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Status Updates posted by PetiteYellow

  1. Hey, your I-130 was approved in 111 days from your NOA1 date. That was very fast, awesome! mine is 270 days, sigh :( Hope NVC will speed up for your case, goodluck :)

  2. SIF today! couldn't be any happier, alhamdulillaaaah

    1. Icha


      subhanallah.....congrats dear mmouuaaachhhh....i'm happy for you mmouuacchh again lol

    2. Alberto&Asni


      Alhamdulillah ;) Congratulation ya!

    3. PetiteYellow


      makasih icha, tenkyu asni.. I hope you gals get your visa fast and smooth :)

  3. still have not been notified when the interview date, 2 weeks past already *sigh*

    1. Icha


      udh coba telpon NVC nya belom?

    2. PetiteYellow


      uda, selalu.. tp msh sama jwbnnya.. msh suruh nunggu :(

  4. still have not been notified when the interview date :(

  5. way woi way wai, uda kaya tarzan :}

  6. please please please, gimme the date for the interview

  7. audy, aku add fb km yah :)

  8. Lori, how are you? any news lately? do you have fb or ym? so we can keep in touch. take care.

  9. yes, we have to wait at leat 20 days for the NVC to reviewed our documents. I keep checking too in the Automated Voice Record and also try to sign in and hope sign in fail soon, it means the case is close/finished. :)

  10. wah iya bener tha, aku br liat itu link http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_255794479787

    membernya jg uda banyak yah 300an. tp ga seakrab ky dr visa journey ini kaya nya tha, itu lbh global. tp lumayan jg buat share info.

  11. asik ada grup di fb kumpulan org2 indo di visa journey link nya http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_150886371647558

    1. Icha



  12. km interviewnya tgl brp? trs diksh taunya lwt apa? dr diksh tau itu smp hr interviewnya brp lama jaraknya say?

  13. Ok tha, btw interview date itu nanti di telp ma NVC ke kita ya tha? dr diksh tau itu smp ke interview date nya sendiri brp hr jaraknya?

  14. nur, aku add fb km yah. fb aku dina aprilia :)

  15. hi cecil, km uda di us ya skr?

  16. fb aku dina aprilia :D

  17. em, aku add fb km yah

  18. Tha, where did u get medical check up? and how much does it cost? kamu ada fb ga?

  19. stef, aku add fb km yah. nama aku di fb dina aprilia

  20. stef, where did u get medical check up? and how much does it cost?

  21. neno, where did u get medical check up? and how much does it cost?

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