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Posts posted by lynn2018

  1. hey guys! im asking for a friend that doesn't have this website. they had interview today and the interview guy told them everything looked great but gave him back their passport. told them to follow instructions in email. just confused as to why they not keep passport but told them things looked great. does it very based on how long they have been married?

  2. We had the same thing happen except we never received a 221g or anything. i did FOIA, got the Ombudsmen involved and my Congressman and have yet to hear anything regarding our case. The last time i spoke with USCIS he told me we weren't denied just in review but could take several months to years. So i am withdrawing the fiancé and we got married going to begin the spousal soon. Insha'allah things happen for you and your loved one soon!!

  3. Salaam everyone!! insha'allah everyone is doing well on your journeys and you have much patience for those in waiting and those just beginning :-) i will be returning to morocco in september to insha'allah marry habibi!! for those of you who have done this in Morocco, are there any tips/advice/secrets you wish to share? i have printed out all paperwork needed and am hoping to mail him some things ahead of time for him to get translated early so it is less time while there. in general this is what i have concluded as far as how the process should be :-)

    Attend US consulate in Casa for Eligibility paperwork as well as Certificate of Nationality and also getting copies of my passport

    Go to Rabat Embassy to collect a police record

    visit local doctor for medical exam

    take to adoul previous papers as well as birth certificate, US police record, certificate of religion, letter of employment

    they will give a packet to complete then will return to finalize everything

    everything should be translated from english to arabic and should have several copies of everything. do these copies need to be certified?

    any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated!! we are just being patient and wanting to do things correctly but promptly. Have a great day/week coming forward!! and insha'allah everyone will be with their loved onces soon!

  4. hey guys!! just curious as to if any of you were denied previously with a fiancé visa and decided to do the spousal petition. we never got anything stating why we were denied so i have mailed in paperwork for the freedom of information act. until hearing anything from them i am focusing on returning and getting married and moving forward with the spousal petition. was curious as to if you guys front loaded with forms and reports and etc etc... i am OCD about organization and i plan plan plan so I'm getting ahead of myself and asking questions early so that i know what I'm getting into and what to expect. hope you guys have an amazing weekend whether you are with your loved one or far apart, alhamdulillah for Skype and the internet!! :-)


  5. Salam everyone! Hope u all are doing well :-) has anyone ever had heir case returned to the Nvc and then USCIS? We never received any form of paperwork stating the status of our case, just a verbal phone call saying we were denied. So now it has returned back to uscis . Didn't know if anyone had been through this before. I'm sure our case will have expired to do anything further besides starting a new one but just curious as to others outcomes if had this done. Hope ya have a great day!!

  6. Thank you. I just said no negative females because I have encountered a lot because of him in the MENA or whatever when people group all of them together and whatnot. I greatly appreciate your response!! There was nothing negative said to him they just kept his passport and told him they would contact him. And I emailed the consulate regarding the website and they just responded saying he was in administrative processing and would contact him. I was just curious if the website would ever say ap or would just stay ready until decision made. Inshaallah we have good news soon but until then we will be patient :-) nothing to hide and nothing to rush

    I meant remarks not females! Stupid auto correct!

  7. Salam everyone!! hope you guys are doing well, whether you are prepping, waiting, or celebrating!! i have a question regarding the packet 3 once the petition has been mailed to the beneficiaries country. ours was mailed to Casa on Aug 8, 2013 and i know it takes a bit to get there and then they have to sort out the date and time. can anyone give me a heads up about a time frame as to when or what is normal and when should i begin to get curious? :-) thanks for all your advice and comments ahead of time!! o and btw, no negative feed regarding it being Casa or a MENA country!!!

  8. salam everyone!! hope everyone is doing great and their journeys are going along smoothly!! my question is regarding the check, how long does it usually take for them to cash the check sent in with the fiance visa application? i mailed ours off Dec 10, alhamdulillah, and know with it being the holidays it will def take longer for them to get around to even beginning our process but didnt know if there was a general or relative time when they will cash the check, is it when during NOA1 or NOA2? insha'allah things will go smoothly but thank goodness for this website and all its support and love we give each other :-) hope everyone has a great remainder of the week and weekend!!!!

  9. salam everyone!! hope everyone that celebrates EID had a great holiday and may all your prayers be answered and for those that do not celebrate hope you are having an amazing week/weekend!! I am finishing up the organization of my k-1 application to front load it but was curious as to whether i should file as soon as possible or if waiting till the beginning of the year would be better as i know they will close for holidays and whatnot. i know either wai will definitely be a patient battle but didnt know if anyone had any thoughts regarding the timeframes and whatnot. thank you for your input in advance and if any hate or judgmental posts are done i will remove or report them..... :-)

  10. hi guys!! i have a dear friend of mine that is here on a work visa but would like to stay and work a few extra months. is this even possible? he wants to do things correctly so i told him the only way i would think would be through an extension. i dont know much about the work visas but i told him i would ask and see if anyone knew :-) thank you in advance for any advice you can send my way!!

  11. hi guys!! hope everyone is doing well. I am going to file for my fiance' once i get back from my 5 week long trip in August but im trying to prepare some things now so that i can take them with me and leave with him so i dont have to mail them to him :-) I have read over all the forms and whatnot but was curious as to if they should be written or typed? Im also going to get my sister and roomates to write a letter stating about my relationship with Abidine and whatnot, does it have to be notarized? i may be asking silly questions just wanting to get things done early so that i have time to review and have them in order before Aug. Im getting a binder together and dividing up into copies or receipts, plane tickets, train tickets, texts, skype receipts, and other things so it will be organized better. along with some pictures from my first trip and then he can print some from my next trip to add with it. also, if my family do write those letters do they have to be translated? and im hoping to get his aunt, mom, uncle, friends to write something as well but didnt know if theirs would have to be translated into english. as well as my passport, birth certificate things like that. sorry if im asking too many questions. i am just a organized freak when it comes to things like this and i like to have them in order, esp when it comes to something as important as the love of my life. if you can answer any i would greatly appreciate it and if not, then thanks for reading anyway :-) good luck and sending positive thoughts to those already on their journey, we all want one thing... to be with the one we love!

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