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Status Updates posted by ineedhelp

  1. OMG...Finally the news is here...He finally got the visa after 11 months of AP.... THANK GOD..and everyone who supported me..without ur help I'd have been a really big mess....thanks everyone..and yes you all are in my prayers

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. ineedhelp


      LAMA...yes i will for sure...and I do pray everyday for everyone who are in this terrible process... its just stupid and pathetic...not fair for a lot of people...

      wissnan.... thanks a lot :) my life was a mess... hope i can get out of it...

    3. patracy


      hi, please what foreign country did u petioned at or country of your spouse.

    4. ineedhelp
  2. OMG OMG OMG...M SO FREAKIN OUT NOW...hope to get a good news soon... O_O PRAY FOR ME!! PLZ

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ineedhelp
    3. chadobrian


      i called told i was in ap what is that and why ..is this for everyone

    4. ineedhelp


      its not for everyone..but for most men...from 'selected' countries... basically you are in AP because of few reasons... could be incomplete documents... name check... more security...to check on ur status... etc etc...what did they say when you had ur interview??

  3. oh okay... thanks :)

  4. hey where do u live in US???

    just a question..

    did u change your status on ur ID card from single to married??

    does that make any difference...since the case is in AP?

    have any clue?

  5. tired of waiting...tired of this life now..

    1. GVMack


      :( I hate waiting too!!!
  6. no good news yet

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      Be patient and keep faith, your time will come too. This is by far one of the hardest things one can go through in life, it takes perseverance and focus. You are right about your comment on my wall. Thanks for stopping by, good luck!

    2. ineedhelp


      :( m actually loosin all of my hopes... things are falling apart :( not liking anything
  7. pakistan embassy.. please forgive us..and get us our damn visa now :@

  8. oh okay!!....

    :( well atleast u know whts the problem in ur case... i dnt even know that.. :(

    i really hope u guys get out of it soon... it ruins everything as time passes by..specially family ####### in pak...

  9. hardest part is...when no one is by ur side coz of this stupid AP...and u cant cry...

  10. hey... just a little question.. how did you find out that his ap is under name check??? there is no way i could find anything about my case... my husband is under AP from almost 11 months now

  11. to hell with this visa and AP... i gave up...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. lei1111


      hang in there! is must be so hard and i have just started but dont g ive up. let it go. give it to God, He takes care of everything and gives comfort. be well.

    3. ineedhelp


      @ carolyn... i know God doesnt give more than one can handle... but i guess God is too busy somewhere else now days...

    4. ineedhelp


      @ lei... yes ur right... it is hard... harder than i could ever imagine... one cant be strong if there is NO one whos by ur side..or understand this AP #######...

  12. Everyone has an enemy. It's why God gave us baseball bats. Well, He gave us trees, but we knew what He meant

  13. YA Allah...PLZ HELP ME NOW...its been almost 11 months under AP.... m dying a lil more inside EVERYDAY... PLZ HELP NOW...

  14. no hope :'(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ineedhelp


      its been almost 11 months.... i dont see it

    3. anum


      InshAllah everything will be fine soon

    4. ineedhelp


      i really hope so..

  15. hating every moment of this AP life

  16. this AP sure brings a lot of misunderstandings in ones relation....

    1. hnubno


      exactly.... understand what you said here. keep strong and steady, they can't break us or our relationships...altho we are tired...

    2. ineedhelp


      how long can we try 8-)...

      when ur not together..everyone tries to tear u apart...

  17. 10 months 5 days...still under AP :'( God HELP ME NOW PLZ.....

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