so wonderful!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. velrich
    3. Faithful2012


      Have a wonderful time girl......

    4. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      Thanks ladies. Sorry for the late replies.

  14. im not gonna feed into garbage, but i wanna say this. now everyone thats here on Vj has spouse or significant other abroad. my thing is this if I'm desparate for a man abroad and can't find a man here in the states as someone on here on vj put it. im confused as to why are you here? in that case we are all desparate. Stay in your lane Lady. you don't know me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. QueenE


      people say the stupidest things on here about relationships. It almost concerns me that many have social disorders.

    3. Nigerian Queen

      Nigerian Queen

      For real thought!!!

    4. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      I learned early on, sometimes you just have to ignore what others say. They might have entered their relationship for "business reasons" only, (which is illegal by the way.) You can tell when someone is in love with their spouse and there is real romance.

  15. I am so excited about my trip to nigeria. i can't hardly wait to see my fiance for the first time

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nigerian Queen
    3. 2HeartsR1


      I am sure you will enjoy your trip. Traveling mercies be with you. I have been twice now and love it. I am going back mid-November, hoping to bring hubby back with me! Read up on what to do such as drinking boiled water or bottled water, and enjoy getting to know your fiance face to face. God bless.

    4. Nigerian Queen
  16. I like your user name LOL!!! Husband and wife!! Welcome to VJ

  17. loving someone from overseas is hard and challenging, but with love it will pay off at the end. Hold on to your love and don't let go!!!

  18. yeah i like the title of that!!!!

  19. I read your story sis.you have awesome testimony. You put God first and look how smoothly things ran for you. Once again I want to thank you for commenting on my post.

  20. Im waiting on your call Bev.

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