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V & A

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Status Replies posted by V & A

  1. Case left NVC on 12.20....arrived at SD embassy on 12.29. Let's see how long this takes...

  2. If anyone out there is still early in the K-1 Visa process, I'd be happy to help instruct you through the process. We did it without any lawyers, and it only took 6 months!! Thank you, jesus!!!

  3. Merry Christmas VJ!! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday filled with love, whether it's near or far ;)

  4. Morning my loves!!! Is everyone ready for Christmas? I'm feeling a little down today knowing I can't spend my first "Married Christmas" with my hubby...but I'm thinking maybe we'll celebrate Los Tres Reyes in place of it....he will definitely be here then ;/

  5. All I want for Christmas is you................ NOA2!!!!!!!

  6. Happy Holidays to everyone here on VJ....especially to all of the great people I've connected with on here. Love you guys ;)

  7. date night with hubby...oh how i love these nights!

  8. One of those days....Not completely sad about my hubby not being here for the holidays...This will be the last time I spend my single mother Xmas with my kids, my daughter goes to college next year, and I want it to be JUST US, one last time. This transition will be interesting...

  9. date night with hubby...oh how i love these nights!

  10. All I want for Christmas is you................ NOA2!!!!!!!

  11. All I want for Christmas is you................ NOA2!!!!!!!

  12. After 11 calls to the embassy, 7 to VS and 3 to NVC....I finally am told the hold up is just that I have to pay the AOS and IV Bill fees. So upset we weren't told this weeks ago. At least I've pushed enough that I'm dealing with only supervisors right now and the case will be expedited. And today, AOS and IV were PAID. Maybe a few weeks more and this nightmare will be over ;(

  13. what a night! 3/4 of me is all in DR, Mom, Grandma, and Husband...oh GOD help me pull thru this week cuz I know it's going to be a hard one!

  14. We recieved this by mail this morning at 2:46 AM. Dear Applicant/Petitioner: Your USCIS application/petition has been received and routed to the Vermont Service Center for processing. Within 7-10 days by standard mail you will receive your official Receipt Notice (Form I-797) with your Receipt Number EAC1290073539. With the official Receipt Notice (Form I-797) you may visit www.uscis.gov where you can check the status of your application using My Case Status. We suggest you wait until you...

  15. Countdown has begun -11 days to see my husband! Cant wait, forget about NOA2, all I want is DEC 9TH to get here!

  16. wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving...I am thankful for the amazing husband I have. Love u mi gordo!

  17. Approved!!!!!!!!! Lots of details but I'm exhausted. I will fill u in later ;) thanks for all the support and prayers.

  18. 20 days away from spending Christmas with the love of my life!

  19. Leaving tomorrow night.....this has been weekend from hell. Now I have strep throat. Doing a last minute check to make sure I have all my papers.

  20. HE IS WITH ME!!!!! sound asleep with a bad headache and his ears hurt from the flight but he is here!!! I still cant believe he is home with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  21. Did you see it????????? My names finally on the upcoming interviews list!!!! hahaha

  22. Medical done - Thank God. 8 days till the interview

  23. Lord hear my prayers....just when i thought it couldnt get worse ;( Wish I could share more but I'm disappointed and embarrased. Hoping for something positive to happen very soon.


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