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    katieflossom reacted to bigdog in Do they google you?   
    If you post it, it is fare game. Either don't post what you think is questionable or delete your facebook account. Even many employeers check to see aboutyoiu on face book.
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    katieflossom got a reaction from dwinge in Do they google you?   
    I actually see it as a positive. Me and my husband talk all the time via email, and met online, so by them looking into it it actually confirms what we are saying in our application!
    And I agree to what others are saying - you shouldn't post anything on the internet that you don't want people to say. Visa application or no visa application. Once it's out there it's hard to get it back!
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    katieflossom reacted to Brit Abroad in Do they google you?   
    There is no such thing as privacy on the internet. This is why you should consider what you post BEFORE clicking the send button.
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    katieflossom reacted to Outoftime in London Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors   
    I wanted to wait a couple of days before I gave my little review of the medical just incase I got a call from them. As of this point I haven't heard anything so as the y said "no news is good news"
    For the last 2/3 weeks I have been on edge and incredibly anxious about the medical, thinking anything happening in my body might be something bad that would come up. Any funky breath or odd feeling in my chest would blow up in my mind to something MASSIVE!! I was counting down the days for the medical to come and wishing for it be a week on when I could say that everything was actually fine and my fiancee could say she told me so.
    So the day had arrived.
    My appointment was on Monday 22 April. I left my home, Plymouth at 7:50 and got into Paddington at around 11:50. From there I walked to Oxford Street, surprisingly not really that far from paddington station, maybe a 15/20 minute walk. Was nicer then getting the tube. Once I got into Oxford Street I carried on down and the street just after the Disney Store, Marlyebone Lane, and headed down there towards Bentinck Mansions which was on the right hand side. climbed the stars to the main door and saw the little sign saying Knightsbridge Doctors and buzzed the buzzer (number 4) to hear the door suddenly unlock. Once getting into the building I went through to the reception window, was greeted, confirmed and handed all the necessary paperwork (passport photo, passport, PC, Vac Records and Questionnaire) and I was given a new questionnaire to fill in. This one was the official US government form, pretty much the same questions worded a little differently ( as I read on here before the Yes and No boxes have been flipped around, thank you VJ for that one . Handed that one back to reception and waited for maybe about 5 minutes before getting called up by the nurse to go through my vaccination records, everything went well there, didnt need anything so was over in about 5 minutes, just as she opened the door the gentleman who does the X-Rays was ready to go so a quick left turn in to the x-ray room and the next stage began. He asked me if I had every had one done before (I had not) and if I had ever been injured or anything around my chest (nope to that) and then asked me to remove my shirt and watch and stand up against a black plate with my chin on the rest above it. I then had my hands to the side of my waist and held led thing around me bum area. The camera thing was behind me, he turned of the light and asked me to take a deep breath and some noise happened and done! He then put the plate into this reader and the image appeared on the computer. I asked how it looked and he said it looked normal to him. This was probably the most nervous I have been in a long time. Having never had an x ray before I didn't know what was going to show up so I was very relieved.
    He then asked me to put my shirt back on and then wait back in the waiting area for the doctor.
    5 more minutes past and the doctor called me into the room.
    I signed my passport photo and a government form and then she went through the questionnaire. after that she asked me to do a sight test, standing up looking at the letters. from there I sat on the bed, where she checked my eyes, ears inside my mouth, glands and then took my blood pressure and heart beat from my chest and around my back. she said good to everything so all was well there. I then had to lie down on the bed and she had a quick look downstairs, asked me to cough and that was it. no touching. and then took my blood.
    She said all looked fine and I needed to wait back in the waiting area whilst she finished the paperwork and I would be called back by the receptionist to collect my passport etc and to make payment.
    All together it took about 45/50 minutes and came to 227.00. So glad that bit was done, was a very nerving time before hand but like everyone else said on here, the actual medical is so much easier and nicer then how it plays out in your head. So thank you guys who write up review on here, help me to understand what to expect.
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    katieflossom reacted to Trillian42 in It's not meant to be rude. Just a general observation.   
    This whole visa process makes us so stressed out, I fully understand why someone would create a thread for a simple question. I've posted a link to Igor's List a couple of times. The way I see it is more like: I give the information to someone now and this person will hopefully help others in the future. And also, trying to educate them on how to find the information they want.
    I have to say, sometimes I get bothered by the amount of "NOA2 APROVED!!!!" threads, but damn sure I'll make one myself when I get mine!
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