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Posts posted by pinkpoka

  1. http://photos.state.gov/libraries/ciudadjuarez/231771/PDFs/K1%20PACKET%20COMPLETE%20_July2011%20UPDATES_.pdf

    I am filing for my fiance, but do not meet the requirements, I have co sponsors but not sure what form I need to fill out and what my sponsors need to fill out. On our packet it states: Proof of Economic Solvency (The petitioner can provide a letter from their current employer, recent check stubs, and current tax returns. The Affidavit of Support I-864 is not required. (A job offers letter for the beneficiary can also be provided).

    I know there is an I-864, I864A and I-134. for the support but not sure who fills out what. Help please!

  2. Does the petitioner get interviewed or is it just the person who they are filing for? Does it make a difference going to the interview?

    Is there a form somebody can provide to see what is needed to bring to this interview for USA Citizen filing for Mexican Citizen? We plan on going together but just want to see how everyone knows what is needed besides what they send you in the mail, if there is an online site I can view?


    I rent an apartment with my fiance in Mexico, should we have our landlord sign a notice that says we've been staying here since X____?

  3. I dont understand how everyone knows what the steps are if before filing it doesn't tell you what you will need later on down the line.

    When filing for the I-129F, the first process of the visa it doesn't state anywhere about what comes next and what you will need provide at interviews and things like this.

    Also does the US citizen have to go to the interview. I do attend to go but do I have to?

  4. I am living here in Mexico on a tourist visa, but my residence is in the USA numero uno.

    Numero Dos - My mother does have a job, although she has been injured on the job no income, but she will be getting her back pay from the post office very shortly, maybe before my interview (which should be soon because I've been waiting 2 months since filing) - THe K1 is already filed (FYI)

    You dont need to be all defensive. I understand lying is not good for the govt but my mom will give me the money (as a gift persay). Its not like my mom is going to take the money back after he gets here.

    Its a longer process to get married in Mexico then go to the USA because first you need consent from the govt to do this plus, I dont want to do that.

    It's funny how rude people can be on these forum websites.

  5. When it comes time for my husband to adjust his status in the US, I will more than likely have a job, its just that I've never needed to because he supports us. I am living in Mexico with him and this is also another reason why I am not employed. There is a will from my recently passed grandfather however I can not receive the money for another 5 years. The reason why my mother will lend me the money is so that way all the burden will be on me if for some reason I need to provide money for my fiance if something happends, it would be just an advance on my grandfathers will.

    I could provide a trail from the money, but I dont see how it would be a big deal.

  6. Okay so sponsor's household size (would be my mom if needed) currently has 4 people (I am there 1/5 or so the year) so when we arrive it will be +2 so does that mean at time of filing the form it would be 6 people or just 4 or 5?

    Does the co-sponsor technical has a job but hasn't been working (injured in car accident and then at work), waiting on settlement from work, would this effect anything about them signing?

  7. This is my dilemma - I've never had a job paid on the books (always was a nanny and pet sitter). My fiance is the one who supports us. I've never paid taxes before so I don't have that to provide.

    My mother said she would support me with the money and deposit what is needed for the interview in my bank account.

    Which way do you think is easier, for her to cosign half the money, or for her to put the money in my account?

    When we arrive back to the states we will be living with my family (me, fiance, mom, stepdad, 2 brothers).

    I am leaning towards putting the money in my account and if they ask any questions of why is there a big lump sum deposited at one time, my response would be my grandfather has passed and this is what he had in his will for me. (although I do not receive this until about 5 more years).

    How much money will I need to put up to support the 2 of us?

    Also, how do you find this figure out? What government site can I find it on?

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