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Status Updates posted by Indykittykeilah

  1. One week from today until the interview! :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Indykittykeilah


      Thanks Dana! :) I'm on pins and needles!

    3. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Honey, I can only imagine! I'm pretty sure this is going to be me too in just a few weeks. But I'm ready (I think! LOL)

    4. Indykittykeilah


      Speaking of ready - I am too except my house needs a top to bottom scrubbing! Wish I could take off from work and get it done... but my sweetheart has promised to help me get it in shape and make it the lovenest we want it to be. :D

  2. Well, Gerard got his medical exam this morning and only needed one shot. That's good news, but the doc wants his primary care to send over his file on Monday when she's back in town.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Indykittykeilah


      Oh, they take vitals too, like blood pressure and such. :)

    3. JBH


      Blood pressure High as usuall :P did you remember wich shot he missed?

    4. JBH


      Blood pressure High as usuall :P did you remember wich shot he missed?

  3. They are mailing my honey's green card today! Yay! Yipee! Hip Hip Hurray! :D :D :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Indykittykeilah


      Thank you! We did have to do a service request though, so if you wait over 7 months, I suggest giving them a call. Once they checked the processing times and opened that ticket it didn't take long. :)

    3. milford


      Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Indykittykeilah
  4. Waiting... waiting... waiting... Why is it so very difficult? Oh wait, because I am separated from my love and that makes everything feel harder even though being in love makes everything feel that much more wonderful too!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Indykittykeilah


      Thank you! I'm trying not to let it drive me crazy, but my mind keeps churning. It will be happier when we have the YES and the Visa! But in the meantime I'm thankful that we have each other and Skype, and Facebook, and Hotmail... and cell phones. :D

    3. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      OMGosh, I think we are all "nesting" trying to get everything together. At my place there is always something to "repair". I can't wait for my handy man to come home!

    4. Indykittykeilah


      Yeah, I have that problem too! :) The repair part and the can't wait part! :D

  5. Reading about other folks' troubles leaves me with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I'm glad to know I'm not alone - but on the other I'm sad that others are having the same stress and anxiety that I am with this LONG and drawn out and expensive process. There really need to be some reforms of this system.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JJ:(


      Indy what did they say?

    3. Indykittykeilah


      Well, ####### Lugar sent it to Dan Coats, for continuity of coverage and I had to drop off an privacy waiver statement to his Indianapolis office, and Andre' Carson has never responded. Sorry, didn't see your question until just now JJ. And week before last I noted they had a different case number in the email they sent back to me so I asked about it and this week I get a reply to a different email saying they have forwarded the file to the Consulate in Amsterdam. Now, we wait some more...

    4. Indykittykeilah


      Personally, I think Lugar doesn't want to work that hard on his way out of office, but I could be mistaken!

  6. Woohoo! Packet 3 arrived in the mail to Gerard today! I just got my letter from NVC in last night's mail. Way to go Amsterdam Consulate! :-D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Indykittykeilah


      Thanks! Now if we can ever find the forms! It's crazy how much conflicting info is flying around. The web on their site says file DS 2001 - couldn't find it so I contacted them and they say file DS 1076 instead - can't find that one either! Ugh!!!

    3. Indykittykeilah


      Now it has been mailed back. :) Come on interview!

    4. Indykittykeilah


      Still waiting... packet 3 was sent and everything is in order...

  7. Biometrics Monday in Indy! Yay! Getting closer to the finish line - at least for a couple of years!

    1. Craazy


      wow that was pretty quick congrats

    2. Indykittykeilah


      Well, that was just the fingerprints and photos. Later we'll have an interview unless they send our case off. 4-6 months is the time frame I've read on here that it takes and maybe he'll be cleared to work by Christmas. :) I hope things are going well for you newlyweds!

    3. Indykittykeilah


      Oh, it took about half an hour in the USCIS office -so that was fast! :D

  8. Happy! happy! joy! joy! We finally got our appointment date (8/21)... now to live through the excitement and stress until then!

    1. bsd058


      Congrats! Love the Ren & Stimpy reference! :-)

    2. Indykittykeilah


      Thank you! I love the song! I hear it in my head. :D

  9. Well, today it has been a week since I mailed in the AOS packet... still waiting to hear something. Sent it receipt requested.

    1. Craazy


      hope you get it soon... still waiting for my man to get things wrapped up ... sigh seems longer than the wait for the visa . :}

    2. Indykittykeilah


      Mine was the same way... took over a month for G to get stuff wrapped up and then just had to leave some of it. Hang in there. Soon you'll be together. I just looked at the timelines and it said Chicago takes until April to do I-485s and Indy takes 4 months... :( Hmmm....

  10. Gerard got two texts from USCIS yesterday so they have assigned case numbers to (I'm assuming) the EAD and AP. I haven't heard anything on the AOS though and it was all sent in together. The texts said I 797 to follow by mail.

    1. Craazy


      at least its not lost :}

    2. Indykittykeilah


      Nope, and they were for the I -485 and the 765 - we messed up on the 131 so have to send it in again. :D Hope you're having fun!

  11. I am so happy that we are approved and now the packing and shipping begins! :D Happy happy kitty!!!!

  12. Biometrics went well... :D Now we wait for the EAD and hopefully find out when our interview will be.

    1. Craazy


      grats :}hope all is well

    2. Indykittykeilah


      Thanks! So far so good - just the normal adjustments. :D

  13. I hope everyone is having a good start to the new year of 2013. Here in Indianapolis it's been very cold and snowy and icy. I'm hoping for a thaw soon and my husband should be getting his EAD card soon so the job hunt will begin.

    1. Craazy


      hope all is going well with you all :}

    2. Indykittykeilah


      Hey Lady! How's it going with you? I missed this somehow. :( We are still waiting on any news about the green card or interview and other folks are getting theirs but Gerard started his first US job at BGI North on February 25 and so far so good! Got his first check last Friday. :D

  14. Finally calls USCIS last Thursday and they put in a ticket for us because our local was processing 11/15/12 and our I-485 was accepted 10/31/12. If we don't hear anything in 15 days we are to call back to inquire the status.

    1. Craazy


      were still waiting also... sigh

    2. Indykittykeilah


      Hope you hear something soon too!

  15. Well, I got an email saying NVC sent our file on to Amsterdam, but not when they did it... so.... I sent them a note and hope to hear something soon.

    1. Indykittykeilah


      Ah, finally got the letter - they sent it out 7.11.12.

  16. I really am going crazy waiting and not knowing what's happening, if anything! :(

    1. Indykittykeilah


      Thankful for NOA2 and approval - now we wait for the setting of the interview and all that goes with it. I hope we hear something soon! I sent the packet and the I-134 and supporting evidence already and today I am sending more info to Gerard for the interview - skype record, email, Hyves updates, and photos from my visit at Christmas and New Year...

  17. September 25th!

    1. Craazy


      so exciting good luck to you both :}

  18. Scheduled the wedding for October 7 at 1:30 local time. :-D

    1. Craazy


      Have a great weekend :}

  19. Almost time for Christmas, but first for Sinterklaas to bring my honey goodies. :) Blessings to everyone.

  20. Congratulations on your wedding and getting the 485 filed. :D

  21. I can hardly believe we have now been married over a year. Feeling blessed.

  22. Happy Valentine's Day lovely people in love! :D

  23. Gerard got his Indiana Drivers License yesterday! Yay! Way to go honey! :)

  24. Has anyone been watching TLC's 90 day Fiance? I can relate on a lot of issues, but not them saying 90 days isn't enough time to know for sure if want to go through with the marriage. I thought that was a given that you intended to or you wouldn't get a K-1?

  25. Green card was delivered Saturday as expected. I took some photos to commemorate the event. :D

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