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Dan & Jenni

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Status Replies posted by Dan & Jenni

  1. problem solved.. back on track. Broke as hell though. Dang you NVC!

  2. Hello October, could you please go by really fast? Or at least give me an early noa2. Would be greatly appreciated! :) Thank youin advance! ;)

  3. Hello October, could you please go by really fast? Or at least give me an early noa2. Would be greatly appreciated! :) Thank youin advance! ;)

  4. Hello October, could you please go by really fast? Or at least give me an early noa2. Would be greatly appreciated! :) Thank youin advance! ;)

  5. Oh my goodness I am an idiot...just gave myself an RFE. Now I really am going to panic all weekend. long. Nothing like retail therapy to take your mind off of things until monday. lol. off I go.

  6. Oh my goodness I am an idiot...just gave myself an RFE. Now I really am going to panic all weekend. long. Nothing like retail therapy to take your mind off of things until monday. lol. off I go.

  7. Hmmmm, my fiance has a suprise for me tomorrow. Wonder what it could be!!!! Can't wait to find out!!! He is so amazing !!!! :) Love you baby!!!!

  8. Woohooo! Timeline got closer by 2 whole days :) yay!

  9. how do I post a question on this forum?

  10. well that is one week i am glad to see the back of!!

  11. worst feeling in the world is knowing that the one you love is hurting and theres nothing you can do about it cos your 4,000 miles away... kinda makes you feel useless

  12. hmmm i think im going to start freaking out like everyone else.... maybe it passes the time faster then enjoying another day closer to our goals.....

  13. hmmm which book to read next... French Footwear by Felipe Fellope or Cutting the Perfect Lawn by Mo de Grasse???

  14. hmmm i think im going to start freaking out like everyone else.... maybe it passes the time faster then enjoying another day closer to our goals.....

  15. hmmm i think im going to start freaking out like everyone else.... maybe it passes the time faster then enjoying another day closer to our goals.....

  16. hmmm i think im going to start freaking out like everyone else.... maybe it passes the time faster then enjoying another day closer to our goals.....

  17. hmmm which book to read next... French Footwear by Felipe Fellope or Cutting the Perfect Lawn by Mo de Grasse???

  18. It's the #1 post I see on VJ. Oh sweet little NOA 2....come take a load off at my house. I would even make you a lovely cup of tea ;)

  19. I-129 F all sent off...hope it all goes smoothly..

  20. hello everybody... just want to ask, how true that California Service Center stopped approving K1 petitions? one member said they still have back logs from march filers... that is a sad info... hopefully its not true...

  21. It's the #1 post I see on VJ. Oh sweet little NOA 2....come take a load off at my house. I would even make you a lovely cup of tea ;)

  22. Having a hard day today... this distance is getting to me. Dealing with the special circumstances of communicating in Cuba, the expense, the bad reception, no skype, etc. This is really getting to me. I can't do this!!! I just want to be able to spend more time talking to him. I am feeling alone and I have a house full of people. Phew!!!

  23. We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.

  24. What is the difference between a Lawyer and a Catfish?

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