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Tintin and Mike

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Status Replies posted by Tintin and Mike

  1. CFO Done! I super enjoyed it and learned so much!

  2. Last day at work! On to at least 4.5 months of leave. Baby C's due in 5 weeks or looks like sooner :)

  3. The American Consul Officer told me this morning: Maria, your VISA IS APPROVED.. Its like words came from heaven! I am beyond happy!

  4. Last day at work in SG has ended... Now Im officially resigned.. Packing up my things now to go back to Phils and prepare for my US flight! =))

  5. Happy to be married 2 years today :)

  6. CFO on Monday September 2, 2013. Anyone? ;)

  7. 1 more week of work and I'll be off for the almost 5 months! Baby C will arrive soon, approximately 6 weeks!

  8. VISA APPROVED!!! Had my interview this morning in Montreal and my status already says Issued!!! Thank goodness the waiting to be together is over!!

  9. Went to St. Luke's for the result of my sputum culture..It was negative and was given 3 shots...Ready for my interview on September 9..

  10. Aug. 23 visa status ISSUED! But still waiting for the visa to be delivered :( Patience patience patience...

  11. September 30th k-1 interview date

  12. I want to ask something if we really need to attached a wedding photo for applying AOS???...I appreciate your's answer":)

  13. Celebrating 1 year wedding with my boo , and we got great news -- a bundle of joy will be arriving in 9 months lol !!! enjoy your day everyone

  14. Yay! Im so happy..i130 approved via USCIS website

  15. Start working my new job next week!!! After just a week of being here I had my first interview today. It's Subway and it's minimum wage but I'm counting my blessings- gotta start somewhere,right? :)

  16. biometrics appointment soon...yay!

  17. Visa, check. Plane ticket, check. Wedding date and venue, check. Super excited.

  18. AP IS OVER!!! IT'S OVER!! APPROVED!! OMG APPROVED!! :) :) 4 mo & 2 wks of AP. 1 yr &2 months of WAITING. IT'S OVER!!! OMG :))))

  19. He's here!!! After a year of waiting to be with him again he's finally here!!! Thank god!!!!!!

  20. N400 Approved... yay me


  22. VISA APPROVED! Thank you God :)

  23. Yesterday was able to get my Birth certificate & Cenomar in not less than 2hrs, today i got my NBI waited for 1 1/2hrs... It' s really easy to get documents in the province LOL! Now just waiting fior my fiancee IRS,W-2 & pay stubs.

  24. 18days and Im going back to Philippines,leaving Singapore for good... and 36days more before my flight to Los Angeles on Sept 20th!! My husband and I cant be more and more excited each day!! =)

  25. Case Complete! praise the Lord!

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