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Status Updates posted by Olomi_811

  1. Heaven sent me a wonderful, supernatural, wonderful gift...Ade's visa is approved!! Thank you God for this and the man worthy of walking life's journey with me. Thank you for the people you set in this visa path to offer wisdom, laughter, and pray me through my trials. Much love for LagosLove, TJ4ever, and Inyang loves Dee!

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Olomi_811


      lol YW Dee!

    3. M & C

      M & C

      Congratulations! I am truly happy for you!

    4. Olomi_811


      Thank you M&C!

  2. Praying that Yemi enjoys his first day at work. We took the bus out there yesterday and he's blessed to have a 3 minute walk from the stop. I dropped him off this morning, but he wanted to take the bus home since he knew the route. I'm going to try not to cry too much today.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Chii


      Congrtulation to your him on the new job!I have to add your husband is so funny.

    3. Chii


      Congrtulation to your him on the new job!I have to add your husband is so funny.

    4. Olomi_811


      Just as I'm about to go off, I have to stop myself and question whether he is playing. I think he likes seeing me worked up. If our future babies act like him lawd me and if they act like me lawd help us all...lol!

  3. On this day last year, I was amped to get on a flight traveling outside the US for the first time and doing it alone to meet the man who asked if I would wait for him....1 year anniversary for traditional wedding is on Monday!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Olomi_811


      Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    3. KAL


      Happy belated Anniversary!!!

    4. Olomi_811
  4. Recap to some of my status updates: "Study to show thyself approved." If you found VJ by accident know that is God's way of preparing you for the test ahead. READ READ READ. Stop posting every single question.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Americangirl10


      *Whoop, Whoop! :) & Congrats on your approval! Pathetic way to try to embarass someone but anywho-ya baby is coming HOME!!! I'm happy like he's my husband. Hahaha

    3. Americangirl10


      *Whoop, Whoop! :) & Congrats on your approval! Pathetic way to try to embarass someone but anywho-ya baby is coming HOME!!! I'm happy like he's my husband. Hahaha

    4. Olomi_811


      Thank you!

  5. Could there be three better noises? Lying here listening to the birds chirping, the rain falling, and my husband snoring! ADE IS HOME!!

  6. Why am I lying here texting and browsing VJ like my alarm didn't go off 10 minutes ago?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. princessO


      hahaha...well...i was speaking about me and my husband sometimes...i have to understand he is adjusting along with me and it is hard to keep quiet sometimes...



      Heck I was talking in general.. especially at work. Whew they have a way of making you feel some kinda way :( as far as husbands... Lord give us strength because they can test your brain matter too. LMFO

    4. Olomi_811


      lol@ hard to keep quiet

      lol@testing brain matter

      Right now I'm looking forward to all the good and the ugly. I don't have bail money so Imma break out in a hymn.

  7. While filling out a job app yesterday, I had to explain what "daydreaming" meant. This am he's online looking for junk/salvage cars and says "I am thinking of buying one, driving for a while, & sending it home." I said, "uh huh." He got excited about the cheap prices he saw. I refused to say anything about those cars being in Texas and us living Philadelphia. I couldn't help, but say he needed to find a "junk job first."

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kehinde


      Thats funny girl. STOP IT!...LOL

    3. Faithful2012


      LMBO....too funny....good one...

    4. Faithful2012


      LMBO....too funny....good one...

  8. So ready for Virgo season to get here!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ely chaudhary

      ely chaudhary

      Virgo season ...lol... it is a beautiful time of year but I do LOVE libra season more :)

    3. Olomi_811


      lol...I'm close to the cusp I'LL TAKE IT!

    4. Olomi_811


      lol...I'm close to the cusp I'LL TAKE IT!

  9. He text me asking if I would meet him after work, saying he wanted to take me out to eat, and ended the text with "Let me spoil you a little." I almost asked who was texting me from his phone. God thank you for all you are doing.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Americangirl10


      Amen to this!!! I really, really understand the part of "its nice to be on the receiving end for a change". Looking forward to many, many more posts like this. :) So happy!

    3. Americangirl10


      Amen to this!!! I really, really understand the part of "its nice to be on the receiving end for a change". Looking forward to many, many more posts like this. :) So happy!

    4. Kayode&Ginie


      Awww, you too are so cute!! I love this..hope you had a good time!!

  10. Since meeting my husband I've known a peace and level of elevation that I never knew existed. My sensory to detect bsers and miserable people is more acute. I'm learning not every comment is worthy of my response and not every well wish is sincere. I wrote the following, but decided not to post it on facebook (I'm taking an indefinite hiatus).

    1. Show previous comments  6 more



    3. EAbbas


      Aww :( I was afraid of having the similar reactions.. except I married a man from a terrorist country so i figured it would be worse :( but Thank God the only thing I've gotten is support and love from everybody including my customers at the bank... the only thing said to me was.. an older gentleman said... you didnt have to marry from overseas your beautiful you could have anybody you wanted... except all the good ones are already taken thats the problem.. and my ex.. well thats a whole ...

    4. EAbbas


      different story... Inshallah (God-Willing) the love and support will come when they see how happy you are.. May Allah Bless you and keep you faithful and strong

  11. I could look at this as it's been 30 days since I saw my baby; instead I'm thankful to have crossed 1 more month off of us being together soon.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. princessO


      Yes May...and under different circumstances...I would go into 'act a fool' mode...he has a small business and he has to take care of things with the business before he comes here...these are things that you cannot do prior to receiving the visa as one is not guaranteed a visa...and it is not like he works for a random employer and can just say...ok...i quit...i am going to USA...this is his business that he has customers and has taken years to build up his business and he doesnt just ...

    3. Olomi_811


      Princess I pray May gets here fast!

    4. princessO


      you and me both...luckily i am very busy with work and school and my grand daughter...it kind of makes the time go by faster...thanks

  12. Six months in and last night he verbalized "...I want to do my job as your husband." Two months ago this might have impressed me. Today it just pisses me off.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more


      You must lead and teach by example though you must be ready to be led...Lord help us all with this one. Especially if you feel the leader is not ready for the task. My brother mediated a disagreement with Prince and I...



      I am afraid to spend...and you know he has no trouble with it. My brother said to me...you must trust your husband with the finances..I looked at him like his head fell off and rolled down the hall. Prince was all up in the chest like "yea!" My brother looked at him and said she will trust you but if one bill falls behind...the s#!! is on you and you better be damn sure you can handle it.



      So I'm in training to trust. but watching the money too...I aint no fool. Willingness, to try despite all odds with adjustment in self refection and teaching by showing...not always "you need to..." because it just shuts them down. Be pissed off but see if he owns his statement...then own yours..let's see..but not give up just yet...I know I know I know...and I love you sis. whew this was long!

  13. As I'm perusing pages this morning, seeing couples still enduring prolonged separations I thought to myself "Lord thank you, because I couldn't do it." Then I thought of my story and the challenges I've endured. Only those who need to know will know it. This morning I can say "Lord thank you for this form of hardship, growth, and loves continued renewal!" No matter your story speak life into it. Proclaim the positive and pack all the dead and decaying thoughts ...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Chii


      Hi Sister! long time. How are you and hubby doing?

    3. Chii


      Hi Sister! long time. How are you and hubby doing?



      I love it.. Having hindsight I'm not sure if I could endure that distance ever again having my husband here with me now. I see the new couples trying to pull through and I'm reminded of the strength, endurance, hope, faith, trust, prayer and love it took to make it thru and in does not stop when they arrive..it continues. My prayer is that the stories we hear will be filled happy beginnings. Thanks for putting this out Olomi

  14. Monife lati nu okan mi

    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      I'mma make you laugh..why was my husband online last night ordering Igbo for beginners..I just shook my head and went to sleep...lmbo!!!:):):):o he's determined I'll know it before Sept.

    3. Olomi_811


      Tell Frederick to find something to do!!

    4. Olomi_811


      Can't believe I am screaming and LOL!!

  15. Making arrangements for POE & I express to him my concern for driving to a place I've never been & having to pick him up so late. He says to me, "Honey how far is it from where you live? I can make it to you on my own. I know ur address & ur phone number. I just want you safe."

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Olomi_811


      He'll be picked up in the same manner I went to a "foreign" country...

    3. Americangirl10


      Well alright then! Handle that, I love it! :)

    4. Americangirl10


      Well alright then! Handle that, I love it! :)

  16. Stayed home for date night (too hot). He lost me when he picked The 7 Adventures of Sinbad. Had a longggg nap and I'm revived now...round 2!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dwheels76


      Olomi- stop it now. I am laying up in the bed laughing so hard tears. Just picturing u watching this and ur eyes rollin.

      Me and my husband thank you Jesus love the action stuff. "Transformers" I swear I have it on a loop on my computer.

      @Lagoslove-what is it with our husbands and movies on laptops. I guess the lack of nepa makes it that way. Too too fuNny. Hunni loves '24'. I have never seen an episode.

      I am lovin this so can't wait.

    3. ely chaudhary

      ely chaudhary

      I am laughing so hard at both of your comments cause I can so relate to this ...lol...

    4. ely chaudhary

      ely chaudhary

      I am laughing so hard at both of your comments cause I can so relate to this ...lol...

  17. Great is your mercy towards me, your love and kindness I see, your tender mercy I see, day after day FOREVER FAITHFUL TOWARDS ME (thank you lord!)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      This weekend is "Don't disturb this Groove" lol

    3. Olomi_811



    4. Olomi_811



  18. I forgot my phone and refuse to go home for that alone.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BocaChicaBabe


      OK, so tell me why I wanted to be like you and went to work this morning blind. I found some contacts in my drawer and decided to use them not knowing how long they've been there. All was well while I was in the house, but once I got outside and started driving things went downhill fast. Pretty much everything is blurry. If it's not right in front of my face, then I'm not seeing it too well. Bad thing is I didn't even bother to turn the car around to change them, but I ha...

    3. BocaChicaBabe


      ve surely turned that car around if I forgot my phone.

    4. Olomi_811
  19. People are quick to question the genuineness of their foreign spouse and the spouses of others. When people venture onto the Visa Journey and this site, there is enough angst and stress in the natural course of things that present doubt and misunderstanding. You hope to find others for comfort and guidance. Some never think that perhaps they need to question the realness of the American poster. For months on end, their status updates and posts read like The Young & The Restless and Day...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Olomi_811


      Probably not the person you're thinking.



      I agree totally.Because of the stressfulness this process bring to the forefront there is absolutely no need to make up fictitious stories that may deter or confuse others in need of true and real advice. This journey is so difficult and long I feel that each and every one of us who reaches out for help should get the very best not "your story" instead show where to read, teach how to research but be a listening ear. It's good to see the best come from a situation but it's bad...



      when the entire story is a lie. As always I'm here with the best I can offer.

  20. It's nice to sit down and hear him in the kitchen. From time to time, I lean forward to catch a peek of the gorgeous view.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gambialove


      Enjoy the view I'm sure you have waited long enough lol... How my dream come a reality next week

    3. Omeka


      congratulation.i wish you the best in life

    4. Olomi_811
  21. He came to bed earlyyyy this morning saying "mi esposa" and the name "Esmeralda"...can you guess who watches movies in Spanish, doesn't speak it, but will probably be fluent in 6 months?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ben and Jill

      Ben and Jill

      Omg...he's on your nerves, lolol. I laughed out loud when I read that!

    3. Olomi_811


      Jill, the chiropractor's masseuse soothed my muscles for an hour. Fifteen minutes later, I felt like NOTHING happened!

    4. Olomi_811


      Jill, the chiropractor's masseuse soothed my muscles for an hour. Fifteen minutes later, I felt like NOTHING happened!

  22. Is it possible to miss your spouse even after they are here? Hell yes! Can't wait to see him this evening!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheresaAnn


      lol olami, I will be doing the same thing

    3. Chii


      Happy Birthday!

    4. Chii


      Happy Birthday!

  23. God if you didn't send tests I would never understand your might, I would never know your worth, and I could never see the gifts you've placed in me manifest . Thank you for every opportunity to witness your presents/presence.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chii


      I thank God for his mercies. When times get so hard that we can't see the blessing behind the confusion..Glory be to God for his mercy, his grace and his ability to move the mountain that stands int he way. He will give us the desires of our hearts..one way or another. love ya sista

    4. 2HeartsR1


      Amen!!! He shows Himself strong in our weaknesses and we see Him in a way we could never see Him before...may goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life.

  24. Let me start by saying anyone married to a Nigerian man has probably experienced that their sense of humor can be a little off, but there are times when you can throw them for a loop...lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more


      YOU'VE GONE MADD! Lord have mercy what the what! Yall better stop playing! you know how far this could have gone!! but you are some kinda crazy..lol

    3. Americangirl10


      LOL!!! OMG, that is too funny!! Moments like this sound priceless.

    4. Americangirl10


      LOL!!! OMG, that is too funny!! Moments like this sound priceless.

  25. Lord, I love this man!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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