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Mrs. Lantigua

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Status Updates posted by Mrs. Lantigua

  1. A week from today I get to see my love!! yipieeeee!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KRubia
    3. StephanieM


      que envidia! lol how exiciting!

    4. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      but I have no energy to pack...I been sick :(

  2. ayyy Dios mio!! me dijieron que el te d tilo es bueno para calmar los nervios. Me costara bebermelo porque me va a dar te todo!! ughhh Pero gracias a Dios que todo te resulto!! Can't wait to read your story :)

  3. ayyy Dios mio!! me dijieron que el te d tilo es bueno para calmar los nervios. Me costara bebermelo porque me va a dar te todo!! ughhh Pero gracias a Dios que todo te resulto!! Can't wait to read your story :)

  4. Been away for too long...hubby got his Social on Monday...a week after applying for it. Now time to look for a J-O-B!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      Sam, X-mas and our anniversary (12/27) is around the corner *wink,wink* lol

    3. Samantha78


      hey....i have a friend who works in a staffing agency. let me know if you need the connect....i can give you her info. she's always posting good "man" jobs on FB.

    4. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      YES!!! PLEASEEEEEEE!!!! :)

  5. chula te deseo todo lo mejor para este Viernes. Que Dios y la virgen este con ustedes y le den la repuesta que todo aki estamos esperando. Will need to have a double date once he get here :)

  6. Congrats on you muñequita! Find me on FB mcastillo2004@msn.com

  7. cuando tu quieras chula!! Let me know ;)

  8. Getting ready for my inteview Sept. 29th!!!! Where do I started :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      9 cents ea. I'm doing it all online it's 97 cents to ship...can't beat it :)

    3. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      I lied..they charged me $8.04 dol for shipping the total with taxes, shipping and 201 photos is $27.26

    4. Sannybel


      I ordered my pics online and picked them up at Walgreens.. It was suer easy..

  9. Had a Wonderful Christmas with my family...tomorrow is our 1st Anniversary, out to Boston for dinner :)

    1. Samantha78


      Awwww....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Have a great time!

    2. lareinanegra


      Awwww. Happy anniversary.

    3. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      thanks mujeres!! We had a wonderful time ;)

  10. Happy 9th month wedding anniversary with my love and what better way to celebrate it here with my love...it's hot!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      Thanks Steph..with God's grace he will guide us tomorrow at the interview

    3. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      be prepare Rubia! this humidity is nasty ughhh!!

    4. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      awwwww..thanks again Steph

  11. Happy Birthday to the love of my life!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      ayy que Dios te oiga!! ojala que sea hasi!! I will be there 4 days before the interview and I told him no partying until we get approved then we can celebrate both your birthday and the approval

    3. Love2O11


      lol my hubby told me the same thing... no partying til after the interview cuz i get there on a monday, than the next day (tuesday) i will go with him early to pick up the medical records lol and than finally on wednesday the interview :)

    4. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      same her Love! I get there Mon. on Tues he'll pick up his police certificate and Wed we'll got get his medical records and pay banco popular and Thurs is interview and a good day of the week to party lol

  12. Has been getting the hubby ready for the fall/winter season. He's thinks its going to be a "breeze" lol He knows nothing yet!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. KRubia


      don't forget the ice scraper lol

    3. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      eromano he going to need thermal underwears lmao

    4. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      yeah Rubia I might have to scrap him off the ground hahahahahaha

  13. Have a safe flight!! :)

  14. He's not bringing anything other than his clothes. I had that flight last week and it was the best!! No one in the immigration line!! He knows english so he won't have much of a hassle. I told him I'll be waiting for him right outside the doors from the immigration just like he waits for me when I get to Santo Domingo :)

  15. hello!! question: According to your timeline, you filled out an I-130 and I-129F?? Is that accurate?

  16. I booked my hubby flight already!! We really need to meet!! lol

  17. I sent it out the 20th of July and receive and e-mail with an interview date (Sept. 29th) on the 3rd of Aug....good luck

  18. I would love to still keep in touch with all of yous, please send me a request on facebook mcastillo2004@msn.com

  19. I'm here..I'm here!! Sigo en mi luna de miel jijijiji..Como va todo???

  20. I'm in Lawrence....

  21. I'm sorry I just saw this...all they send is an e-mail with ur interview date to both e-mails that's it (hoping it's CR1)!! with that same e-mail he takes it to his medical..it's all in english and it will state if your missing anything to bring it on your interview date

  22. It's been awhile but I figured I update you guys..hubby has his permit to drive, has a great job and LOVES it!! Opened a joint and his own bank account..let's just say he's lovin his new life :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      that's great to hear luv! I'm just glad everything is working out in less than 6 months :)

    3. Matt1968


      That's nice! Glad to hear he's loving it.

    4. Mrs. Lantigua

      Mrs. Lantigua

      thanks Matt he NOW knows the struggles of the USA but also the opportunities

  23. it's been awhile..hope all your journeys have been as wonderful as mine..I'm happy to announce that I have a beautiful baby boy and we are now getting ready to fill out the last of the saga which is the removal of condition

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