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Tintin and Mike

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Status Updates posted by Tintin and Mike

  1. Anyone filing for their parents here from the Philippines? We're Oct 2016 filer too, NOA 10/18. It was stated on the approval letter that they'll contact beneficiary within 30 days and after 30 days, to email and follow up. Anyways, I can't wait and anxious to find out what are the next step and how much more fees to go so we can plan ahead. Thanks!

  2. I-130 for MIL is approved! Let this be the last one please!

  3. N-400 In Line For An Interview, yeah!

    1. Pitaya


      Good luck at the interview !!!

    2. besaangel


      All the best

  4. N-400 coming already!? Wow!

  5. Finally we're approved! Card was sent June 15 :dancing::dancing: Early Father's Day gift to the awesome dad of our 21 month and 8 month old ones

    1. Pitaya


      Congratulations !!!!

    2. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      thank you, thank you! ahhh and one more final step to this tedious immigration process :)

  6. I see they're starting to approve few ROC from CSC with later NOA1 than ours. Hope will be next in time for our 5 year anniversary :)

  7. ROC submitted. Waiting begins... again

  8. 18 months break and two babies later went by way too fast. Sending ROC this week, wish us luck!

  9. And our household grew 48 inches in 2 years! Baby girl is now 13 months and baby boy is 2 weeks old. Busy, loud and messy but enjoying every moment of it :)

  10. how time flies, our first born just turned one last friday and we couldn't wait to see our second one in less than three weeks! God is great :)

  11. Starting hubbs ROC packet already and we're still 5 mons away LOL with Baby #2 by Oct (makes that 2 babies under two) will make it harder for me to get organized. Better be early than sorry, I say...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      Yes I know! Thank you :) how is it coming along with you two love birds? Hope all is well :)

    3. Michael-Moneth


      Everything is OK. Enjoying married life.. We just sent our AOS package this week so we are waiting for our NOA1.

    4. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      oh cool, hope you don't have to wait long for the approval :) then you'll get a lil break from it all

  12. And two became four! Baby C is now a big sister to a baby boy :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. David & Diana R

      David & Diana R

      Things are great. Wife adjusting to new life here in Hawaii. She is working as a CNA and at her workplace today they are having a Barrio Fiesta. She will be dancing. There will be Filipino food and lots of fun. One advantage to Hawaii for Filipina immigrants is the population here is probably 30% or more Filipino so we have many Filipino stores, restaurants, etc. In fact Zoila won the Balot eating contest at the Fil-Am Festival a few months ago so she is the reigning champion! lol...

    3. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      haha wow, she fits right in your community then. glad that she's adjusting well :)

    4. David & Diana R

      David & Diana R

      You guys on facebook or youtube. Check us out on youtube, search david olsten, we have like 15 videos on there now. Life is great! Aloha P.S. Whats your Facebook name?

  13. Baby C's 6 months today and oh boy, she's a handful already!

    1. malene


      happy 6months to ur baby C :)

    2. Tintin and Mike
  14. No updates from my VJ friends? Hehe must be enjoying the time with their love ones. As for us, we're keeping ourselves with work and a very handful Baby C who's 21 weeks now :)

  15. I'm sorry I've been a lousy member of VJ. I've been busy being an awesome mom :)

  16. Oh geshh, Baby C's 3 months already and I'll be back to work in 10 days!

  17. Best wishes for a happy holiday season and our sincere thanks for your loyalty and goodwill throughout the year!

    1. malene


      same to U sis tintin, ur hubby, baby & families :)

    2. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      thanks Malene, how's life treating you? :)

  18. Off to Vegas in few hours. Hubbs still working and we'll leave as soon as he comes home. I'll be driving LOL

  19. We got the best blessing, having Baby Cayla in our lives. She's almost 11 weeks now and growing like crazy!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      Thanks Luz, how's life in Jersey? Happy Holidays :)

    3. LuzT


      Hi Tin, great! Hihihi..... Happy holidays too. Takecare always ^_^

    4. malene


      Congrats to both of u :)

  20. how are you doing love birds, married yet? :) i know you got your xmas wish this year, happy holidays!

  21. 1st year wedding anniversary is coming up next, Will be back to Vegas where we went for our honeymoon but this time will be plus one!

  22. December 1st is fast approaching, hubbs been here for 1 year. We are happily married and blessed with an 8 weeks old chubby-cheek baby girl. Life is good, thank you Lord!

  23. Baby Cayla's almost 6 weeks already! Time goes by so fast and I'll be back to work in no time (well, at least after the holidays) but still, separation anxiety!

    1. Air Force Wife

      Air Force Wife

      I know how you feel! I am lucky that my mom watches her while I work.

    2. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      Yeah lucky to have grandmas to take care of them. My mom offered but will try to do it ourselves :)

  24. It's been over a week of sleepless nights and I got eyebags to prove it LOL but it's all worth it. Lovin' every minute with this lil boss of me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      Was 9 lbs 2 oz :) at birth, lost some on her 1st week but gaining it all back now

    3. Mily90


      Congrats on you baby :D

    4. Tintin and Mike
  25. Thanks for all the prayers. Our bouncing 1st born baby was born last Thursday morning!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. nna


      congrats ate tin.. saw the pic of the baby..soo cute..ang laki nya ah! normal delivery kba te?? ako next month nah due ko :)

    3. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      Planned normal but after 18 hrs, I was only 2cm. Had to do CS, she was 9 lbs 2 oz. Thanks and hope you have a safe delivery as well :)

    4. malene
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