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Melissa and Leo

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Status Updates posted by Melissa and Leo

  1. I miss my baby so much...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. leeandcorinne


      Je l'ai eu Melissa!

      Allez COURAGE, une fois le NOA2 tout va très très vite, tu verras :) bisou

    3. leeandcorinne


      Questions très basics : Ou vous etes vous rencontrés, depuis quand etes vous ensemble? Est ce que votre fiancé travaille? Quand allez vous voyager? Quand allez vous vous marriez? Combien de fois votre fiancé est venu vous rendre visite? c'est à peu près tout :)je m'envole dès que je reçois le visa, la semaine prochaine donc :)bisous

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Merci bcp pour les infos!Bonne chance la bas! bisous

  2. packet 3 where are you !

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      I just got my packet 3! but I won t be able to mail it before tomorow cuz I realised I m missing some documents! No it s not snowing but it Freezinnnng cold!

    3. didopage


      Yeaaaaah!! Which ones are you missing?

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      The pay stubs he is going to email them and the pictures too!

  3. Medical examination 21 february!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      Hi Meli,how was ur examination medical?? Greetings.

    3. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      Hi Meli,how was ur examination medical?? Greetings.

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Hey Liz It went find I had to go pick the results in two days. How is it going for you? take care

  4. So look like my interview date will be march 20th. I m happy but it s so long! is there a way to reschedule the interview earlier? I m getting too impatient i know lol

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. lilly1986


      thank u :-) i think u should say something that u planning on leaving on - lets say - march 15th.in my packet 3 they asked when do u plan to leave and i think u get a interview termin that it will make possible to leave on the date u put there (hope that made sense lol)

    3. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      thank you Lea they rescheduled it one week before. I will be there for my babe birthday I so happy!!

    4. lilly1986


      thats so awesome!!!!!Sooo happy for you!!!

  5. Nvc finally got our case!!! good lol

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. didopage


      Same! Well, if I put 31 JAN, there's something, but not 01 FEB nor 02 FEB… All this DHL practice for nothing.. lol

    3. chantislo


      Congrats to you everything is moving right along....

    4. chantislo


      Congrats to you everything is moving right along....

  6. Our petition has been approved in january 13th and still no Noa2 on the mail.. What shoud we do? Anybody in the same case?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Thanks I hope you will get you NOA2 soon!

    3. didopage


      One more step! :)

    4. Becky<3Jorim


      u should have it like 2 weeks later from noa2

  7. 4 months since we sent the petition come on Noa2..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. lilly1986
    3. leeandcorinne


      on est avec toi Melissa, bisous!

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Merci Corinne çà fait chaud au coeur :) bisous a vous!

  8. OMG OMG OMG NOA2 I can't believe it!!!! I m so happy I wanna cry !!!!!!Thanks god

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jen1217


      wow congrats!!! :D

    3. leeandcorinne


      Melissa je suis trop contente pour vous 2, tout va aller tres tres vite maintenant, je t'embrasse fort fort fort <3

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Jen Thanks I m sure you turn is coming :) corinne Merci je suis tellement heureuse! Je t embrasse fort aussi et j espere que tout se passe bien avec ton mari hihi

  9. After 230 days of patience we are finally approved! Thank god! Thank you to all my visajourney friends for their support and advices. This website is really a blessing!

  10. 51 days...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Ca va j'imagine est ce que tu as deja eu la date de ton interview? Moi j'espere que le Noa2 ne vas plus trainer mais bon il va falloir etre patient..bis

    3. leeandcorinne


      non j'attends la date, cela devrait être bientôt! (hopefully)!

      J'ai eu le NOA2 en un peu plus de 2 mois... alors :)


    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      J espere que ca ira aussi vite que vous! Oui ca devrait arriver d'une minute a l'autre! Bis a bientot

  11. I want my NOA 2 !!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. worth_the_wait
    3. at long last

      at long last

      We are on day 184 since our NOA1... pland for a celebration at Christmas seem out of reach now... oh well soon it will be our turn..

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      oh word...you never know that would be an awesome christmas present... wish you the best :)

  12. sent the rfe answer one week ago and i still don t know if they got it grrr should i call?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      just got the mail there were review it!

    3. Mark + Melissa

      Mark + Melissa

      You should sign up for notifications. That way you know when things happen =) I received a notification about our RFE the day it was delivered. I had it shipped overnight in an effort to hurry things up. However...... they've had it 3 weeks now... *sigh*

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      I did and we got a notification yesterday :) thanks hopeully we will be approved soon!

  13. So apparently they sent our case straight to the embassy without going to NVC..is what USCIS said...anybody in the same situation?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. leeandcorinne


      Gros bisous Choupinette!!! prends les originaux avec toi, comme j'ai dit a Dido, ils les demandent.

    3. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      I called Nvc they told me to call Uscis because they still did not receive it yet...So I called Uscis and that lady told me to call the embassy to see if they got it cuz they write on our file to send it straight to the embassy..I know it s weird I m really confused..I will call emabassy tomorow to see grrr

    4. didopage


      Maybe it's because your fiance is a military, so it's faster? :)

  14. Visa in hand it feels so great!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. leeandcorinne



      Fais un bon voyage ma belle, plein de bisous et de bonheur avec ton cheri :) et Dido merde a toi :)

    3. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Merci corinne Gros bisous

    4. didopage


      Je te souhaite un tres bon voyage voisine, profites de ce moment important. :) Bisous !

  15. I m so ready to leave :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Merci. On va faire appel a un congressman cette semaine. Hopefully it will work! mais je suis sure que tu auras ton Noa2 tres bientot je le sens :)

    3. didopage


      Tu sentais peut-etre le tien en fait, eheh!

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      hihi il faut croire mais le tien arrive je le sens aussi ca lol bisous

  16. Us Begium embassy rocks!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kristinanddan09


      thanks, i'll have him try at least, nothing wrong with just asking :) congrats again!

    3. leeandcorinne


      Bonne chance ma belle!!! :)

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Merci Corinne!!! c est deja demain c est dingue!

  17. Come on VSC!!! why are u slowing down like this!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Melissa and Leo
    3. leeandcorinne


      It is coming Melissa, n'importe quel jour maintenant. Je t'embrasse previens moi des que tu l'as ok?

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Merci Corinne :) Bien sur que je te previendrai..Tu te maries bientot j ai vu c est genial je suis toute excitee pour toi hihi bisous bisous

  18. just got RFE damn :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      i hope so but look like vsc is taking forever to answer to RFE but thanks for the support. At least I will see my love in a few days :)

    3. Jackie Ayyad

      Jackie Ayyad

      HI Melissa-

      Our RFE was for 2 items; one was for my final divorce decree and his final divorce deree. Once I sent that in, it took them one month to approve. thats all they needed...good luck to you!

    4. wissnan4ever


      Dont Fret at leasy you know your file didnt just fall into some black hole something :) Have a safe trip

  19. so my fiance got his order we will move to san Antonia texas in July..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. didopage


      Never visited but you should not lack of sun over there! :)

    3. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      I know :) ca va changer de la Belgique!:)

    4. didopage
  20. packet 3 and beautifol roses in my mail box today! awesome Valentines day gifts!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lilly1986
    3. didopage


      I see you sent it back…oh, it must feels so good!! next mail is your interview date, right?

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Yeah it feel really good.! yeah they are going to give me the intervew date in the packet 4. I m going to set the medical appointment tomorow too and I already paid the fee. You are next don t worry!

  21. I want my interview date!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. leeandcorinne


      :) tu y es presque!!! how great is that hey???

      bisou ma belle :)

    3. leeandcorinne


      :) tu y es presque!!! how great is that hey???

      bisou ma belle :)

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      I know corrinne mais j ai tellement attendu, j ai plus de patience hihi allez ca sera pour la semaine prochaine on croise les doigts!

  22. Finally in the us with my fiance it feels so great!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. didopage


      Lucky lucky lucky you!

    3. SH&E


      Melissa so happy for you both :)

    4. Melissa and Leo
  23. Married!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eddie&A


      Hey Congratulations to you both!! I just saw your comment you sent me back in January. Got the NOA2 and our interview is May 10th:) Again, congrats and may you two have decades of life and love together.

    3. didopage


      Congrats voisine!! Je te souhaite que du bonheur. :)

    4. Mithmeoi
  24. still waiting for my aos interview and moving in two weeks again...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. didopage


      Possible que t'ai pas d'interview... :)

    3. Melissa and Leo
    4. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      Hey Meli u still waiting news about ur GC? We still be waiting news :/

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