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  • Our Story
    Write our story? How do I write this story? Maybe I should start by writing to you Luciana. When I met you I was coming out of the depths of my faults a dark place that I did myself nobody made my decisions, I did. I didn’t give up on life I just thought this is the way things would be. I think I gave up on the thought of love. Well a love that when I wake up I would be next to somebody that for the rest of my life this person would be by my side. We met Luciana online, you from Brazil me United States. Oh my from the beginning we had conversations like we have known each other forever. I could talk to you about anything. Still, you were there, I was here. After the first time we talked I thought about you day and night. I thought that if I lived in Brazil I could be a good friend to you but if I could just have this special relationship with this beautiful sweet lady well I’ll do this and wait for the day that she says “I’m sorry Matt but I found somebody and it wouldn’t be nice to speak with you the way we have. Of course it didn’t take long for our affection to evolve into an interest, an interest that went beyond a friendship a relationship that involved feelings I haven’t felt before. For me to say that I could or would fall in love with you was almost unthinkable. I didn’t want to let myself feel these things for what I thought the outcome would eventually be. But we talked, and we talked some more. I found myself looking forward to our next conversation, what would the next conversation be about?? I learned about you, your life, your struggles, your experiences. I also told you mine, my family, my faults, my mistakes, and my dreams. But, how long would these dreams last with this beautiful wonderful woman I was communicating with? You came out and told me you loved me Luciana. I didn’t want to believe it. There is a saying, “if it’s too good to be true it probably is! I thought, watch out Matt, don’t let yourself be let down. But at work, I would dream of what Brazil would be like, what would it be like if I really did come see this girl???? Wait a minute!!! This is not possible. I remember you saying Matt, I promised myself if I ever love that I wouldn’t hold back. But was this just talk from you?? Honey I know what I was thinking!! I was thinking I could fall in love, BUT HOW?? How would we make this work. You were persistant, telling me everyday even when I wouldn’t admit I loved you, you would tell me you loved me. So I began to DREAM, daydream, who is this woman in person?? Is she for real, would we have these feelings together. And from the very beginning we were very voc al and passionate and sometimes blunt as to what we expected. We haven’t even met!!! But I wanted to, I wanted to do something that I have never done before. For the first time in my life I said I will take a road that is so uncertain but this uncertainty is worth the risk of everything failing. We made plans, we spoke of our love we spoke of our dreams TOGETHER and we both knew we had to meet. And we did. Luciana when I walked off of that plane, when I saw you for the first time everything I said went out the door!! When I saw you walking towards me I knew I had to be a man and this was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I couldn’t make out with you, I had to treat you like the woman you are. I was mesmorized and I was not lusting for you, I wanted to love you and I wanted you to love me. So we waited for the bus and all I could do was at that time say “thank you God” you have truly shown my that dreams can come true, but only if you follow those dreams. I was eager to meet your mother, I was eager to see Brazil and I loved seeing the ocean for the first time with my future wife and we did baby. We took our time that day. When we made it to our place and we started to kiss each other, feel each other, hold each other and I knew I never wanted anything else. You were the one. You know the story honey, everything else is history. The best time of my life was spent in your arms. We were engaged 3 days after we met each other physically but it was like we have already lived a life together. We danced, we drank wine, we walked on the beach, we held each others hands and we lived life. For me, I was living life for the first time in my life. You have shown me a life that I thought by no means was possible, you showed me that anything is possible and thank god what is possible is our love for each other. So now we have been away, counting the days to see each other again. Often we get upset with each other and we get upset with the circumstances that we face. But for me Luciana, not for a minute would I want to be without you or to give up. Sometimes we can’t feel the others passion but we are still here, still dreaming and still working for the dream we want to live together. I believe when we reunite again it will be the last time we have to be away like this. I believe that both you and I need a love that is CONSTANT, not a love that is only so often we enjoy each other. I believe that we need each other day and night, week after week, year after year and finally a love that ultimately lasts a lifetime. Yes others can’t see this love as possible but that is irrevelent. WE KNOW, and NOTHING will stop our determination to make this dream come true. Luciana, you have been my love of my life before I even spoke your name. You have been the reason I have lived and the purpose for my future, OUR FUTURE. Don’t ever think different baby. We are close baby, with some more frustration of waiting. But soon that waiting is over and we will be together hand and hand for as long as we live. It’s an honor you will be my wife, you are the best person I have ever met and you are my best friend. For this no words can ever express my gratefulness for something I do not deserve.

    I Love you and I always will Luciana,

    With all my love I say this!!!

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