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Status Updates posted by MelissaAndJordan

  1. Starting the AOS process. Took us a while to get it going, but now that it is we are very pleased with how quickly its moving. Happy that hopefully all that lies ahead is a Biometrics and Interview and then we can put all this on the backburner for a while and just settle into our new lives. 6 month anniversary tomorrow! :)

  2. Married 10/19/2012 ... I know this journey is long and hard, but man is it worth it! Hang in there everyone still waiting to be with their loved ones!

  3. Not yet. Finally got an email last week stating that they got the new letter of intent (we received an automatic email as soon as I sent it, this one seemed more personal),so... hopefully soon.. just for piece of mind

  4. I can't believe it. Jordan's Visa is approved!! Thank you all for helping to guide us through this journey!

  5. I am nervous wreck. Still 36 hours until his interview but you would think it was happening right now with the nervousness I feel. Hard to believe that our future, as we have imagined it, hangs on just a few moments Tuesday.

  6. #######! Well that's what I getting for letting him complete the Packet 3 paperwork.. RFE.. oh well, we have plenty of time anyway now that we have set the date for September.:)

  7. NOA2 NOA2 NOA2 LA LA LA LA .. my new happy song

  8. Grats on the NOA2!! So exciting to see the first of the September Filers get approved!

  9. I LOVE the 1st of the month when we get a nice little bump on Igor's list.. I know it has little meaning but it's just a little something extra to make us feel that much closer :)

    1. didopage


      I recently noticed that. Like it too! :)

  10. Hey there WaitinginSeattle! Noticed CSC issued a lot of NOA2's over the past week so I thought I would check on ya. Congrats on the NOA2!!!

  11. Oh if only haha. We just hit the 2 month mark so we are just sitting back and trying to be patient. Makes it easier though since he made it through the border with no issues and will be here through the New Year :D Hopefully things move super fast for you guys now!!

  12. Yay.. I noticed a bunch getting approved so I thought I would check up on ya. Congrats on the NOA2!!

  13. Woot! Jordan had NO issues crossing the border via train. Now we get to spend both our birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas AND New Years together while we wait for our NOA2. :D

  14. Jordan got his long form birth certificate today. I know we have quite a ways to go, but it's always nice to check things off the Visa todo list :)

  15. Called USCIS today to inquire about why my Case Status was not showing up on their site. I spoke with two people and was very pleased with how nice and helpful they were and the reassurance they offered.

  16. Changed our facebook status last night to "Engaged" just as an after thought.. see I had thought with all we had talked to people about Jordan getting a Visa that we had made it clear we were Engaged... Apparently not. Woke up to surprised texts and voicemails. My bad lol

    1. no  more

      no more

      lol you know its not official till you say it on facebook! I am a photographer and one wedding i shot they said their vows then said wait both pulled out their phones and updated they were married on facebook. It was hilarious!

    2. MelissaAndJordan
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