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Posts posted by Cazwik

  1. Hello all , just a little advise...

    I am currently stationed overseas about to go back to the states, In July I went to the Philippines and spent a month with my fiance. I was waiting to file the K-1 for when I got back to the states because I still need my decree from my last marriage which was a horrible failure from the start. Anyway , its a little while and she let me know shes positive. I already hired a immigration lawyer and got started on the paperwork but she let me know that she has to get to the states before she is 8 months pregnant... If the Visa don't go through by then , what happens and how do I go about getting both the my child and her to the states? (and yes i m 100% its mine) Do I have to go through the whole process and pay all the fees all over again ?

    I know , I should ask my lawyer but they are closed becasue of the holidays and I am just really nervous and stressed to see if anyone else was in this situation...


  2. When did this new change took effect ?? My fiancee had an interview on May 20 and I did not submit a DS-160 before I schedule her interview .She was approved without it . Where did you get this ''information ''. What do you mean by 'NOW ''? Sounds bogus to me :thumbs:

    Man I am so confused and I havn't even started the process yet... Is there anything else different in the philippines that I should know about before I start?

  3. Hello Cazwik,

    my fiance lives in the single soldiers housing/ barracks in US. Dependents, friends, family are not allowed to stay there even for a night, as you may know. Thus, fiance arranged a living arrangement with a unit buddy living on a housing on-post for military members and their dependents. That is the address we included in our I-129F, and made an attachment explaining the above reason I stated, thus, making the arrangement temporary, and then he further added "....until my fiancee and I find a home that will suit our needs."

    For proof of relationship, try to gather the primary evidences such as boarding passes, passport stamps, etc. We included ticket stubs of the places that we went to when I visited US, which were backed up by the photos we attached. Further, it may not be necessary at the I-129F stage, but we included a business card and affidavits of my fiance's recruiter and wife, whom I became close friends with during my vacation. That was upon the suggestion of an immigration lawyer. So if any of your NCOs met your fiancee, include any proofs that may show she is already a part of your future plan. Military stresses the importance of family and soldiers' welfare, I believe.

    I think there had been an increase in the application fee for 1-129F since we filed in Dec. Other senior VJ members may help u better with your third concern. :blush:

    I was told that USCIS handle petitions from military members like they do w/ everyone else. In our case however, we were extremely lucky that we never received any RFEs, and got approved for an expeditious processing of the I-129F. During my interview, I was not asked of any other documents aside from the basics (my CENOMAR, NBI and police clearances, my birth certificate, my fiance's 2010 tax forms and his LES). My interview w/the consul lasted 5 minutes max I think, and that was because i made some comments on the side while he was leafing thru our papers (as an example, when he asked if I would be marrying my man and living with him, i answered, "for sure. after almost 9 years in the relationship, its about time that we did, before my biological clock and his hair follicles give up on us" :rofl: Both the Filipino interviewer and consul were chuckling while I was answering their questions. The consul's parting words to me were, "Well, I'll have to cancel your B2 visa since you won't be needing it anymore." Im not exactly sure if my experience was because the petitioner is a military member, or because of the presentation of documents both for I-129 F and interview proper (I was almost disappointed that they did not even ask to see the files I brought at USEM :bonk:) or because of the length of the relationship, or even because of the other visas stamped in my passport, but whatever it may have been, I'm glad that lady luck has been smiling on us since we started the journey. :star:

    Again, I am not in the best position to answer your end note, but it is to my belief that yes, you may file for the application while you are still abroad, and indicate through attachments the expected day of your unit's pull-out, arrival, and other plans. Ask a trusted family member to file it once you have completed the requirements. choose a trusted parcel carrier. Other VJ members are free to correct me on this.

    I wish you the best on your journey! :thumbs:

    Thank you for your info! I noticed your timeline went pretty quick , was this because he was military as well?

    Also I notice you went and lived with him in the Us for 6 monthes, How did you acclompish that ? My fiance tells me a tourist visa for her is almost impossible to get??

  4. "the instructions in this website exactly. You will be eligible for an expedite. Yes, this process is expensive, but you will need to qualify for 100% of the poverty line for your household (2?). This will help you for all other non-military petitioners need to be 125% of the poverty line for a household. Study the guides here. Gather everything that is required as far as evidence of the meeting in person, letter of intent, the 129F form, G135 etc.."

    That was another question I had. where I have to show proof of being being able to provide , I'm sure the Embassy is aware of the increase of pay we receive to support our family in the military right ? Would I have to put something else to show that ? How do I go about the Expedite ?

    Also another concern of mine is , I was recently in a marriage... Now divorced. That marriage was a disaster before it happened... kinda rushed and we both regret it. It took so long to end because of me being overseas...but we were seperated pretty much 3 days after we married....thats another story for another place.... Will that be a problem as long as i have the divorce documents?

    "BTW, where are you stationed on the ROK. I was in Ioujonbiu at Camp Stanley back in 1992-1993. B Company, 2nd Aviation BN, 2nd Division. I had a good time their although I was married at the time. And while you are visiting her later this year, try and get most of the paperwork completed. Some forms need her signature. This will save you so much headache down the road."

    I am in Camp Casey 2ID B 1-72 AR Infantry Attachment. I love Korea , its where I met my sweetheart. But I hate the unit! They work us to death here, I was going to extend to marry her , but my chain don't like us Marrying Philippinas ... there was a guy here who extended to marry and the chain took so much time , he is about to leave after 2 years being here and still is not married to his baby's mother. Thats why I am just going back to Carson and filing a K-1. Its to bad , because I really liked Korea , but the NCOS here and the leadership is horrible. I just did the Manchu march yesterday and my body is killing me! Thank god I am off today, first weekend off in like a month! and its a 4 day.. plenty of time to recover :) .

    back to the documents ... putting where she intends to live - If I put my parents address in maryland and explain that is where Iwill be when she arrives (We plan to get married in my home town , and i was going to take leave when it went through , so thats where she would stay untill I got a home in Carson for us ) should that be ok ?

    Thanks for the Info , its helping out alot!

    P.S besides the Intend for marriage , what other documents need her signature? I can't seem to find the others?

  5. So I am stationed in Korea and plan on trying to get my philippina finance back to the states with me on a K-1 when I go home. We are getting the paperwork ready to submit as soon as I get back to the states in September. I was filling out the paperwork and on the line that read " where does she intend to live" I came to a blank. I will be living in Colorado, Ft. Carson , but I was planning on ( if this gets approved ) to bring her to my hometown and take leave to marry her there when she comes. So would it be ok to put my parents address for the time being ? Because untill were together , I will be living in barracks... and I can't put that hehe...

    Another question was for proof of relationship. We have a ton of pictures together , and I will have one plane ticket receipt for when I got visit her back in the philippines next month... Will that be enough? ( she was here working and went back in May) Should I dig out anything else or make any other proof of relationship?

    Also I was looking around and I was trying to see the price for the Visa. Is it 1800 for the whole process ( not including the plane ticket and such ) and what if it is denied , so I have to submit a another 1900 to reapply ? Just trying to get my self mentally prepares... I m kinda nervous about the whole start of this...

    Any advice or common mistakes to avoid would be great , Thanks for all your help in advance... I hope you guys will be with me through this process to come. Does the military usually have more of a headache when applying ? ( I know its a headache to try and get married here , thats why I am waiting till I go back to the states.

    P.s , Could we actually submit the paperwork without me in the states to get a early start?

  6. So here is my situation... Its pretty complicated.

    I joined the military a year ago today. Afterwards I was married , but blindly to the wrong women. My first duty station was korea, shortly after I found that my current wife was cheating and running around with another... I guess thats the way it works sometimes.. So we decided to divorce but of course the process isn't so easy overseas. It was uncontested and everything is finally coming to a end with her. Now with that , I met a good filipina here who captured my heart. She treats me better than any other has before. She was working here on a visa , and recently went back to the pines.

    So I decided to Marry the right one this time... Of course in Korea the process is harder for a American Soldier. She went home in May 1st , I am leaving in September to head to FT. Carson. I would of tried to marry her here , but my divorce didn't go through quick enough and the chain won't let me because my divorce was final just recently... Oh well.

    I am going to visit her in August to meet her family and see how she really lives. I'm excited. We want to marry in February... I was going to extend here , but lets just say life is miserable here as a Infantry man, so I decided to take my orders back to the states. She is worried that I will go back and realise how hard the process is and drop her... but I been through a lot of women , and finally this one gives me at ease feeling. I really want to see this through.

    So My question is ... Would it be easier to marry her in the philippines and try for a CR1 Visa? Or try to bring her to the states on a K-1 Visa? how much time and money am I looking at for each and can I start some of the paper work now ? I have been trying to follow the posts on the steps but I pretty much don't know where to start. If I am stationed in the states , do I still need a commanders approval? I heard somewhere its alot faster to do a CR-1, but I know the plane ride after I leave here will be like 2000$ ... haha , not looking forward to that...Also ... will my recent divorce give me any trouble with marrying her in the future?

    Thanks for the Info !

    ~P.S~ Please , no put downs. I know all the horror story's. This is not my first Rodeo.Life is funny... After coming here and living here for a year , I realised alot of american women could learn something from the eastern culture. Not just because they are submissive , but they give back what you put in, and they know how to love. I know there are good American women out there too , but they are a dime a dozen. Please help me out...

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