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Status Updates posted by Becky<3Jorim

  1. Im also gonig to marry on the 11the in november

  2. can see the embassy , than go to left and ask officer there if u can just pass there , so u dont need walk around the building =D

    Goodluck with ur interview soon =)

    19the friday im on airplane to FL =)

  3. @ congrats, hope they deliver your 'militiegetuigschrift' soon ;) btw did you went with the train to the embassy ? and if you did, was it easy to access ? @

    Yes it whas easy from trainstation to embassy , i went on foot to there

    its like only 12-15 min walking , its when ur in central u see stairs up , go up there , than go to the park , keep gonig straight in the park ...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melissa and Leo
    3. Melissa and Leo
    4. Sven Nancy

      Sven Nancy

      hi, where are you from?

      I'm from Antwerpen :) filling for spouse visa im waiting for packet IV :)

  5. now i need go bk for the militairy record that i coulnd obtain -.-"

    that paper need be signed by ppl that are only there 1x in a week -.-"

    but now i have prove that i really need it from the embassy from brussels , now thy cant say nothing now , thy have tho do effort now to make me one ^^

    so yeah , when i diliver that paper , thy aprove my application =D

  6. Back home from interview =D

    Im gonig to be aproved when i just deliver my militairy record

    thats the only thing thy neted

    but when i went to my town hall to get it , thy said , we dont find any record of u , i also asked them , cant u just give me prove that im free of militairy service or that u can give me paper that i dont need tho do militair ???

    stupid ppl in the town...

  7. Ty =)

    Today at 2pm is my interview =)

    im NERVOUS =O

  8. My stomage is doing weird lol becauz tomorrow =O

    1. Becky<3Jorim


      tomorrow =OOO

      i have interview =OO

      i hope i dont stress to much cauz i promessed i woulnd stress but that whas like 10 day's ago =S

      now its getting realllly hard to not stress , becauz i have tomorrow the interview =OOO

      Wish me the best of luck please =) =D

    2. Stefaan_Leslie


      no need to be nervous, they are used to it :D

  9. Just send Packet-3 Back to Embassy Brussels , Belgium

    1. Becky<3Jorim


      Just send Packet-3 Back to Embassy Brussels , Belgium

      i have send it trough Taxi Post =D

      within the 24 hours its gonig to be in brussels =D

      and ive only payd 5€ or like 8 usd

      Sended :

      DS-230 x2 (Signed and dated)

      DS-156 x2 (Signed and dated + u need stick 2 foto's 5x5cm , 2x2inch on papers)

      DS-156(k) x1 (Not-Signed)

      I-134 Iffidavit of Support x1 (Signed and dated by my Fianceé)

      I-846 Co-sponsor Iffidavit x1 (Signed and dated by her ...

    2. Becky<3Jorim


      I-846 Co-sponsor Iffidavit x1 (Signed and dated by her mother)

      Police Record x1 (Signed by Brussels and stamped)

      Birthcertificate x1 (Stamped by townhall)

      Checklist (Signed and dated)

      Copy of my Diploma to advoid confusions , i hope i did good

      im stressing and sweating a-lot =\

    3. Stefaan_Leslie


      i didnt knew you actually had to send all those papers ? i thought you just had to bring them to the interview and just send you checklist back ?

  10. Just send Packet-3 Back to Embassy Brussels , Belgium

  11. Just Did Medical and done my X-Ray =D

    1. Becky<3Jorim


      only need 1 injection that i need get at the apotecary and go to my housedocter with the shot and let him do it =)

      so its nice =DDD

  12. My fiancé received his packet 3 today :D I mailed him the affidavit and sponsor papers already :) we're almost there. I can't wait to be with him

  13. I just found out that NVC sent out our k-1 yesterday to the embassy. i cant beleive it. my fiance is sleeping at the moment and i just sent him a text he is a heavy sleeper but he will see it when he wakes up :D i still cant believe it.

    1. Becky<3Jorim


      Hehe Becky <3 ^.^

      yeah i whas sleeping , soory , i did not heard txt =(

      but when i woke up , i whas wondering if u send me a txt back and u did ^.^ and im reading it , and im like =O ^.^ =D

      im like fast go pc to see if ur skype and i red F/b =)

      so i ttys =) i luuv uu =***

  14. congratulations :)

  15. 110 days for my NOA2 felt like years. Just got the Paper in the mail. I'm happy for the email alerts. Now I call NVC automated voice number and check if they received our k-1. im anxious. deep breaths

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Becky<3Jorim


      really? I didn't know that. I was calling everyday typing my Receipt #. I will call for operator from now then. Thanks

    3. Stefaan_Leslie


      good luck with the after-noa2-part now :D

      where do you live in Belgium ?

    4. Becky<3Jorim


      Thanks :) My fiance lives in oostende

  16. ty all =)

    im happy with the Noa2

    but im really stressing about the "affidavit"

    i cannot eat , when im eating i feel like i eat to much and want trow up my food while im eating it =( today i only ate , 8 pancakes and 4 bread slices ...

  17. Congratulations!

    Thanks so much for the Consulate Review.

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