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Posts posted by pinoygwapo

  1. $350.00 USD If she goes to the Thai Post and tells them that she wants to pay the fee for K-1 Visa Application they should know, if not then I would just have her try to find one that does but the fee is $350.00 USD not $131

    That's right! From where I live, pay at post for the US Embassy K1 visa is not available, so, I had to find the closest proximity. SO I took a day off from work and went off to Bangkok and did the payment of the visa, and of course, since I live far, I see to it that I would maximize my time. Right there and then, I sent my packet 3 back to the Embassy (the same day I paid for my visa fee).

  2. You will feel like its never going to happen. You watch others as they get called & then their reaction to what happened. You fear the evil officer you heard about. You think " I should be next". You arent. Finally they call you. You think " Oh no, I am not ready".

    Ten minutes at the window. Then rushing to get your cell phone back & run outside. Stabbing the numbers to call the USC to tell them its over. You feel like there is one more thing you forgot to do. There is. Get to the airport!

    Then begin the next list of things you have to do. But this time you will have a partner to help you along. This is the real beginning.

    Ning, if there is anything as "exact" thing a person wanna hear or read, this is it! Thanks, you definitely sketched the anxiety, excitement and nerves that I had and would feel, till I get to my very turn. Thanks heaps, it's always a treat to bump into your "great wisdom". :)I would call you, the VJ Guru!

  3. I wasn't there for an interview. I was there trying to inquire on a previous K-3 application. I am american by the way. I felt like i wanted to stab a stake through my eyes as they continue to play the Armed forces Network on their TVs or even CNN, you only can take so much. Can't they play some cartoons to lighten the mood?

    Hahahaha :) cartoon sounds fun! I know, or, perhaps, NCIS or Law and Order. It would be a big treat for me, as I love those kinds of police and investigation type of TV flicks! :)

  4. give it a go! It takes guts when you know you will rock it the second time around. I have heard some people they do not want to live in the U.S yet because the USC prefers to live with the beneficiary's home country, which could be true to some. So, going to the U.S is solely for visiting friends, family and relatives or just simply having vacations. If you could prove the interviewing officer the need to go back, well, surely you will MOST likely get approved. Just present your case and documents very well.

    give it a go! It takes guts when you know you will rock it the second time around. I have heard some people they do not want to live in the U.S yet because the USC prefers to live with the beneficiary's home country, which could be true to some. So, going to the U.S is solely for visiting friends, family and relatives or just simply having vacations. If you could prove the interviewing officer the need to go back, well, surely you will MOST likely get approved. Just present your case and documents very well.

  5. I have heard that it's a good idea to have your plane tickets at the interview, but why? It doesn't prove anything; as most of you know, buying round trip can even be cheaper. Secondly, I like to use cheapoair.com and the like, and they don't do refunds. Do they really expect you to spend $1000+ before you know if you can actually use the tickets?

    in case you don't get your visa, you will lose the money. So, that means, sorrow and lost.!

  6. Who filed? My Peruvian spouse (then GF)

    What country? Peru

    What documents did they bring to the interview?

    Too many...

    From me (USC):

    - Letter to consulate asking for her to get a B2 Visa

    - Invitation letter stating why I want her to visit with me and where we will be in the US

    - Letter from my employer saying I work in Peru and my salary

    - Copy of my employment contract

    - My bank statements from USA and Peru

    - Copy of my passport

    - Copy of my Carne de Extranjeria

    - Letter from me stating my financial responsibility for her during the trip

    - Letter stating I will ensure her return to Peru

    From her (Peru citizen):

    - Letter from her employer stating her position and salary

    - Her Peru bank statements

    - Copy of her medical degree(s) diplomas

    - Affidavit showing personal property she owns in Peru (car, apartment, etc)

    - Affidavit of return assurance

    What questions were asked in the interview?

    She told me she was asked only 4 questions: Why she is going. Who I was to her. What my job was in Peru. How she met me.

    Questions asked at POE?

    - Who is she visiting

    - Where she was going in the US

    - How long you staying

    - Why so long of stay (3 weeks)

    Did you do a letter of invitation for the family member(s)?

    - Yes, I wrote a letter of invitation

    Any tips?

    - Take everything and anything that this site recommends. Better too much than not enough. All the stuff she took, they didn't ask to see. But we both felt better that she had it in case they wanted extra stuff.

    wow! this is more than just tips, they are give-aways! stories like this one make me jump up and down. I rejoice with you, guys!

  7. To answer some of your questions.

    First, yes, you can do that. You can use an A4 paper and attached the photos. Either you print them off from a Word format, or, actually pasting on actual photo prints from any KODAK shops, is fine. Some people, didn't label them, some did. But if you would label them, it wouldn't hurt you, would it?

    Second, I will again, tell you, some did put tons of photos, some didn't. Just a few pages of A4, say 3-5 pages will do.

    Third, when my fiancee filed the 129F, she did a cover letter containing the indices and or appendices of each section and label them. Through that way, they can easily locate which is which.


    Fourth, I do not know really

    Fifth, I guess, the actual Bulgarian Card which was written in Roman is fine, if you could attach the translation, it is fine. But, I guess, not mandatory.

  8. i have read tons of us visa interview experiences(US embassy in Bangkok). they are kinda mean but we have to accept that some thai women plan to do illegal stuff in legal way, so they have to be really strict. at US embassy in Bangkok, there's a woman (interviewer) that is very very strict, and so mean. every girls who interviewed with her wrote that the way she speaks to the girls is so cold, she throws the documents to the person who her interviewing instead of hand them back nicely, and lots more but i cant describe all because my english is not good enough. i hope that i dont get to interview with her,i cant take the situation like that because my mind is too weak lol i'd cry in front of her if she insults me lol.

    It is always scary and nerve-racking to be on the "hot seat" especially with a cold, stringent, detrimental interviewing officer. I wonder who would interview me as well. I am wishing and praying that it would be someone nice, and I hope it goes as well for you, and for the rest of us here. Good Luck!

  9. I see your point but she remains a Thai citizen so has to prove beyond a doubt that she would return. We were told they believed our story but couldnt issue a tourist visa. They said it was a catch 22 which I had never heard of before that day. I know many Thais that would love to have a tourist visa & use it to gain entry only to never be seen again.

    I can only say that in my five experiances with the U S embassy visa section I never had nor ever heard them speak to anyone in the way described. In fact when there was a huge problem with my case they went out of their way to help us including meeting us outside the building to bring me some documents. When they admitted they made a mistake in my interview date they allowed us to pick any day we wanted for the interview.

    Any Thai that wants a tourist visa should study the strongest ties rule & do what they can to conform. If they dont or cant they will never get the visa.

    well-explained! I love your thoughts on this sensitive matter, Ning! Thank you!

  10. hey im going to use whatsapp chat history too. now what im concerned is we have to read from bottom to top. that might make the interviewver confused.

    i printed out only 2 months chat and its 1785 pages lmao. i just received NOA2 too and i expect my interview around the end of March. ^_^

    I would believe any communicative form of technology is accepted. I submitted Facebook messages since we exchanged messages through Facebook. Also, as soon as I found out we can do "Facebook group" that's solely ours to look at, write on, and read on, we take advantage of that. We leave short notes and messages through that. I did print screens for that as well. As the saying goes "welcome to the new millennium!

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