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Posts posted by msrinath80

  1. I may be woring about this, but from what I have read on the CIC website I believe that you are still considered a PR of Canada as long as you are witin the 730 days in 5 year rule. To maintain Canadian PR status you must maintain residency for 2 years within a 5 year period. Until you are at the point that you do not fulfil that time, you would still be considered a Canadian PR.

    If you are travelling to Canada, I would bring your Canadian PR card, your green card and your passport. The last couple of times I travelled back to Canada, I was asked for my Green Card when I was entering Canada as well as entering the US, so be prepared to show it going both ways.

    Thanks very much for that verbose reply :-) I'll be sure to take both cards and my passport when I go!

    Have a nice day!

  2. I caved and called DOS just now, was told that my visa has been printed and when I tried to verify beyond that she literally hung up on me mid sentence. That was a little bit startling... No sign of a waybill or anything and no idea *when* it was printed. I know not to 100% trust what I was told but hopefully I'll get an email tonight.

    PS: I've seen people mentioning using the reference number to track, how are you doing that? Using "Shipper reference number" on DHL's website? Or some other method?

    Here you go: The box that says "Reference number".


  3. That's great news! That's like 2 weeks from the time you sent the requested documents! Much quicker then I would have expected.

    I called DOS today and confirmed that my package was received yesterday (and logged). I asked if this meant if it was just received at the consulate or if it went to a real live person. The DOS agent was so sweet - she laughed and said that "yes, that means it was received by a real live person". So I'm assuming that means it's being reviewed right now?

    Did you just wait to hear from them via email or did you make calls to DOS yourself and if so, were they accurate?

    Thanks for sharing your story and updates!


    That's great news! That's like 2 weeks from the time you sent the requested documents! Much quicker then I would have expected.

    I called DOS today and confirmed that my package was received yesterday (and logged). I asked if this meant if it was just received at the consulate or if it went to a real live person. The DOS agent was so sweet - she laughed and said that "yes, that means it was received by a real live person". So I'm assuming that means it's being reviewed right now?

    Did you just wait to hear from them via email or did you make calls to DOS yourself and if so, were they accurate?

    Thanks for sharing your story and updates!


    I don't want to criticize, but the DOS is actually just a chance game. Some people will be more helpful than others and you might actually find out what is happening. Others will be so stubborn and tell you it is in "Administrative processing", and if you ask a followup question, they will actually REPEAT the previous sentence. I still have not received any email from DHL yet. Will wait till monday afternoon before I contact the consulate again. To answer your other question I was in regular email contact with the montreal consulate and I asked them about the status of my case. It took them a few days, but they responded to every email.

  4. Oh my goodness, I can't tell you how great I feel reading this. Here's a link to my situation: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/322962-canadian-cr1-refusal-at-todays-interview-in-montreal-needs-additional-documentation/

    But the long and the short of it I was required to submit my husbands 2010 tax documents after yesterdays interview. DHL is showing that it was received by the MTL consulate this morning. I'm hoping the review and approval will be as quick as yours. Any tips or any follow up from your end you care to share?

    I might actually be able to sleep tonight! Thank you so much for posting this good news.


    Oh my goodness, I can't tell you how great I feel reading this. Here's a link to my situation: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/322962-canadian-cr1-refusal-at-todays-interview-in-montreal-needs-additional-documentation/

    But the long and the short of it I was required to submit my husbands 2010 tax documents after yesterdays interview. DHL is showing that it was received by the MTL consulate this morning. I'm hoping the review and approval will be as quick as yours. Any tips or any follow up from your end you care to share?

    I might actually be able to sleep tonight! Thank you so much for posting this good news.


    Well, if it helps, my interview was on the 5th of July. I was told that everything was in order (except for the joint sponsor package which I did not bring). Then I mailed them that package on the 12th of July (which was received by them on the 13th [http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/320679-sending-documents-to-montreal-via-dhl/]). Later, I get an email from the consulate asking me to send in my passport on the 25th. I sent it on the 26th and they told me that it would probably be out on DHL today :-)

  5. Hi guys,

    Just an update. I got an email from the Montreal consulate telling me that my visa was issued today and will be sent out by DHL tomorrow. For the record, I was asked to send in the i864 for a joint sponsor after the interview which the consulate later processed. I sent my passport to them (at heir request) on the 26th of July and today I got the aforementioned email. Hang in there!

  6. Update: Still no passport. I don't know whether to laugh, cry or have a stroke. No word from the Senators office and nobody wants to help. Consulate says call DHL, DHL says call Consulate. The passport is flying around somewhere. DOS says it was picked up July 7 (don't know who picked it up).

    Not to sound insensitive, but have you tried sending an email to montreal-iv-dv@state.gov? Also, please check your "Spam" folders just in case the email somehow slipped through. I've had DHL return my passport once and they call your cell phone number the day it is ready to pickup. Chances are that it is stuck somewhere in the Montreal consulate itself. I won't pretend to understand what you're going through, because it's hard to be in a situation like this. But it sometimes helps to have some faith and hold on for another week to ten days before you proceed to apply for a new passport. Once my passport got delivered to the wrong address (Canada Post's fault) and it took 35 days after the wrong delivery for the passport to be returned back to me.

    I'd recommend writing a polite email explaining the situation to the Montreal folks. If they did send it out, they MUST have a record of the same. Either a Waybill number or a Shipment Number or something. I'm assuming that you've already logged into your account on http://usvisa-info.com/en-CA/selfservice/login and checked for information pertaining to DHL?

    I really hope you get your passport back. Good Luck, and please keep us informed!

  7. Has anybody here recently (within the last few months) sent any documentation to the US consulate in Montreal via DHL? If so, what mailing address did you use, and why does the DHL "Track and Trace" status page say, it was delivered to DORVAL? Is this normal??

    I've attached a screenshot of the DHL page if it helps.

    PS: I used the following address to send the package:




    Thanks in advance!


  8. hey y'all, i m new to this thread - but i thought it might distract me a lil since i m getting really excited. :help:

    i can t wait for time to pass and finally get this interview done. i think i ll dance through the streets when they tell me everything s fine and the visa will be issued soon. i m scared... what if... guess i m kinda paranoid. this process and the related wait has been so nerve racking so far and i m still scared sth might happen. i can t wait for this to be done - and to be reunited with my hubby after this soooo long time. (L)

    Dear all,

    I'm also new to this thread. I have my CR1 interview scheduled at the Montreal consulate in early July. I'm wondering if someone with experience at this consulate can tell me whether or not my Wife (who is a US citizen) is to accompany me to the interview? The interview letter did not mention anything about bringing her to the interview, but I want to know if it will help or make a difference if she does?

    Thanks for your help!

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