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Status Updates posted by Sugarz.K.R

  1. GOOD LUCK with you ROC Process, I hope you get answers to your questions as you answered everyone elses questions. :)

  2. hubby ticket booked today but im staying on vj to help my trini posse.... goodluck to all of you.

    1. StarAh


      Congrats! My hubby's interview is on 9/28, hoping he'll be here soon. :)

  3. HUbby is picking up his passport with his VISA today...all my hard work has paid off. Cant wait to see him on the 17th

    1. LadySarabi


      Great! Good Luck

    2. IslandLady



  4. APPREOVED!!!! waiting till tonight to get full detail from my hubby to write the review.... happy happy

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sugarz.K.R


      Thanks GUys soo much the feeling is so wonderful.....

    3. cnkf



    4. Sugarz.K.R


      Hey guys I wrote the review n that is as detailed as my hubby gave it.

  5. Im counting down the hours my huby is in the embassy..... right now its 2 hrs ahd 15 mind

  6. I found a plane ticket so tempting . it's only to be in trinidad for 16hrs so that i can be there for my hubby. so tempting and so confused!!!

  7. 9 more days for new funiture, 11 more days for hubby to pick up medical and my new class begins, 13 more days for the interview and when APPROVED 30 more days after that for my hubby to come home K


  9. My little heart is racing in my chest. times drawing closer and closer. seems like the closer we get the worst i miss him. Trust in GOD cus we are BLESSED.

  10. I cant wait for all of this to be over so i can drive to the airport and jump into my hubby's arms like they do in the movies :) oh i miss my hunnieeeee.

  11. one more month till Interview and the days are so longgggg. I cant wait to just be standing at the bottom of the stairs at the airport waiting on him. I miss my hubby.

  12. Why Is Trinidad so Backwardssssssssssssssss,

    1. Amrita&Terry


      hi congrats on your interview date... n goodluck to u n urs

    2. Amrita&Terry


      hi congrats on your interview date... n goodluck to u n urs

    3. Sugarz.K.R
  13. Got our Interview date. sad cus i cant get off to go with him :(

    1. Army wife

      Army wife

      yay! congrats! don't be too sad...

    2. Sugarz.K.R


      Im not sad anymore :0 just wish i would be the 1st one to hug him after the interview.

  14. Waiting on this interview date is like waiting for a taxi to come.... you know its comming but whats taking it so long to arrive.... 22days since CC.

  15. MAY 26th will be sending Our 1st Anni. We are so excited to spend the week together. hope fully in July we'd be on our way to the embassy (fingers crossed). currently waiting on the interview date but distracted by the thought of eating curry crab and dumpline on the beach...paradiseeeeee

  16. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

  17. Hey just checking in seeing how things are.

  18. Sorry I was trying to send u a pm from my phone n my finger touched remove as a friend n now I can't add u back or send u a pm. Guess its best to use ur laptop vs phone. I wish u all the best n hope I get a chance to add u back to my list.

  19. today my hubby has made it a good day n he isnt even here yet, 26 more day to go see him n spend oyr 1anniv together

  20. USCIS took 21 days to mail my case to NVC, i was upset but know i can deal with the waiting now that i know what is actually going on... plus DOS i need my marriage certificate this week plez thk u!!!!!

    1. Amrita&Terry


      goodluck, you are almost there ;-)

  21. Ok but were u saying that they wont even let the petitioner in? i guess i misunderstood, i was just asking to know if i can go with my hubby. I know its not required. I guess id just go at least if they let me in i can go drink some coconut water by the savana and maybe try to catch a doubles man :)

    PS: i didnt mean to make u upset if i did (the CAPS)

  22. Oh where or where is my case....... not at USCIS and not at NVC...is cupid reviewing it.....

    1. Amrita&Terry


      its not a necessity that the petitioner goes with the beneficiary to there interview in trinidad, i got my info from calling US embassy trinidad, also from a friend who did this same process a few months ago. by the way hope you get tru with your stuff soon.

    2. Sugarz.K.R


      yeah i know its not manditory but if i can go i want to, that's what i was trying to ask. i asked my aunt if they let her hubby in and she said yes, n i called my brother (he's a security gaurd in the embassy) and he said they will let me in but id have to leave our son home (which i was planning on). Wat ever the case i will still be glad to be there with him or if not be there before and after his interview.

    3. Amrita&Terry


      the caps was from posting that in a forum i just copy and pasted, no im not upset;-) actually yea if you wabt i guess you can still tag along, i was just saying its not a necessity like for others who cant just be there;-). by the way goodluck

  23. Ohh by the way congratzzz on ur interview date..must be so exciting!!!!! yippy for you guys

  24. Hi my aunt had here CR1 process last month and her husband went with her to the interview. I also plan to go with my husband and i emailed the embassy to confirm and they said they only will let the spouse in with there benificiary. I saw you worte a post saying the opposite, Where did you get the info that the spouse is not allowed? :S

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