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Melissa and Leo

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Status Updates posted by Melissa and Leo

  1. EAD approved yeahhhhhhhh

    1. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      congrats! I can't wait to say that lol we got a long way to go :)

    2. melbi&clint


      Congrats! Mine was aprroved last July 2012 and I am waiting for my green card but it's been 2months after EAD approved and didn't hear anything since :(

    3. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Thank you don't worry I m sure you will heard good news soon!

  2. Nvc finally got our case!!! good lol

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. didopage


      Same! Well, if I put 31 JAN, there's something, but not 01 FEB nor 02 FEB… All this DHL practice for nothing.. lol

    3. chantislo


      Congrats to you everything is moving right along....

    4. chantislo


      Congrats to you everything is moving right along....

  3. 4 months since we sent the petition come on Noa2..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. lilly1986
    3. leeandcorinne


      on est avec toi Melissa, bisous!

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Merci Corinne çà fait chaud au coeur :) bisous a vous!

  4. 51 days...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Ca va j'imagine est ce que tu as deja eu la date de ton interview? Moi j'espere que le Noa2 ne vas plus trainer mais bon il va falloir etre patient..bis

    3. leeandcorinne


      non j'attends la date, cela devrait être bientôt! (hopefully)!

      J'ai eu le NOA2 en un peu plus de 2 mois... alors :)


    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      J espere que ca ira aussi vite que vous! Oui ca devrait arriver d'une minute a l'autre! Bis a bientot

  5. After 230 days of patience we are finally approved! Thank god! Thank you to all my visajourney friends for their support and advices. This website is really a blessing!

  6. Ah oui moi j'habite a deux min de la frontiere ! Tu projettes de vivre ou au Usa?

  7. All I want for christmas is my NOA2 !

    1. Gambialove


      That makes two of us...i hope we do

  8. Bonjour la Belgique! good luck!

  9. Come on VSC!!! why are u slowing down like this!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Melissa and Leo
    3. leeandcorinne


      It is coming Melissa, n'importe quel jour maintenant. Je t'embrasse previens moi des que tu l'as ok?

    4. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Merci Corinne :) Bien sur que je te previendrai..Tu te maries bientot j ai vu c est genial je suis toute excitee pour toi hihi bisous bisous

  10. Congratulations on your noa@ where are you from in Belgium?

  11. congratulations on your Noa2! did u get it in text or by post?

  12. Congratulations on your noa2!I m from Mons area in the south. We are going to live near washington dc cuz my fiance is stationed there with the army and we are thinking to move ot california after his duty. What about you guys?

  13. congratz on your noa2!

  14. corinne!! J'ai mon Noa2!! finalement! Im so happy! hugs

  15. Dans un premier temps pres de Washington dc car ma moitie est statione la avec l'armee et puis on envisage de demenager en californie aussi! Good luck!! On se verra peut etre la bas un jour!

  16. Dido I don t find it neither! How frustrating!

  17. Finally in the us with my fiance it feels so great!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. didopage


      Lucky lucky lucky you!

    3. SH&E


      Melissa so happy for you both :)

    4. Melissa and Leo
  18. going to germany with my love for the weekend. That would be awesome to hear anything from you NOa2 when we come back lol

    1. didopage


      Enjoy Melissa! Hoping that you'll receive it soon too. :)

    2. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      thanks same to you!

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