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Yan & Chris

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Posts posted by Yan & Chris

  1. Sorry, I have to correct myself regarding the police cert. If you have lived in Malaysia (and /or ) any other countries for a period of more than 6 months since the age of 16, you will need to obtain the police certs from each locality. If you have been arrested in any place, a police cert must also be obtained from that country regardless of length of stay.

    I hope this is clearer.

    Yikes. I thought i read somewhere that 'Each applicant aged 16 years or over is required to submit a police certificate from the police authorities of each locality of the country of the applicant's nationality or current residence where the applicant has resided for at least six months since attaining the age of sixteen in all names that the applicant has ever used. Police certificates are also required from all other countries where the applicant has resided for at least one year.' And i see lots of discussions stating the same 1 year rule. Maybe this is different for each country. But i am aware that what you said is consistent with the offical website. This concerns me becos i have 11 months period stay in Australia like 15 years ago. Well this adds to the to-do list.

    Thanks for reply, Sueling.

  2. It may be that the IV unit in KL wants to see the notarial translation version of the police certificate, as well, the 'white book' that's translated into English.

    Here's a discussion about it - it's specific to China, though - http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/228853-notarial-birth-certificate/

    Ignore the bickering, there's nuggets of 'where to go' to get the translation done, get the white book created.

    Thanks for reply, I got the white book (translated and notarized copy), and i am just unsure whether need additional certification from Foreign Affairs Ministry (Consular division)? Since it is to be used in US embassy in Malaysia. I noted that most threads said "white book" is enough, and i am unsure whether is it becos they are all getting interviewed by US embassy in China itself, and since it is documents fron china itself therefore wouldn't need additional certification. Unsure. Pray that the white book is enough, coz i don't have time for additional certification now.

  3. Hello Jamie and Shirley!

    I'm almost at the end of my process but I believe that if you look around in the forums and read this Malaysian thread, you should be able to get an idea what you need to prepare and/or expect. So far, I don't see Malaysians having much of a problem with this process as not many of us do go through this process as some other countries (i.e Philippines, Nigeria, etc).

    My advice is make sure you get your certificate of good conduct two months before your expected NOA2... I made the mistake of waiting until I got my NOA2 so now everything hangs until I can get it before the US Embassy can schedule our interview :( Also, though the website does say that you need to certify your documents, there is a loophole where they will still accept it even if you "forgot" to get them certified. I know, because I did this and panicked and gave them a few frantic calls which they then informed me that they also accept uncertified copies. I wouldn't advise you to get the conduct of good certificate right away, as it is only valid for 6 months and just in case it takes longer than 5 months for you to receive the NOA2, that might just bring on unnecessary stress.

    I would advise you to however continue collecting evidence of your relationship (instant messaging, skype, phone logs, etc) right until your interview. Apparently, there is some level of importance placed on evidence within the time frame of your I129F petition-K1 Visa application.

    Will you be bringing your fiance(e)? to the interview? Though not necessary, I have read that it help a-plenty! Mine will be accompanying me when the time comes.

    Good luck!

    Ps. Though I don't want to infringe on your decision to have a lawyer help you through this process, in all honesty though, a lawyer is not necessary and only adds to the cost. Having a lawyer in no way guarantees an approval. My future brother in law is an immigration lawyer and originally wanted to help us but in the end told us that this was a procedure that the couple can perfectly handle themselves. The only time a lawyer is needed is when you hit some major legal snag (which also, isn't very often). I say save your money until of if that time ever comes.

    Hi Sueling,

    I have been following your posts as i am about to start the process, and you have quite lively discussion. May i know whether the Packet 3 requests for police certificate for < 1 year (not current residence)? Also, i thought that the police certificate is valid for one year until the interview date? So many paperwork and things to watch out for, but i think the end will make it all worthwhile.


  4. Hello

    Hello everyone,

    Need your help urgently!! Have anyone presented Chinese police certificate to US Embassy in KL before? I've finally gotten the certificate notarized today in China but now have doubts whether i need to get it authenticated/certified by Foreign Affairs Department in China before it is accepted by US embassy in KL? Or any foreign police certificate for that matter?

    Thanks a lot! Really confused here. And police certificate is one of common problem area, and i just want to make sure i have done it properly before i leave China on Wednesday. Panicking...

  5. Hey everyone,

    I am new here, and we are now starting K1 process. As me and Chris are both divorcee, and i am now working in a foreign country, this is going to be a long process and this forum is so helpful!

    May i know whether a translation of the divorce decree (for me) is enough, or i need to get the "LETTER OF CONFIRMATION OF MARITAL STATUS" certified by the Consular Division of the Foreign Affairs Ministry too?

    Any fellow malaysian divorcee here who can give me some tips? Thanks so much.

  6. A photocopy of the final decree and a certified translation are fine. NEVER send original documents, always photocopies. (except fprms requiring original signature of one of the parties)

    Hey everyone,

    I am new here, and we are now starting K1 process. I am from Malaysia, and we are both divorcee. This is such a long process and this forum is helpful!

    May i know whether a translation of the divorce decree (for me) is enough, or i need to get the "LETTER OF CONFIRMATION OF MARITAL STATUS" certified by the Consular Division of the Foreign Affairs Ministry too?

    Any fellow malaysian divorcee here who can give me some tips? Thanks so much.

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