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Status Updates posted by SamS

  1. Sitting in Seattle airport right now. The last few days have been a whirlwind but we're finally on our way back home. We're both very excited...

    1. SamS


      We're finally home. Wow, what a journey it's been. Looking forward to our new life together...

    2. Russ and Jie

      Russ and Jie

      Congrats you guys! I was in the Seattle airport on the 19th with my two girls. We waited for 2 1/2 hours for Jie to get through customs! It's been so wonderful since then though.

  2. We did it!!! She passed her interview with flying colors. We are so very happy to finally be at the end of this long journey. Thanks to all of you for the help and support...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. michae1601


      Congratulations, Very happy you guys made it through so quickly. We have our dates on the 15th. I will be leaving for Guangzhou in 2 days. Quick questions, was your fiancee a CCP ? just hoping its not going to cause troubles.

    3. SamS


      No, she is not CCP...

    4. Russ and Jie

      Russ and Jie

      Congratulations to both of you also Sam! Jie told me it wasn't too bad at all. She also told me about the heavy rain. Hopefully you guys didn't get too wet! :-)

  3. I'm off to Guangzhou tomorrow. Gonna take 3 days to get there... Wish us luck!

    1. Russ and Jie

      Russ and Jie

      Good luck Sam! And say "hi" to Jie for me if you see her there! :-)

    2. S&E


      Good luck to both of you. Let us know how it come out.

  4. SamS

    Call the DoS every day. I’m serious… We have been calling every day this week, and one day they said it was still being processed, the next they gave us our interview date. Since your’s is so close to ours, I’m sure you’ll have good news soon.

  5. Have you called the Department of State recently to check on your case status? It seems they are scheduling interviews for people with the same timelines as us. You might check it out...

  6. SamS

    You should call the DoS… Both Russ and I got our interview dates today. We’re both scheduled for the 7th of November. Hope you get the same good news...

  7. Her P-4 packet was mailed today, Oct 20, so we are now waiting for that to arrive with the interview details.

    1. SamS


      She got the P-4 packet yesterday, the 24th, so now we’re all set for the interview. It’s off to China I go… (and we’ll come back together!!!)

  8. We Got It!!! We’ve been calling the DoS every day this week and just got the good news. Our interview is November 7th!!!

    1. Russ and Jie

      Russ and Jie

      Oh that's awesome! I just called after I saw your status update..........and the system is down! Congratulations Sam! Here's hoping I receive the same great news when I call back.

    2. SamS


      Yes, you should call as soon as possible. I’m sure you will have good news as well. We’re both a bit surprised at how little time we have to prepare. Doesn’t leave us much time, but we really don’t care. We’ve been waiting for this forever, it seems. Good luck to you!

    3. S&E


      Congratulation! However, I noticed you sent back the P3 package on 9/20 right? That means our will be a couple of weeks away. Anyway, that's still good news.

  9. What a relief… Phew!

  10. Wonderful news! Guangzhou has finally received our paperwork. My fiancé and I took a risk and had sent off the P-3 paperwork late last month so hopefully we saved even more time. Now we need our interview date….

    1. Russ and Jie

      Russ and Jie

      Congratulations! Jie sent her paperwork off yesterday! I'm pretty nervous waiting to find out when she will have her interview. Unfortunately I won't be able to be there for it.

    2. S&E


      Congratz. Welcome to the waiting-for-interview-club. My finance sent the paperwork yesterday also. LOL.

  11. Called the DOD today and they provided even less information than Guangzhou did… All they can tell me is that the package was sent and GUZ hasn’t received it yet. I kind of figured that out already...

    1. SamS


      I meant DOS...

    2. Russ and Jie

      Russ and Jie

      Yes, it's real hit and miss with the DOS. You can call 3 different times and get 3 different answers.

  12. I’ve tried to track our package with DHL, but I’m not having much luck. Using the date the NVC gave us shows no packages sent. Emails to GUZ is frustrating because they say they have not received our file.

    1. SamS


      Frustrating is an understatement...

    2. Angela M.

      Angela M.

      try adjusting the date either to the day before or after :-)

    3. carolynhotstuff


      Sam you are blessed that the embassy answers your emails. Give it a little more tie to get there and you can also call Dept of State to check your case status.

  13. Waiting for our case file to be delivered to GUZ. It’s incredible how much our case has slowed down now. Also incredibly frustrating...

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